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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Settler Returns

These are the final settler returns for each party, transcribed from CO48/47 at the National Archives, Kew, London. They formed the basis of "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash, although there are some differences, as she used returns held at the Cape as well. Earlier versions of the returns can often be found amongst the 1819 settler correspondence. With the exception of capital letters for surnames, the tables are true transcriptions of the file in the National Archives, although occasionally comments have been added below in square brackets. The returns held in the Cape Archives can be found in CO6138 Volumes 1 and 2. 

There are no returns in CO47/48 for Charles CAMPBELL, Richard DANIELL, Christopher THORNHILL or William WAIT, all of whom sailed later (see post 1820 correspondence), or for the ill-fated RUSSELL's Party who sailed on the Abeona. There is also no return for WILKINSON's Party, who sailed in the privately chartered Amphitrite, but the names are listed in the returns for NIGHTINGALE's Party transcribed from CO6138/2/104 at the Cape Archives. The return for STANLEY's Party can be found in his correspondence dated 4th January 1820, although an earlier return from the Cape Archives (CO6138) is transcribed here.

MAHONY's Party


RETURN of SETTLERS proceeding to the CAPE OF GOOD HOPE under the Direction of Mr. Thos. MAHONY, 53 Charles Street, Westminster

Total Number of the Men 16
Total Number of the Women 10
Total Number of Persons above Fourteen Years of Age 5
Total Number of Children under Fourteen Years of Age 11
Total Number of the Whole Party 42
Total Amount of Deposit Money for the Whole Party £190


Names of the Men
Profession or Trade Names of the Women
Names of the
Male Children
Names of the
Female Children
Deposit Money
payable by the
respective settlers
Thos. MAHONY 35 
Architect, Surveyor
& Engineer 
Ann 36  Dan'l 13  Eliza  14  15 
George HAMLEY  36 Carpenter  Sarah 36  George  9 Sarah 16   
          Fredrick  Eliza  14   
              Jemima  11  22:10 
Jerem'h BEATMAN [sic]  32  Gardener              10 
Wm. JUSON  25  Farmer              10 
George TOMLIN  29  do  Hariot  25          10 
Sam'l JEFFRIES 35  do  Mary  30          10 
Edward SHEARAN 23  do  Ellen  24          10 
Dennis HOLLAND  40  do  Mary 35  John 16  Mary  17   
Dennis HOLLAND  18        Daniel  13  Ellen  30 
James McFARLANE  40                10 
James McFARLANE 18                10 
Cornelius LAMB  30  do  Margaret 23          10 
Florence CARTY 27  Cooper              10 
Rich'd FREEMANTLE  38  Wheelwright  Sarah  31 John 13  Eliza  
          George      12:10 
Andrew CONWAY  35  Mason  Ann 30  Michael Eliza  10 
Al'ander PATTEN  37  Painter & Glaizier  Jane  34          10 


[From The Settler Handbook by M.D.Nash: A more reliable source of names than the Agent of Transports' list, in this case, is the agreement signed by MAHONY and his servants in the Downs off Deal after the party had sailed. A comparison of the two lists suggests that James MACFARLAND Snr and Jnr, Florence CARTY, George HAMBLIN Snr and Jnr, Alexander PATTEN and Charles (or Cornelius) LAMB, whose names appear on the Agent's list, did not in fact sail with the party. They seem to have been replaced by Richard FREEMANTLE Jnr, Samuel FREEMANTLE, Thomas ALDER, John SHEARAN, Dennis SULLIVAN (all of whom signed the agreement) and Thomas BERRINGTON]

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Settler Returns listing