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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

HMS Weymouth - Log and Muster

HMS Weymouth

The Weymouth was used to transport 11 parties of 1820 settlers from Portsmouth to Algoa Bay (Port Elizabeth). Such passenger lists as remain are in the Cape Archives but listings taken from their holdings, as well as a lot of background information on the emigration scheme and further details about many of the settlers, can be found in ‘The Settler Handbook’ by M.D.Nash, Chameleon Press 1987(ISBN 0 620 10940 8), available from the Albany Museum, Somerset Street, Grahamstown 6139, South Africa. The National Archives at Kew, London, hold the captain’s log (ADM51/3543) and the second master’s log (ADM52/4655) as well as the ship’s muster roll. At first sight the two logs seem identical but there are subtle differences in the information they contain. Below are transcriptions of the captain’s log (ADM51/3543) and the muster roll for 1820 (ADM37/6146)

ADM51/3543 LOG OF HMS WEYMOUTH (1819-20)
Mr.Richard Turner, Master

National Archives, Kew, London

Some abbreviations have been expanded for the sake of clarity. Other abbreviations occurring frequently in the log are:
Do = ditto
Qt = quantity

Thursday 16 December 1819 – Portsmouth Harbour
am: Light breezes and clear
8: Do weather. Employed hoisting in provisions and other necessary duties.
The settlers came on board at noon. Do weather. Employed stowing the hold.
Mustered for Checques, discharged several of the crew. Employed stowing the holds. Midnight: Strong winds

Friday 17 December 1819
am: Strong breezes with rain
8: Do weather. Employed cleaning decks and stowing chain cables.
Do weather. Employed as before.
Midnight: Do weather

Saturday 18 December 1819
am: Strong breezes and rain. Employed clearing lighter of provisions.
Pm: More moderate. Employed cleaning decks.
Midnight: Fine weather

Sunday 19 December 1819
am: Light breezes and fine.
Noon: Do weather
Pm: Moderate breezes and hazy.
Midnight: Squally weather.

Monday 20 December 1819
am: Light winds with rain. Employed stowing water and provisions.
pm: Do weather. Employed as before. Artificers fitting settlers berths.
Midnight: Do weather

Tuesday 21 December 1819
am: Fresh winds and frosty weather. Employed as requisite. Received one hundred and eighty pounds of fresh beef and sixty pounds of vegetables. Employed as before.
pm: Do weather

Wednesday 22 December 1819
am: Light winds and clear frosty weather. Received 16 hogsheads of beer qt 1022 gallons Artificers employed fitting settlers berths
pm: Do weather. Employed stowing provisions
Midnight: rainy

Thursday 23 December 1819
am: Fresh breezes with rain. Employed as requisite
pm: Do weather. Mustered and Checques
Midnight: Fine weather

Friday 24 December 1819
am: Fresh breezes with snow. Rec’d 569 lbs of fresh beef and 80 lbs of vegetables Employed as requisite
pm: Do weather. Employed as before
Midnight: Frosty

Saturday 25 December 1819
am: Fresh breezes with frost.
Noon: Do weather
pm: Moderate
Midnight: Fine clear weather

Sunday 26 December 1819
am Fresh breezes with frost and snow.
Noon: Do weather
pm: Do weather
Midnight: Fine weather

Monday 27 December 1819
am: Strong gales
Noon: Do weather. Employed stowing provisions
pm: Do weather
Midnight: Do weather

Tuesday 28 December 1819
am: Light winds and fine. Rec’d 689 lbs of beef and 80 lbs of vegetables. Open flour No184 qt 345 lbs
pm: Do weather
Midnight: Do weather

Wednesday 29 December 1819
am: Light breezes with rain. Employed as necessary
pm: Do weather. Employed as before.
Midnight: Do weather

Thursday 30 December 1819
am: Strong breezes with heavy rain. People employed stowing the holds
pm: Do weather Employed as before.
Departed this life Elizth JAMES settler’s wife. Sent the corpse on shore to be interred.
Midnight: Do weather

Friday 31 December 1819
am: Strong breezes with snow. Variously employed. Opened pease qt 5 bushels and cocoa qt 112lbs
pm: Employed getting ready to go out of harbour.
Midnight: Fine weather.

Saturday 1 January 1820
am fresh breezes. People employed as necessary
pm: Do weather with snow.
Midnight: Clear

Sunday 2 January 1820
am: Light breezes with rain.
Noon: Do weather
pm: Strong breezes with snow
Midnight: Frosty.
Departed this life Thos JAMES (settler’s child). Sent body to be interred.

Monday 3 January 1820
am: Strong breezes with snow
8: Squally. Down royal yards. Employed getting ready for going out of the harbour. Made signal with a gun for assistance
9: Pilot came on board
10:30: Cast off from the buoy and made sail out of the harbour.
pm: Moderate and fine. Trimmed sails occasionally.
12:40 Short’d sail and came to with the SB in fathoms water 14 Monckton fort [W?] South Sea Castle NE 2 furled sails and discharged the pilot.
Midnight: Calm and fine.

Tuesday 4 January 1820
am: Calm and fine
4: Employed as requisite
10:30: Pay clerks came on board and paid the ship’s company for 6 months
pm: Light winds
Midnight: Fine

Wednesday 5 January 1820
am: Moderate and fine
8: Do weather. Employed stowing booms and boats
pm: Do weather
Midnight: Do weather

Thursday 6 January 1820
am: Moderate and fine
pm: Do weather
12: Do weather

Friday 7 January 1820
am: Moderate and fine
8: Moderate and cloudy. Employed getting ready for sea
Noon: Do weather
pm: Fresh breezes
4:30: Up anchor and made sail to the west
9: Hove to. In Cutter and Pinnace
11: Filled and made sail
12: Strong breezes and cloudy

[Whilst actually at sea the log becomes more formalised, with a section each day for am and pm divided by bearings and distance information taken at noon]

Saturday 8 January 1820
am: Strong breezes and cloudy
2: In top gallant sails
4: Do weather. Portland lights NNW 3 leagues
8: Do weather
11: Reefed and set the mainsail
12: Do weather with snow
Bearings and distance at noon Bolt Head N6 W 4 leagues
pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy
4: Do weather
Opened 2 casks of beef Nos 2161 and 2181 qt 38 pieces each and pork 2 casks Nos. 625 and 1379 qt 80 pieces each
8: Squally
12: Weather with a swell from the eastward

Sunday 9 January 1820
am: Fresh breezes and cloudy
2:30: Set top gallant sails
4: Do weather with snow. Out reef of the mainsail and set the jib
5: In main top gallant sail
Noon: Strong breezes and squally
Bearings and distance at noon Port Santo S 25 W 980 miles
pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
12: Squally

Monday 10 January 1820
am: Fresh breezes with squalls
1: Carried away the jib pennant down
4: Do weather
Opened 2 casks of pease qt 5 bushels each
7: Made sail occasionally
8: Moderate and cloudy
Noon: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon Port Santo 24 W 832 miles
pm: Moderate and cloudy
1: Squally. Carried away the fore and main top gallant masts. Employed getting do on deck
4: Squally with rain. In 2nd reef of topsails
6: Do weather. Carpenters employed fitting top gt masts
8: Do weather
12: Do weather

Tuesday 11 January 1820
am: Fresh breezes and cloudy
4: Do weather
8: Do weather
9:30: Out 2nd reef of topsails. Set larboard fore topmast and studding sail
Noon: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon Porto Santo 22W 644 miles
pm: Moderate and cloudy with rain at times. Trimmed sails occasionally
4: Do weather
6: Do weather Carpenters employed as before
8: Do weather
12: Do weather

Wednesday 12 January 1820
am: Moderate and fine. Set larboard fore studding sails
Departed this life the infant son of Sam'l JAMES (settler)
4: Do weather
8: Do weather
9:30: Studding sails and trimmed sails on the starboard tack
12: Moderate and fine
Bearings and distance at noon Port Santo S54W 532 miles
pm: Moderate and cloudy. Carpenters employed as before
2: Wind veered round to NW squally. Lowered the topsails and in 2nd reef of do.
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8 Do weather
12: Moderate and fine

Thursday 13 January 1820
am: Moderate and fine
4: Do weather
6: Committed the body of the above infant to the deep
8: Calm. Fidded main top gallant mast. Employed rigging do
12: Light airs and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon Porto Santo S25W 460 miles
pm: Light variable winds with rain at times. Trimmed sails occasionally
4: Do weather
7: In 2nd reef of topsails
8: Do weather with rain
10: Do weather. Set the topsails
12: Do weather

Friday 14 January 1820
am: Fresh breezes and fine
4: Do weather
6: Do weather. Carpenters employed fitting fore top gallant mast
8: Do weather. Set larboard lower and top mast studding sails
12: Moderate and fine. 1 sail in sight
Bearings and distance at noon Porto Santo S26W 370 miles
pm: Light winds and fine. Employed setting up the rigging
4: Do weather. Carpenters employed as before
5: Studding sails and fidded fore top gallant mast
Opened 1 cask flour 336lbs tea 1 case 86 Wine Nos.2&6 21 gallons each
8: Do weather
12: Do weather

Saturday 15 January 1820
am: Moderate and fine
3: Set main sail and main top gallant sail
4: Do weather. Opened rum No 35 qt 88 gallons
6: Do weather.
Departed this life Saml DUGELBY settler’s child
6:30: Out 1st reef of fore topsail Set starboard lower and top mast studding sails
8: Fidded fore top gallant mast. Crossed yard and set the sail
9: Committed the body of the deceased to the deep
12: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon Porto Santo S29W 310 miles
pm: Light breezes and fine
Set studding sails and trimmed sails
5:40: Up mainsail in royals
6: Do weather
8: Calm and fine
Midnight: Moderate and cloudy

Sunday 16 January 1820
am: Fresh breezes and cloudy
2: In top gallant sails
4: In 1st and 2nd reefs of topsails
7:30: Down jib in 3rd reef of main topsail. Close reefed fore and mizen top sail down top gallant yards and struck top gallant masts in flying jib boom
Opened 2 cask of pork No 641 &627 80 pieces each 2 casks of beef Nos 2175 &2071 qt 38 pieces each
Noon: Strong breezes and squally with rain
Bearings and distance at noon Porto Santo S23w 268 miles
pm: Strong breezes and squally
4: Do weather
8: Ware ship
Midnight: Strong breezes and squally

Monday 17 January 1820
am: Strong breezes and squally
4: Do weather
6: Fresh breezes and squally. Fidded top gallant masts. Set mizen topsail
Noon: Fresh breezes and hazy
Bearings and distance at noon Porto Santo S25.37W 224 miles
pm: Strong breezes and hazy
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
12: Do weather up main sails

Tuesday 18 January 1820
am: Strong breezes and hazy
4: Do weather. Down jib and up spanker
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
9: Reefed and set the main sail
12: Do weather
Bearing and distance at noon Porto Santo S46W 238 miles
pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather. Tacked ship
9: Set the spanker
12: Do weather

Wednesday 19 January 1820
am: Fresh breezes and hazy
2: Up spanker
4: Do weather. Set spanker
6: Do weather
8: Squally in 3rd reef of fore and main topsails. Down spanker
12: Close reefed mizen topsail
12: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon Porto Santo S34.10W 224 miles
pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
7: Ware ship
8: Moderate and cloudy
10: Set the spanker
12: Do weather

Thursday 20 January 1820
am: Moderate and cloudy
4: Do weather
8: Do weather. Out 2nd reef of the topsails
9: Crossed top gallant yards and set the sails. Opened rum No 35 qt 88 gallons
Noon: Light airs and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon Porto Santo S44.17W 224 miles
pm: Light winds and hazy
4: Do weather with rains. Opened flour no162 qt.375 lbs suet No 103 qt 180 lb oatmeal 1 cask qt 7 ½ bushels and sugar no 21 qt 560 lbs
7: Top gallant sails and down flying jib
Midnight: Light airs. Trimmed sails

Friday 21 January 1820
am: Calm and cloudy
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
11:30: Light airs from the W. Trimmed and made sail
Bearings and distance at noon Porto Santo S50.58W 222 miles
pm: Light breezes and fine
5: In royals
6: Moderate breezes and fine. In top sails. Top gallant staysail and 1st reef of main topsail
and 2nd reefs of fore and mizen do
10: Down flying jib
Midnight: Fresh breezes and cloudy

Saturday 22 January 1820
am: Fresh breezes and cloudy
3: In spanker and mizen staysail
6: Do weather. Opened 2 casks of butter qt 69 lbs each and cheese 2 casks qt 125 lbs each cocoa No 31 qt 336 lb
10:30: Set spanker and fore and main top gallant sails
Noon: Fresh breezes and squally
Bearings and distance at noon Santa Cruz S28.51W 318 miles
pm: Fresh breezes and squally
In 1st reef of fore top sail
6: Do weather
8:30: Carried away the starboard fore topmast studding sail
Midnight: Fresh breezes and fine

Sunday 23 January 1820
am: Moderate and fine
7:30: Out reefs of topsails. Set larboard fore topmast and top gallant studding sails
8: Do weather. Crossed royal yards and set the sails. Set larboard lower studding sail
11: Performed divine service
Noon: Moderate and fine
pm: Fresh breezes and fine
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Moderate and fine
Midnight: Do weather

Monday 24 January 1820
am: Fresh breezes and cloudy. In top gallant sails
4: Do weather. Set fore and main top gallant sails
7: Saw the island of Lanzarote west 3 or 4 leagues
8: Fresh breezes
Opened 2 ½ Hhds of vinegar qt 32 gs each tobacco No 175 qt 85 lbs
Noon: Fresh breezes
Bearing and distance at noon Extremes of Lanzarote from WNW to W
pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy
Variously employed about the rigging
4: Do weather
8: Moderate breezes and cloudy
Midnight: Do weather

Tuesday 25 January 1820
am: Fresh breezes and cloudy
4: Short sail and hove to
8: centre of the town of Las Palmas Gran Canary WNW
11: shortened sail and came to with SB in 23 fathoms. Veered to 80 fathoms
NE point of Gran Canary N6E1/2E Centre of the town West
Bearings and Distance at noon. Single anchor off the town of Palmas
pm: Moderate and fine
Furled sails down royal yards
Employed sending empty casks on shore for water in shore boats
Midnight moderate and cloudy

Wednesday 26 January 1820
am: Moderate and fine
4 Do weather. Rec’d water from shore boats. Killed a bullock wt 342 lbs Rec’d 6 oxen and a quantity of fruit and vegetables for the settlers
pm: Employed receiving water.
Departed this life Sarah STAMFORD settler’s child
8: Light winds and fine
Midnight: Do weather

Thursday 27 January 1820
am: Light breezes and cloudy
4: Do weather. Employed receiving water in shore boats. Killed a bullock weighing 660 lbs.
Departed this life Sarah WHITEHEAD. Committed the bodies to the deep.
pm: Employed receiving water
Midnight: Do weather

Friday 28 January 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy.
8: Do weather with a heavy swell. Employed stowing the holds and about the rigging
pm: variously employed about the rigging. Rec’d no water this day there being too much of surf
Midnight: Cloudy

Saturday 29 January 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy.
4 Do weather. Employed stowing the holds and as necessary. Killed a bullock weighing 450 lbs
pm: Employed [starting] water and stowing the holds
6 Do weather
Midnight: Moderate and cloudy

Sunday 30 January 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy. Employed stowing water casks and luggage in the main hold. Rec’d a quantity of fruit and vegetables
pm: Employed as before noon
Sunset: Light breezes and cloudy
Midnight: Do weather

Monday 31 January 1820
am: Light breezes and cloudy. Employed receiving water in shore boats and starting do Rec’d a quantity of fruit and vegetables
pm: Employed as before noon
Sunset: Do weather
Midnight: Cloudy weather

Tuesday 1 February 1820
am: Light breezes and fine
4: Variable winds. Employed stowing the holds. Killed 3 oxen weight 118 lbs
pm: Variously employed about the rigging
Midnight: Fine weather

Wednesday 2 February 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy with little rain. Employed about the rigging. Rec’d 10 oxen & two pipes of wine qt 240 gs
pm: Employed receiving water
Midnight: Light breezes

Thursday 3 February 1820
am: Light breezes and fine. Employed clearing decks and preparing for sea
pm: Light breezes and fine. Opened 2 casks of beef qt 38 pieces each flour 1 cask qt 380 lbs
8: Weighed and made sail
Midnight: Do weather

Friday 4 February 1820
am: Moderate and fine
4: Do weather
7:30: Set studding sails
8: Do weather. West point of Gran Canary NE 3 or 4 leagues
Killed 2 bullocks weighing 625 lbs
Noon: Light winds and clear
Bearing and distance at noon Peak of Tenerife north 58 miles
pm: Moderate and fine. Trimmed sails and in larboard studding sails
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
7:30: In royals
11: Set larboard top gallant studding sails and royals
Midnight: Light winds and cloudy

Saturday 5 February 1820
am: Light winds and variable
1: In studding sails and trimmed sails
4: Moderate and fine. Set top and gallant studding sails
9: Set larboard fore studding sails. Aired bedding
Departed this life Sarah HOBBS settler’s child
Noon: Moderate and fine
Bearings and distance at noon S.Antonio Cape de Verde S36.47W 672 miles
pm: Moderate and fine
2: In starboard studding sails
3: Out 4th reef of fore topsail
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather. Committed the body of the above infant to the deep
11: In top gallant sails
Midnight: Fresh breezes and cloudy

Sunday 6 February 1820
am: Fresh breezes and fine
1:30: Set starboard topmast studding sails
Killed a bullock weighing 373 lbs
8: Moderate breezes and fine weather
11: Performed divine service
Noon: Moderate breezes and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon S.Antonio S41W 550 miles
pm: Moderate and fine
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Moderate and fine. Made shortened sail as necessary
Midnight: Do weather

Monday 7 February 1820
am: Moderate and cloudy
4: Do weather
5:30 Set Royals
6: Do [Mn]
8: Carried away the fore top gall’t stay down jib & fore top gt staysail, in fore Royal 7 set jib & fore topmast staysail 8
Killed 2 oxen wt 600lbs, opened 2 casks of pork qt 80 pieces each.
Bearings and distance at noon St.Antonio S51.52W 413 miles
pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy. Employed variously about the rigging.
6: do weather
8: Fresh breezes and fine
Midnight: do weather

Tuesday 8 February 1820
am: Fresh breezes and fine
6: Do weather. Employed washing clothes
Departed this life John COCK settler’s child
8: Do weather
Noon: Fresh breezes and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Antonio S64.10W 258 miles
pm: Fresh breezes and fine. Set Royals.
4: Moderate breezes and fine
Committed the body of the above infant to the deep
10: in larboard studding sails and [10ft] Reef of topsail in main top gt. studd. sail
Midnight: squally

Wednesday 9 February 1820
am: Fresh breezes and cloudy. Set larboard fore topmast studding sail
4: Moderate and cloudy
6: Set royals and top gallant studding sails
8: Moderate and fine. Set starboard lower studding sails
Noon: Moderate and fine
Bearings and distance at noon Cape Verde S29E 104 miles
pm: Moderate and fine. Variously employed.
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
11: in larboard studding sails
Midnight: moderate and clear

Thursday 10 February 1820
am: Light breezes and fine
1: set royals and larboard studding sails
4: Do weather
8: Do weather
Cape Verde South 6 or 7 leagues
Departed this life Emma ROGERS settler’s child.
Opened a chest of tea containing 860lbs, Rum nr.12 qt. 88 gallons, Beef No.2125 qt. 38 pieces.
Killed 1 oxen wt. 363 lbs.
10: in studding sails and trimmed sails
Noon: Light winds and fine. Tacked ship.
Bearings and distance at noon Cape Verde S63N 15 miles
pm: Light winds and hazy
4: Moderate breezes. Cape Verde [E½S] 4 or 5 miles. Set royals and top gt studding sails.
6: Committed body of the above infant to the deep
7: in royals
8: Light winds and fine
10: up main sail
Midnight: Light winds and fine weather.

Friday 11 February 1820
am: Light breezes and fine. Set staysails.
4: Made sail. Killed a bullock weighing 374 lbs.
8: Light winds and fine weather. Washed decks.
Noon: Light breezes and fine weather.
Bearings and distance at noon Island of Ascension S11.23E 1312 miles
pm: Light breezes and fine
4: Do weather. Variously employed.
6: Do weather
8: in royals and larboard top gallant studding sails
10:30: up mainsail
11: sounded in 25 fathoms
12: moderate and hazy

[probable missing page from log as the next entry is 16 February]

Wednesday 16 February 1820
am: Light airs and fine
4: Do weather
No bottom in 6 fathoms. Set royals and top studding sails.
6: Trimmed sails on starboard studding sails
8: Do weather. Washed the main and orlop decks.
Noon: Light airs and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon Ascension S3.47E 904 miles
pm: Light airs and fine weather
2: set starboard lower studding sail
Employed as most requisite
8: do weather
Midnight: do weather

Thursday 17 February 1820
am: Light winds and fine weather
4: do weather
7:30: Set top gall’t studding sails
8: do weather. Opened a cask rum No.14 qt. 87 gallons. Killed 1 oxen weighing 346lbs.
Noon: Light breezes and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon Ascension South 926 miles
pm: Breezes and fine
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
9: Trimmed sails. Set starboard lower stud sails
Midnight: Do weather

Friday 18 February 1820
am: Light winds and fair weather
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather. Sail in sight
9: Bore up to speak to a stranger, fired a gun to bring her to, found her to be the Comet Spanish brig from Cuba to Cape Lopez
Departed this life Martha GODFREY settler’s child
Noon: Light winds and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon Ascension S3.56W 886 miles
pm: Light winds and fair weather
Committed the body of the above infant to the deep
6: in larboard studding sails
8: fine weather
Midnight: Light winds and fine weather

Saturday 19 February 1820
am: Light breezes and fine weather
4: Tried for soundings. No bottom in 6 fathoms.
8: Do weather. Opened 1 cask pease qt 5 bushels, 1 cask butter qt. 64lbs, 1 cask cheese 126lbs, 1 cask raisins qt. 336lbs.
Noon: Light winds and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon Ascension S8.39W 854 miles
pm: Light winds and fair weather
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
11: in larboard studding sails and royals
Midnight: moderate and cloudy

Sunday 20 February 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy
5: Made sail
6:30: in starboard studding sails and trimmed sails
10: set larboard studding sails
11 performed service
Departed this life John CROUCH and James FARLEY settlers’ children
Noon: Light winds and fine
Bearings and distance at noon Ascension S12W 831 miles
pm: Light airs and fine weather
4: Calm and cloudy
4:30 Light airs and fine weather. Trimmed sails.
5:30 Set starboard studding sails
Committed the bodies of the above infants to the deep
8: do weather
11: in royals and top gallant studding sails
Midnight: Cloudy with heavy rain

Monday 21 February 1820
am: Cloudy with rain. In top gallant sails
4: Light winds and cloudy
4:20: Made sail
9: Set main sail
Departed this life Mary RALPHS settler’s child
11: Committed the body to the deep
Noon: Moderate and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S12.9E 1237 miles
pm: Light winds and cloudy
4: Do weather
5: Set starboard fore topmast studding sail
8: Calm with lightning
9:30 in studding sails, royals and top gallant sails
10:30 Heavy squalls with rain from NE. Bore up and shortened sail. Split and rendered unserviceable the fore topmast. Carried away the larboard fore topmast stud boom
Midnight: Calm and cloudy

Tuesday 22 February 1820
am: Calm and cloudy
4: Dark cloudy weather with lightning
6: Light airs and fine. Made all sail.
8: Do weather
Noon: Calm and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S34E 1242 miles
pm: Calm and clear. Trimmed sails
4: Light winds and fine
6:10: heavy squalls with thunder and lightning and heavy rain. In 2nd and 3rd reefs
7:30: More moderate. Made sail
8: Light winds and fine
Midnight: Light airs and cloudy

Wednesday 23 February 1820
am: Light airs and fine
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Light winds and cloudy. Made all sail. Opened a cask of flour qt. 336lbs, 2 casks of pease qt. 5 bushels each, Beef No. 2125 qt. 38 pieces
Noon: Light winds and fair weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S9.22E 1215 miles
pm: In royals and top gallant studding sails
4: Light airs and dark cloudy weather
4:30 Set starboard studding sails, in larboard do.
broke by accident and totally lost while hoisting out of the hold Marine preparation 1 carboy of 146gs.
9: in starboard studding sails
12: Do weather

Thursday 24 February 1820
12:30: In top gallant sails ½ reef of the top sail
4: Light winds and fine. Set top gallant sails, royals and starboard studding sails
8: Light winds and fine
10: In studding sails and royals
12: Cloudy with rain
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S7.22E 1173 miles
pm: Light airs and cloudy with rain
2: In top gallant sails
3: Tacked
4: Light winds
6: do weather. Set royals and starb’d top gallant stud. sails
8: Light airs
Departed this life Wm. MILLS settler’s child.
Committed the body to the deep.
12: Light winds and fine.

Friday 25 February 1820
am: Light winds and fine
1: In royals and top gallant studding sails
2: In fore topmast studding sail
3:30 Set mainsail and fore and main trysail
4: Moderate and fine. Set royals
Departed this life Elizabeth HORTON settler’s child
Noon: Moderate and fine
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S3.6E 1167 miles
pm: Light winds and fine weather. Employed as most requisite.
Committed the body of the above infant to the deep
6:20: In royals and studding sails
8: Do weather
Noon [sic] Light winds

Saturday 26 February 1820
am: Light breezes and fine
6:30 Set mizzen and top gallant sail & royals
8: Moderate and fine
Opened a cask of pork No. 1283 qt. 80 pieces, Sugar No. 2 qt. 560lbs, Rum No.6 qt. 86 gallons
Noon: Light winds and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S1.58E 1144 miles
pm: Light winds and cloudy
4: Do weather. Employed as necessary.
6: Do weather
10: Set starboard fore topmast and top gallant studding sails
Midnight: Do weather

Sunday 27 February 1820
am: Moderate and fine
4: Do weather
6: Light breezes and fine
10: Mustered by Divisions and performed divine service
Noon: Fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S5.34W 1110 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather
4: Do weather
6: Moderate and cloudy. Short sail occasionally
8: Do weather
Midnight: Moderate breezes and fine

Monday 28 February 1820
am: Moderate and fine
4: Do weather. 2 sail in sight
8: Do weather. Employed hoisting up water.
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S11.30W 1096 miles
pm: Moderate and clear
2: In royals. Emp. working up Junk
4:20: In studding sails and mizzen top gallant sail
6:30: down Royal Yards and in top gt. sails
8: Do weather
12: Moderate breezes and cloudy

Tuesday 29 February 1820
am: Moderate and cloudy
4:30 set top gallant sails and flying jib
6: set fore trysail
8: Do weather. Washed the orlop decks
Opened pork No.1281 qt. 80 pieces, Beef No.2176 qt. 38 pieces
Noon: Moderate and cloudy weather
Bearings &c at noon St.Helena S6.56W 1029 miles
pm: Light winds and fine
2: Crossed Royal yards and set the sails
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
12: Do weather

Wednesday 1 March 1820
am: Light winds and cloudy
4: Do weather
8: Do weather. Set royals and spanker.
Opened cask of pease qt 5 Bs, Tea 1 chest 86lbs, Flour No.164 qt. 390lbs, vinegar No.2 qt. 66 gallons
12: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S20.57W 1091 miles
1: set royals and starboard studding sails
4: light winds and cloudy
6: do weather
7: studding sails and royals
8: Do weather
12: Do weather

Thursday 2 March 1820
4: light winds and cloudy
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
Killed 2 oxen weighing 602 lbs.
11: set starboard top and top gallant studding sails
12: do weather
Bearings and distance at noon S24.28E 1087 miles
pm: light winds and fine weather
4: Do weather
5: squally. In studding sails and top gt. sails up mainsail
6: squally with rain
8: Do weather
12: Fresh breezes and cloudy

Friday 3 March 1820
am: fresh breezes and fine
4: Do weather. Opened a cask of sugar No.49 qt. 560lbs
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
12: Do weather. Performed the customary ceremony in crossing the Equator
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S29.16W 1094 miles
pm: light breezes and cloudy
4: up mainsail, in top gt sails and flying jib
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
12: Do weather

Saturday 4 March 1820
3:15 set main top gallant sail and flying jib
Broached a cask of rum No.59 88 gals, Flour No. [?] qt. 336 lbs.
7:30 Set mainsail. Killed 1 oxen weighing 300 lbs.
8: Light winds and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon Cape of Good Hope S20.67E 2178 miles
pm: light winds and cloudy
4: Do weather
Employed hoisting up water
8 Do weather. Down flying jib.
Midnight: Do weather

Sunday 5 March 1820
am: Light breezes and fine
5: Saw the Island of Annabona SSW 11 or 12 leagues. Set flying jib.
8: Do weather
11: Mustered by divisions and performed Divine Service
Noon: Light breezes and fine
Bearings and distance at noon Annabona SW 12 leagues
pm: Light winds and fine weather
6: Island of Annabona SW[61.½]W 7 leagues
8: Do weather. Set flying jib and fore trysail.
Noon [sic] Do weather

Monday 6 March 1820
am: Light winds and fine weather
4: Do weather
6:45: Tacked ship. Set royals
Employed getting up water and restowing the holds
Noon: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon Annabona W¼N 10 leagues
pm: Light winds and fine
4: Do weather
6: Do weather. Centre of Annabona W½S 4 leagues
8: Do weather
10: In royals
12: Do weather

Tuesday 7 March 1820
am: Light winds and cloudy
4: Do weather. Annabona SSW
Tacked occasionally working into Annabona Roads
8: Do weather
12: Do weather. Anchored in Annabona Roads in 15 ftms. Town bearing S6W off shore 1 mile
Bearings and distance at noon At single anchor off Annabona
pm: Light breezes and cloudy
Bent the best Bower Cable. Employed about the rigging and sails
Sunset Do. Furled sails
Midnight: Light winds

Wednesday 8 March 1820
am: Light winds
4: Do weather. Variously employed.
8: Do weather
11:30 Weighed and made sail. Hove to.
Noon: Cloudy weather
Bearings and distance at noon: Centre of the Island SSW 1 mile
pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy
2:30 Hove to. Up boats
3: Filled and made sail
4: Do weather
6: Do weather Annabona N½W 10 leagues
8: Do weather
9: Tacked
12: Light winds and inclinable to calm

Thursday 9 March 1820
am: Light winds and cloudy
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather. Washed the main and orlop decks.
12: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S39.7W 1051 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and fine
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
11: Up mainsail
12: Calm and cloudy

Friday 10 March 1820
am: Calm and cloudy
3: In top gallant sails
7: Made sail. Broached a cask of rum No.25 qt. 87 gals, pease 1 cask qt 5 bushels, sugar No.41 560lbs
8: Do weather. Trimmed sails occasionally
12: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S40W 1019 miles
2:30 In royals
3: In top gallant sails [Gaff] topsail & up spanker
4: Set the fore trysail. Moderate breezes and fine
6: Do weather. Tacked.
8:30 Set fore and main top gallant sails
12: Moderate and fine

Saturday 11 March 1820
am: Light winds and fine weather
4: Do weather inclinable to calm
8: Do weather. Set the mainsail
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S39.42W 994 miles
pm: Calm and clear. Employed about the rigging
4: Do weather
6: Light airs and fine weather. Set fore top and top gallant studding sail.
12: Do weather

Sunday 12 March 1820
am: Light winds and fine weather
Broached a cask of wine No.1 qt. 120 gallons, Flour No. 165 qt. 362lbs
8: Do weather. Mustered by divisions and performed Divine Service
12: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S43.22W 997 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather
4: Do weather
6: In royals
7: Up mainsail. In top gallant sails & tacked ship.
8: Moderate breezes and dark cloudy weather with rain
12: Do weather

Monday 13 March 1820
am: Moderate breezes
4: Fresh breezes and cloudy
6: Set mainsail and ship
8: Moderate breezes and cloudy
9: Tacked ship. Set fore & mizzen top gallant sails
Unbent the main top gallant sail for repair
Noon: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S41.48W 959 miles
pm: Light winds and variable
1: Tacked. Strong breezes and squally with heavy rain. Shortened sail.
2: Hoisted the topsails
4: Light winds and dark cloudy weather
6: Do weather. Up mainsail
7: Set top gallant sails and main sail
10: Up mainsail and trysail
Midnight: Moderate and cloudy

Tuesday 14 March 1820
am: Moderate and cloudy
4: Do weather
7:30 Set starboard fore top and top gallant studding sails. Set the royals.
9: Bent main top gallant sail. Set Do. royal
Employed working up junk. Opened Beef No.2208 qt. 38 pieces, Pork 717 qt. 80 pieces, pease 5 bushels
Noon: Fresh breezes and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S46.1W 933 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy
1:30 Squally with heavy rain. Shortened sail
2:30 Moderate. Set top gallant sails.
2:40 calm with heavy rain
4: Do weather with thunder and lightning
5: In top gt. sails
6: Squally with rain
8: Moderate breezes with constant rain. Ware ship.
8:40 Set mainsail
Midnight: Moderate breezes and dark cloudy weather

Wednesday 15 March 1820
am: dark cloudy weather
4:30 Squally. Up mainsail
5: Set top gallant sails
8: Squally with rain
9: Set mainsail
11: Squally. Up mainsail & in top gallant sails
12: Departed this life Joseph PINNOCK settler’s child
Noon: Moderate breezes and dark cloudy weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S47.56W 895 miles
1: Set mainsail and top gallant sail
4: Light winds and cloudy
6: Moderate breezes and cloudy with rain
Committed the body of the above infant to the deep
7: Up mainsail
8: Do weather
12: Fresh breezes and hazy

Thursday 16 March 1820
4: Moderate and cloudy
5:30 Set mainsail and top gallant sails
8: Light winds and cloudy
12: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S52.49W 910 miles
pm: Light winds inclinable to calm
12:30 Ware ship.
12:40 Calm
6: Do weather. Shortened sail to the topsails
8: Calm and fine
Midnight: Do weather

Friday 17 March 1820
am: Calm and fine weather
4: Departed this life William FORWARD settler’s child
8:30 Light air from the WNW. Ware ship. Trimmed sails.
9:30 Calm. Employed working in the fore holds
Noon: Calm and fine
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S52.7W 920 miles
pm: Calm and cloudy
4: Light airs
5: Set fore topmast and top gallant studding sails
6: In do royals & down flying jib
7:30 In 1st reef of top sails
Committed the body of the above infant to the deep
Midnight: Light winds and fine

Saturday 18 March 1820
am: Light winds and fine weather
6:30 Set the mainsail jibs and stay sails
8: Light winds and cloudy
9: Set royals
Opened a cask of rum No.5 qt. 88 gallons and sugar No.43 qt. 560lbs
Noon: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S54.48W 912 miles
pm: Light winds and cloudy
4: Do weather
7: In top gallant sails and flying jib
8: Do weather
Midnight: Light winds and cloudy

Sunday 19 March 1820
am: Moderate and cloudy
4: Do weather. Tacked ship.
5:30 Set mainsail and flying jib
8: Do weather
11: Mustered by divisions and performed divine service
11:30 taken aback. Tacked ship
Noon: Moderate and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S55.28E 914 miles
pm: Light winds and cloudy
2:30 Set fore and main royals
5: Squally. In royals and up mainsail
6: Calm and cloudy
10:30 Up foresail and spanker
Midnight: Do weather

Monday 20 March 1820
am: Calm and cloudy
7: A breeze from the westward. Trimmed sails on the starboard tack. Set courses and jib.
8: Moderate and cloudy with rain
Noon: Moderate and cloudy weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S55.36W 924 miles
pm: Light winds and fine weather
4: Do weather
5:20 Tacked
8: Moderate and fine
Midnight: Do weather

Tuesday 21 March 1820
am: Light winds and fine weather
4: Do weather
8: Employed washing and cleaning decks
11: Set royals
Midnight [sic]: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S56.31W 888 miles
pm: Light winds and cloudy
4: Moderate and cloudy
8: Light winds and cloudy
10: Set larboard top gallant studding sails
Midnight: Do weather

Wednesday 22 March 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy
4: Do weather
9:30 In topgallant studding sails. Opened a cask of flour qt. 336lbs
Noon: Moderate and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S55.23W 795 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather
3: Set the spanker
4: Do weather
5:45 In spanker and down flying jib
8: Light winds and cloudy
Midnight: Do weather

Thursday 23 March 1820
am: Light breezes and cloudy
12:30 In top gallant sails
4: Moderate and cloudy
8: Do weather
9 Set top gallant sails, jib and spanker
Noon: Light winds and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S53.14W 712 miles
pm: Light breezes and cloudy
Aired small sails
6: Do weather
7:30 Set main trysail
8: Do weather
Midnight: Moderate breezes and cloudy

Friday 24 March 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy
2:40 In top gallant sails
4: Do weather
6: Taken aback
8: Moderate and cloudy
9: Set top gallant sails. Opened a cask of pease qt 5 bushels
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S52.19E 623 miles
pm: Moderate and cloudy
4: Do weather. Up spanker.
5: Set spanker
6: Do weather. Var of amp 22’40W
8: Do weather
12: Do weather

Saturday 25 March 1820
am: Moderate and cloudy. Set the main trysail
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather. Set the fore top gallant studding sail and flying jib
Employed working up junk
12: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S52.18W 508 miles
pm: Moderate and fine
4: Do weather. In fore top gallant studding sail
Employed working up junk
Midnight: Do weather. Set the main trysail

Sunday 26 March 1820
am: Moderate and fine
4: Do weather
7: Set larboard fore top gallant studding sail
8: Moderate and fine. Opened rum No.9 qt. 89gs.
11: Mustered by divisions and performed divine service
Noon: Do weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S53.28W 375 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather
6: Do weather. Var of amp 22.40W
6:30 In mizen top gallant sail and fore top gallant studding sail and gaff topsail
8: Do weather
Midnight: Do weather

Monday 27 March 1820
am: Moderate breezes and fine
1: Departed this life Sarah FORWARD settler’s wife
3: In fore topmast studding sail
7:30 Set mizen top gallant sail
8: Moderate and cloudy
10: Set starboard fore top gallant studding sail
Noon: Moderate breezes and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S57W 266 miles
2: Squally. In studding sails
3: Set Do
4: Moderate and cloudy
6: Committed the body of the above woman to the deep
8: Do weather
12: Do weather

Tuesday 28 March 1820
4: Moderate and cloudy
6: Do weather. In top gallant studding sails
8: Do weather. Employed working in the main hold.
Opened a cask of flour No.151 qt. 380lbs
Noon: do weather
Bearings and distance at noon St.Helena S68W 153 miles
pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy
1:30: Up spanker
4: Do weather
Sunset: Do weather
10:30 Set spanker
11: Saw a ship on the W’r Bow
Midnight: Do weather. Sail

Wednesday 29 March 1820
am: Moderate and cloudy
Burnt two blue lights. Observed the stranger hoist 3 lights perpendicular at the peak
1:15 Hauled our wind and trimmed sails
St.Helena WNW 17 or 18 leagues
4: Fresh breezes and cloudy
7: Set larboard fore topmast studding sails
8: Do weather. St.Helena NNW 24 leagues
9: Squally. In mizen top gallant sail and spanker
11: In top gt. sails and 2nd reefs of topsails. Washed the orlop and gun deck
Noon: Fresh breezes and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon Cape Good S49.57E 1630 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy
1:30 Out 1 reef of fore top sail. Set top gallant sails, fore topmast studding sail and flying jib
4: Fresh breezes and hazy. In fore topmast studding sail, fore top gt. sail, flying jib and spanker
6: Do weather. Variation of Amp 21.51W
7: Set main top gallant sail
8: Do weather
10: Set flying jib
12: Moderate breezes and cloudy

Thursday 30 March 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy
4:Do Weather
5: Set mizen trysail, down flying jib
6: Set fore top gallant sail and flying jib
8: Do Weather
Noon: Moderate and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon C.G. Hope S53.18W 1560 miles
pm: Moderate and cloudy. In mizen trysail and set spanker
4: Do weather
6: Squally. In top gallant sails
8: In spanker
9:30 Set Do.
Midnight: Moderate breezes and cloudy

Friday 31 March 1820
am: Moderate with squalls and rain at intervals
2:50 In topmast studding sail
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather. Opened Beef No.2159 qt. 38 pcs. Pork 1384 qt. 80 pcs. Pease 1 cask qt. 5 bushels
Noon: Moderate breezes and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S55.30E 1485 miles
pm: Light breezes and fine weather
Employed working in the fore hold
2: Set larboard fore topmast and top gt. studding [sail]
4: Do weather
8: Do weather
Midnight: Moderate breezes and cloudy

Saturday 1 April 1820
am: Moderate breezes and fine weather
4: Do weather
8: Moderate and fine
Employed drawing and knotting yarns
Noon: Moderate and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S59.9E 1441 miles
pm: Light breezes and fine. Employed as before noon
Out 2nd reefs of topsail
Set Trysail and spanker
4: Do weather
Sunset: Do weather
Midnight: Light breezes and fine

Sunday 2 April 1820
am: Light breezes and fine weather
4: Do weather
6: Do weather
8: Do weather
11: Mustered by divisions and performed divine service
Noon: Moderate and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S61.51E 1367 miles
pm: Light breezes and cloudy weather
2: Crossed the fore and main royal yards and set the sails
6: Do weather
8:30 In royals
10: In studding sails and flying jib. Var of Amp 22.10W
Midnight: Do weather

Monday 3 April 1820
am: Light winds and fine weather
2: Set mainsail and flying jib
7: Set royals
8: Light winds and fine weather
Employed working in the fore hold
Noon: Light breezes and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S63.43E 1348 miles
pm: Light winds and fine weather
Employed working in the fore hold and as requisite
4: Do Weather
6: Do Weather
7: In royals
8: Moderate and cloudy
Midnight: Moderate and cloudy

Tuesday 4 April 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy
4: Do Weather
8: Do Weather.
Carried away the mizen catharpin legs
In mizen top gallant sail. Employed about the rigging
Opened a cask flour No.149 qt. 364lbs, Rum No.6 qt. 89 gallons, Beef 2127 qt. 38 pcs, Pork 723 qt.80 pcs.
Noon: Moderate breezes and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S67.37E 1287 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and clear
Employed setting up mizen topmast rigging
4: Do weather. Set mizen top gallant sail
6: Do weather. Down royal yards in mizen top gallant sail and flying jib
8: Moderate breezes and cloudy
10:15 Squally. In top gt. sails
Midnight: Moderate breezes and cloudy

Wednesday 5 April 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy
2: Squally with rain
4: Moderate breezes
7: Set ore and main top gallant sails and flying jib
8: Moderate and cloudy. Variously employed about the rigging
Noon: Moderate and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S70.57E 1192 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy
1: Set mizen topsail and gaff topsail
4: Do Weather
8: Do Weather
10:30 Squally with rain. In top gt. sails & flying jib and gaff topsail
Midnight: Do Weather

Thursday 6 April 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy
4: Cloudy with rain
7: Set top gallant sails and flying jib
8: Moderate breezes and clear
11:30 In mizen top gt. sail and gaff topsail
Noon: Squally weather
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S73.30E 1123 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy
2: Set fore topmast studding sail
6: Light winds and cloudy
Variation of Amp 21.21W. Set top gallant sails
Opened a cask of pease qt. 5 bushels, sugar No.42 qt. 560lbs, tea No.5 qt. 86lbs
Midnight: Do Weather

Friday 7 April 1820
am: Light breezes and cloudy
1: In mizen top gallant sail
6:30 Set Do and fore top gallant studding sail
8: Light winds and cloudy. Crossed royal yards and set the sails
Noon: Light winds, Trimmed sails.
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S74.22E 1061 miles
pm: Light airs and fine weather
1:30 Set larboard fore studding sail
6: Do Weather
8: Do Weather
10:30 In royals and top gallant studding sails. In lower studding sail and up mainsail
Midnight: Calm and cloudy

Saturday 8 April 1820
am: Calm and cloudy
4: Do Weather
8: Do Weather. In Gig and Jolly Boat to repair
Washed the orlop and main decks
10: Made sail
Opened 1 cask of pease qt. 5 bushels
Noon: Light airs and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S74.35E 1049 miles
pm: Calm and cloudy
2: In royals
3: A breeze from SW, trimmed sails on the starboard tack
4: Moderate and cloudy
7: Down flying jib
8: Dark cloudy weather. In top gt. sails
9:30 In 2nd reef of topsails
10: Up mainsail and down jib
Midnight: dark cloudy weather

Sunday 9 April 1820
am: Fresh breezes and squally with rain
5: Set mainsail
5:30 Up Do
7: In 2nd reefs of topsails. Clewed up the fore topsail to repair it
8: Do Weather. Set fore topsail
9: Clewed up the main topsail to repair it. Reefed the main sail and set it.
Employed repairing main topsails
Noon: Strong breezes and squally
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S74.14E 1034 miles
pm: Strong breezes and cloudy
4: Do Weather
Reefed and set the foresail. Set fore topmast stays
6: Do Weather
8: Do Weather
Midnight: Fresh breezes and cloudy

Monday 10 April 1820
am: Fresh breezes and cloudy
4: Do Weather
6: Do Weather
8: More moderate. Out 3rd reef of topsails. Set the jib
Noon: Moderate breezes and fine. Set fore and main top gt. sails
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S78.36E 1042 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and clear weather
1:30 Out 2 reefs of topsails. Set flying jib and spanker. Crossed mizen top gallant yard
6: Do Weather
8: Do Weather
Midnight: Light winds and fine

Tuesday 11 April 1820
am: Light winds and cloudy
4: Do Weather
7: Calm
9: Light airs
10: Set the larboard fore topmast and top gallant studding sails
10:30 Moderate breezes. In top gallant studding sails
Variously employed about the rigging
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S80.37W 987 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy
1:30 Set lower and topmast studding sails
Crossed fore and main royal yards
2:30 Carried away the lower studding yard
In lower and top gallant studding sail
6: Moderate breezes and cloudy
8:15 In royals
Midnight: Do Weather

Wednesday 12 April 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy
5:30 Set royals
7: Set larboard fore top gallant studding sail
8: Do Weather
9:30 Set fore staysail. Opened Pork No.1392 qt. 80 pcs. Beef 2059 qt. 38 pcs, Rum No.51 qt 87 gallons
Noon: Moderate breezes and fine
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S81.34E 852 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and fine
Employed making mats
Sailmakers repairing fore gaff topsail
Carpenters repairing Jolly Boat
6: Light winds and fine weather
8: Do Weather
Midnight: Do Weather

Thursday 13 April 1820
am: Moderate breezes and fine weather
4: Do Weather
8: Do Weather
Carpenters employed repairing Jolly Boat
Departed this life ____ HOBBS (settler’s child)
Noon: Moderate breezes and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S82.35E 742 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather
Employed making Sinnet and as requisite
4: Light winds
6: Do Weather
Committed the body of the above infant to the deep
6:10 Calm. Shortened sail
8: Light airs and cloudy
Midnight: Cloudy

Friday 14 April 1820
am: Light winds and cloudy
1: Set the jib
1:30 Set trysail and top gallant sails
4: Do Weather
6: Do Weather
8: Cloudy with rain
9:30 Down royal yards, set fore topmast staysail, down jib, in 2 and 3 reef of fore & main topsails
Close reefed the mizen & down mizen top gallant yards
Noon: Fresh breezes and hazy
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S85.5E 700 miles
pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy weather
Employed making sinnet
Briefed the foresail
8: Do Weather
11:30 Up mainsail
Midnight: Fresh breezes and squally

Saturday 15 April 1820
am: Fresh breezes and squally
1:30 Furled fore topsail
4: Do Weather
7: Set the mainsail
7:30 Set the fore topsail
8: Do Weather. Employed washing orlop and gun decks
11:30 Set fore topmast staysail
Noon: Fresh breezes and squally
Bearings and distance at noon Cape Good Hope S89.22E 684 miles
pm: fresh breezes and cloudy
4: Do Weather. Opened a cask of pease containing 5 bushels, flour 1 cask cont’g 336lbs
6: Do Weather
8: Strong breezes and squally
8:30 Furled the mizen topsail
Midnight: Do Weather

Sunday 16 April 1820
am: Fresh breezes and squally
4: Do Weather
8: Do Weather
10: Set mizen topsail fore & fore topmast staysail and trysail
Noon: Fresh breezes and squally
Bearings and distance at noon CG Hope S85.4E 616 miles
pm: Fresh breezes and hazy
3:45 In fore and main trysails
4: Fresh breezes and thick hazy weather
6: Set jib
8: Do Weather
11: Moderate. Set mizen topsail
12: Do Weather

Monday 17 April 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy
Out 2nd and 3rd reefs of topsails, crossed royal yards and made all sail
Employed working up junk
Noon: Light breezes and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon Cape Good Hope N87.26E 491 miles
pm: Moderate and fine
4: Set gaff topsail. Royal staysail
5:30 Variation of Amp 24.27W
6: Do Weather
8: Do Weather. Up mainsail
11: In royals
12: Do Weather

[The photograph with the entries for Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 April is too out of focus to transcribe, but only seems to contain weather and sailing reports]

Thursday 20 April 1820
am: Fresh breezes and squally
1: Down fore topmast staysail. Close reefed the mizen topsail
7:30 In 3rd reefs of fore & main topsails
8: Strong breezes and squally; Opened a cask Rum No.37 qt. 88 gallons, Beef 2194 38 pcs, Pork 611 80 pcs.
Noon: Do Weather
Bearings and distance at Noon Cape Good Hope S88.24E 270 miles
pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy
3:30 Set fore topmast staysail and reefed the foresail
4: Do Weather. Furled fore and mizen topsails
6: Do Weather
8: Do Weather
12: Do Weather

Friday 21 April 1820
am: Fresh breezes and squally
4: Do Weather
9: Set fore and mizen topsails. Employed working in the fore hold
Noon: Do Weather
Bearings and distance at noon Cape Good Hope N75.91E 299 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy
4: Do Weather
Opened a cask of flour qt 366lbs
6: Do Weather. Out 3 reefs of topsails
8: Do Weather
12: Do Weather

Saturday 22 April 1820
am: Moderate breezes and fine
4: Do Weather
6: Do Weather. Set top gallant sails.
8: Do Weather
9: Lowered main topsail to repair it
12: Hoisted main topsail. Fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon Cape Good Hope S67.10E 326 miles
pm: Calm and clear. Unbent main top gallant sail to repair, bent a new one
3: Up mainsail. Employed filling salt water
6: Do Weather
7:30 Light airs from the West. Made all sail
Midnight: Light winds and fine

Sunday 23 April 1820
am: Light winds and fine weather
3:30 In larboard studding sails
4: Do Weather
7: Set fore trysail and staysails, trimmed sails
8: Moderate and cloudy
11: Mustered by divisions and performed divine service
Noon: Moderate breezes and fine
Bearings and distance at noon Cape Good Hope S63.58E 275 miles
pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy
4: Do Weather
5: In studding sails
6: Fresh breezes and cloudy
7: Squally. Carried away the flying jib boom
7:30 Down jib & in top gallant sails, down royal yards and handed mizen topsail
In 2nd reef of fore and main topsail
12: Fresh breezes and squally

Monday 24 April 1820 [transcribed from slightly out of focus image]
am: Fresh gales and squally
3 [….] topsails
4: Do Weather [….] the topsail. Set the foresail
8: Do Weather. Variously employed about the rigging
Opened a cask of pease qt 5 bushels
Noon: Strong breezes and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon Cape Good Hope [illegible] 116 miles
pm: Strong breezes and squally
3: Close reefed and furled the fore topsail
4: Do Weather
6: Do Weather
8: Do Weather
10: Set the fore topsail […..]
11: Saw a strange sail to leeward [……]
12: Do Weather

Tuesday 25 April 1829 [transcribed from slightly out of focus image]
Am: Fresh breezes and cloudy
4: Do Weather. Up mainsail
8: Strong breezes
11: Saw the Table Land ahead. […] the mizen top gallant mast
Keen fresh breezes and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon [Standing in] for Table Bay
pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy
Employed working in for Table Bay
2: [illegible]
5: Strong breezes split the main topsail [yards] and [….] the fore and mizen topsails
7:30 Shortened sail & Anchored in 13½ fathoms. Furled sails
Centre of Table Land South, Lions Rump […]
Midnight: Light breezes

Wednesday 26 April 1820 Table Bay
Am: Light winds and cloudy
Unbent the fore and mizen topsails and bent others
10: Weighed and made sail
Opened a cask of pease qt 10 bushels
Departed this life Ephraim DICKS settler
Noon: Light winds and fine weather
pm: Do Weather
1:30 Shortened sail and came too with the small bower in 7¼ ftms. Furled sails. Veered to a whole Cable
Lions Rump W½N. Centre of Table Land S10½W
7: Down top gallant yards
Noon [sic] Light winds and fine weather

Thursday 27 April 1820
am: Light breezes and cloudy
4: Do Weather
8: Moderate and cloudy
Sent the body of E.DICKS on shore to be interred
Out flat boat & employed watering
pm: Employed as before. Received 500lbs fresh beef & 600lbs vegetables
Sunset: Up boats
Midnight: Cloudy weather

Friday 28 April 1820
Am: Moderate and cloudy
8: Do Weather. Moored ship with ½ cable on each bower
Noon: Fresh breezes and cloudy
Opened Rum No.34 qt 89 gallons, Beef 2073 38 pcs, Pork 781 qt. 80 pcs.
pm: Employed as necessary
Midnight: Cloudy weather

Saturday 29 April 1820 [listed in log as Friday]
am: Moderate and cloudy
8: Employed watering
pm: Light winds. Employed as before.
Received 500lbs of beef and 672 lbs of vegetables
Midnight: Cloudy

Sunday 30 April 1820
am: light breezes and cloudy
4: Do weather. Employed watering
Noon: Light breezes and cloudy
4: Squally with rain. Furled sails
Midnight: Moderate and cloudy weather

Monday 1 May 1820
am: Moderate and cloudy
4: Do Weather
Washed decks. Employed watering. Received 336lbs Raisins and 11200lbs Bread
pm: Employed as necessary
Midnight: Moderate & cloudy

Tuesday 2 May 1820
am: Moderate and cloudy
8: Do Weather with rain. Employed watering
Noon: Fresh breezes and cloudy
Received 558lbs of fresh beef & 217lbs of vegetables
pm: Employed as before
Sunset: Up boats
Midnight: Light breezes

Wednesday 3 May 1820
am: Light breezes and fine
8: Do Weather. Departed this life Jane DICKS female settler
Employed setting up rigging fore & aft
Rec’d 300lbs fresh beef and 100lbs vegetables
pm: Calm
Sunset: Up boats
Midnight: Fine

Thursday 4 May 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy
8: Do Weather. Employed watering
Noon: Squally with rain
Midnight: Do Weather

Friday 5 May 1820
Moderate breezes and fine
8: Do Weather. Employed watering and about the rigging, Disembarking settlers
Noon: Do Weather. Rec’d 330lbs of beef & 150 lbs vegetables. Opened Rum No.13 qt 88 gs, Flour No.189 qt. 362lbs.
Midnight: Light airs

Saturday 6 May 1820
am: Light airs and fine
Employed getting luggage on board from Stentor Transport
pm: Employed as before
Sunset: Up boats
Midnight: Moderate & cloudy weather

Sunday 7 May 1820
am: Moderate breezes and cloudy
Hove taut on the SB
Rec’d 500lbs fresh beef and 350lbs vegs
Departed this life infant son of J SANDERSON settler
pm: Employed watering
Sunset: Up boats
Midnight: Fine weather

Monday 8 May 1820
am: Fresh breezes and cloudy
6: Cleared hawse
11: Unmoored. Hove up the (BB). Employed getting ready for sea
pm: Do Weather. Rec’d from the Stentor TS 1 Chest of tea 89lbs. Opened do.
Sunset: Up boats
Committed the body to the deep

Tuesday 9 May 1820
At anchor in Table Bay
am: Fresh breezes and cloudy
6: Do Weather. Crossed top gallant yards, weighed and made sail out of the Bay
Noon: Trimmed sails. Out 2nd reefs of topsails
Moderate and cloudy with rain
Bearings and distance at noon Running along shore
pm: Strong breezes and squally. Made and shortened sail occasionally
4: Cape Good Hope NW½N 7 or 8 miles
6: Do Weather. In 3 reef of mizen topsail
8: Do Weather
9: In top gallant sails
Midnight: Strong breezes and squally

Wednesday 10 May 1820
am: Strong breezes and squally
4: Do Weather
6:45 Trimmed sails. Set fore trysail and staysail
9: Set top gallant sails
11:30 Set flying jib & fore topmast studding sail
Extremes of land from E?N to NW off shore 7 leagues
Noon: Fresh breezes and fine
Bearings and distance at noon Cape Vachi N71.5E 46 miles
pm: Moderate and fine
1:30 Out 3rd reef of main topsail. Set top gallant studding sails
3:30 In studding sails4: Extremity of the Land to the Eastward – East – to the Westward NW
6: Set studding sails
8: Do Weather
12: Do Weather

Thursday 11 May 1820
1: In mizen top gallant sail and top gallant studding sails
4: Fresh breezes and fine
8: Do Weather. Opened a cask of pease qt. 5 bushels, flour 1 cask qt. 336lbs, Rum No.19 qt. 89 gallons
10:30 Squally. In lower studding sails and top gt. sails. Carried away the larboard mizen top gt. stud. Boom
12: Do Weather. Extremes of the Land E to NNW
Bearings and distance at noon Cape Recife N76.18E 84 miles
am [sic] Fresh breezes and cloudy
4: Squally. In top gt. sails & topmast studding sails
5: Close reefed the topsails. Furled mizen do. reefed the fore sail and down fore topmast staysail
6: Sounded in 20 ftms. water
8: Sounded in 28 ftms.
9: set mizen topsail
12: Fresh breezes and cloudy

Friday 12 May 1820
am: Strong breezes and cloudy
3: Sounded in 35 ftms
4: Moderate and cloudy
7: Out 3rd and 4th reefs of topsails. Set top gallant sails and mainsail
10: Out 2nd reefs of fore and main topsails
Noon: Light airs and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon Cape Recife N82E 74 miles
pm: Calm and hazy. Variously employed about the rigging
4: Light airs from the Eastward. Trimmed sails
4:30 Strong breezes. In 2nd reefs of topsails
5: Extremes of land from E?N to NW½N
5:30 In 3 reefs of topsails
6:30 Reefed and set the mainsail
7: In spanker
8: Fresh breezes
Midnight: Do weather

Saturday 13 May 1820
am: Fresh breezes and squally
2:30 Set fore topmast staysail
3: Ware ship
4: Strong breezes and squally. Furled mizen top [obscured]
Down mizen top gallant yard
8: Moderate and fine. [In] mizen top gallant sail
9: Out 2nd reefs of topsails. [In] top gallant sails and jib
Noon: Moderate breezes and fine weather. Tacked ship
Bearings and distance at noon Point Recife [N88.3E] 112 miles
pm: Calm and cloudy. Up [cranses]
4: Do Weather
6: Do Weather. Calm and cloudy
8:30 A light air from the eastward
9:10 Set [cranses] and spanker
12: Calm

Sunday 14 May 1820
am: A breeze springing up from the westward. Trimmed sails
4: Moderate and fine
6: Made all sail
8: Do weather
9: Trimmed sails. Light airs and fine
11: Mustered by divisions and performed divine service
12: Do Weather
Bearings and distance at noon [left blank]
pm: Light airs and fine weather. Trimmed sails occasionally
2: Tacked ship
4: Do Weather
5:45 tacked
6: Moderate and cloudy
12: Do Weather

Monday 15 May 1820
Am: Fresh breezes and squally
2:30 tacked
4: Hove to
6:40 Tacked. In mizen top gt. sail & flying jib
8: Strong breezes
10:30 In top gt. sails
12: Fresh breezes and cloudy
Bearings and distance at noon Working in to Algoa Bay
pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy
4: came too with SB in 13 fms. Furled sails. Down top gallant yards
At anchor in Algoa Bay
6: Do Weather
8: Do Weather
Midnight: Moderate weather

Tuesday 16 May 1820
am: Light winds and fine. Employed clearing hold of settlers luggage and as most requisite
Opened a cask of pease qt. 5 bushels
Noon: Moderate and fine
pm: Employed as above
Sunset: Up boats

Wednesday 17 May 1820
am: Moderate and fine. Employed disembarking settlers and clearing the hold of luggage
pm: Employed as above
Sunset: Up boats
Midnight: Moderate weather

Thursday 18 May 1820
am: Moderate and fine. Employed disembarking settlers and their luggage
pm: Do weather. Employed as above. Opened Rum No.41 qt. 87 gallons
Sunset: Up boats

Friday 19 May 1820
am: Moderate and fine. Employed disembarking settlers and their luggage
Loosed sails to dry
pm: Do Weather. Employed as before. Furled sails
Sunset: Up boats

Saturday 20 May 1820
am: Light winds and fine weather. Employed disembarking settlers and their luggage
pm: Employed as above
6: Strong breezes from the westward. Let go the (BB)
Midnight: Strong breezes

Sunday 21 May 1820
am: Moderate and fine. Employed washing and cleaning decks
pm: Do Weather. Opened Beef No.2160 qt. 38 pcs, Pork 1293 qt. 80 pcs, Sugar No.38 qt. 560lbs
Midnight: Fine weather

Monday 22 May 1820
am: Employed stowing and clearing the hold. Shortened in SB cable. Filling casks with salt water
Noon: Moderate and fine
Sent the cutter to assist the boats of HMS Menai in Surveying
Sunset: Up boats
Midnight: Fine weather

Tuesday 23 May 1820
am: Light winds and variable. Employed filling salt water. Cutter employed as before.
Sent a party on shore to cut broom stuff
pm: Employed as before
Sunset: Up boats

Wednesday 24 May 1820
am: Moderate and fine. Employed filling salt water. Cutter returned with the information of the Menai’s boat having been upset in attempting to cross the bar of the [Sun…] whereby 1 midshipman and 3 seamen were drowned. Sent the cutter with the Menai’s pinnace to assist the lifeboat.
Opened a cask of flourNo.159 qt. 376lbs
pm: Employed as requisite
Sunset: Up boats
Midnight: Cloudy

Thursday 25 May 1820
am: Light winds and fine. Washed decks. Loosed sails to dry. Cutter returned. Employed filling salt water.
pm: Employed as before. Furled sails. A party making up brooms.
Sunset: Up boats
Midnight: Cloudy

Friday 26 May 1820
am: Light winds and fine. Employed washing the orlop and gun decks.
Opened a cask of Rum No.1 qt. 80 gallons, Pease 5 bushels
pm: Employed as requisite
Sunset: Up boats
Midnight: fresh breezes

Saturday 27 May 1820
am: Moderate breezes and fine
4: Unmoored ship and hove short on the SB
Crossed top gallant yards, loosed sails, [skirted] home the topsails
Employed getting ready for sea
Noon: Light winds and fine weather
Bearings and distance at noon Single Anchor in Algoa Bay
pm: Light winds and fine
Supplied HM Ship Menai with the flat boat & her gunpowder of Capt. MORESBY
4: Weighed and made sail on the starboard tack
6: Moderate and fine
Cape Recife […] 6 miles
Midnight: Light airs and fine weather

The National Archives, Kew, London

The following is a transcript of the muster roll for HMS Weymouth taken from ADM37/6146 at the National Archives, Kew, London. Names appear in the same order as on the list, ie not alphabetically but presumably as they lined up to have their names taken. Most first names were abbreviated using a superscript, but I have used an inverted comma to precede any superscript letter(s).

DD=discharged dead

Male Settlers:

Will'm NEAT
Tho's PAGE
Robert COLE
H'y GOODMAN         left at Cape of Good Hope to attend his master [John BRIDGEMAN]
John BRIDGEMAN   left behind at Cape of Good Hope through ill health
Rich'd BLEE
John COLEMAN     D 20 Feb [thereafter on crew list – ‘having volunteered to keep watch and perform seaman’s duties during the passage in consequence of the ship being short of company’]
Cha's DEAN
Step'n BROWN
Edw'd MARTIN (1)  left behind at Cape of Good Hope having fractured his leg
Edw'd MARTIN (2)
Tho's OVERE(1)
Tho's OVERE (2)
Capt. D. CAMPBELL   ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
John STROUD            ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
R HORTON                 ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
John WILLS                ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
Geo PENNY               ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
Ja's TURNER             D 29 Dec on shore at Portsmouth
Cha's BRUSHWOOD D 29 Dec on shore at Portsmouth
Wm GLADSTONE      D 31 Dec absent
John SMITH                D 29 Dec on shore at Portsmouth
John BROWN             D 29 Dec on shore at Portsmouth
John EDGECUMBE   ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
Philip HOBBS
Rich'd LIMES
Ja's PENNY             D 29 Dec on shore at Portsmouth
Geo SHEPHEARD  ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
Rich'd EVA
Edw'd FORD
Ja's DICKS (1)
Ja's DICKS (2)
Ja's JENNINGS     DS [discharged sick?] 6 Jan 1820 Haslar Hospital
Eph'm DICKS (1)   DD 26 Apr
Elijah PAYNE
Eph'm DICKS (2)
Cha's JORDAN              ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
Wm LOVELOCK            ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
John KIMMISH              ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
John LITTLEFIELD (1)  ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
John LITTLEFIELD (2)  ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
Henry BOOTH               D 7 Jan left behind at Portsmouth
Rich'd BOWLS
Tho's SWEETMAN    D 6 Jan > SB366 as a cooper until ship’s arrival at the Cape of Good Hope [crew muster gives his age as 42 and his place of birth as Deal]
Matson TERRY
Benj’n LEACH

Female Settlers:

Eliz'th FARLEY
Eliz'th TROLIP
Patience TROLIP
Eleanor KING
Eliz'th HAYMAN
Mary BIGGAR (1)
Mary BIGGAR (2)
Eliz'th BINGLE
Eliz'th PEDLAR
Penopha BLEE
Eliz'th FORWARD          DD 29 Mar
Eliz'th THOMAS
Eliz'th WARDEN
Susan CAMPBELL       D 6 Jan on shore at Portsmouth
Eliz'th STROUD            ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
Eliz'th HORTON           ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
Mary WILLS                 ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
Nancy PENNY             ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
Eliz'th BROWN            D 29 Dec on shore at Portsmouth
Charity HOBBS
Eliz'th USHER
Martha PENNY          D 29 Dec on shore at Portsmouth
Eliz'th SHEPHEARD ordered to remain at Cape of Good Hope
Eliz'th EVA
Eliz'th RALPHS
Eliz'th JAMES        DD 30 Dec died on board
Eliz'th BOWLS
Mary HAWARD (1)
Mary HAYWARD (2)
Sarah REED
Eliz’th PARKIN
Mary DEAN wife of Cha’s DEAN discovered on board after ship sailed

Settlers’ Children:

Wm, Sarah and Jos’h FARLEY                                 Jos.FARLEY DD 20 Feb
Jacob, Roda, Joseph and M Ann TROLIP
Isaac and Ann DEBNAM
Jos'h, John and Mary WEAKLY
John and Sarah KING
Rob't, Georg'a, Agnes, Char’e Alex'a and Helen BIGGAR
Tho's, Geo, M Ann and Jane POLLARD
Henry, M Ann and Eliz'th PEDLAR
Tho's and Elea'r BINGLE
Ja's and Eliz'th FAIRCLOTH
Henry and Martha GODFREY                                Martha GODFREY DD 18 Feb
Ann, Marg't and Caroline SANDERSON
Step'n, M Ann, Amelia and Eliz'th OSLER
Eliz'th WEEKS DD 2 Feb
James BALL
Sally and Phillis RICHARDS
Wm F, J.A.and L.A. COCK                                     Wm COCK DD 8 Feb
Geo, Phoebe and Sarah WHITEHEAD                  Sarah WHITEHEAD DD 27 Jan
Eliz'th WARDEN
Wm, Eliz'th and Sarah EMSLEY
Sam'l and Fanny DUGLEBY                                  Samuel DUGLEBY DD 15 Jan
Chris'r, Ann and Mary LAPPAN
Tho's and Dorothy SIMPSON
Geo, Cha's and Edw'd RHODES
John, Ja's, Tho's and Eliz'th VERITTY
Wm, Geo, Henry and M Ann BEALE
Eliz'th HORTON DD 25 Feb
Marg't WILLS
Eliz'th BROWN                                                      D 29 Dec on shore at Portsmouth
John YEARMOUTH                                               D 29 Dec on shore at Portsmouth
Dan'l and Sarah HOBBS                                       Sarah HOBBS DD 5 Feb
Reb'a and Emma ROGERS                                  Emma ROGERS DD 10 Feb
John, James, Ann, Sophia and Fanny USHER
John, Wm, Eliz'th, Selina and Eliza HAYWARD
Ja's, Jane, Eliza and Sarah RANDALL
Ja's and Wm BANKS
John, Let'a, Jane and Sophia STAMFORD          Jane DD 10 Feb Sophia DD 27 Jan
Pat'e and Eliz'th FORD
Sam'l, Harr't, Jos'h and Mary RALPHS                Mary RALPHS DD 21 Feb
Ja's, Jos (1), Jonah and Eliza DICKS
Jos DICKS (2)
John CROUCH DD 20 Feb
Jos'h and Harr PINNOCK                                     Joseph PINNOCK DD 15 Mar
B E, R M, Sep's, Oct's and Mary E BOWKER
Step'n and Eliza JAMES
Wm MILES DD 24 Feb
John, Ja's Tho's, Wm, Han'h and Mary GREEN
Tho's, Edw'd, Reb'a, Eliz'th and Char'l AMOSS
Esther BOWLS
Jemima BOWLS
Ja's, Han'h and Ruth SWEETMAN
Jos'h, Emilly and Mary REED
Geo, Tho's, Ja's, Cecilia, Eliz'th and Jane EASTLAND
Tho's and Rob CARTER
John and Fra's CRONK
Geo, Leon'd, Reb'a and Jane HINTON
S Wm and Tho's JAMES                                    S.Wm DD 12 Jan Thomas DD 2 Jan
Eldred, Cha's and Hor'o PEARSE
Wm, John, Robert and Jane PARKIN
Wm and Maria GLOGG

Born on board:
Jan 13 ___ PEDLAR
Jan 28 ___ GREEN
Feb 7 ___ REED
Feb 20 ___ BIGGAR
Feb 29 ___ EPSEY
Mar 8 ___ GODFREY
Mar 10 ___ USHER
Mar 22 ___ HOBBS DD 13 Apr
7 Apr ___ SWEETMAN
26 Apr ___ BOWKER
29 Apr ___ SANDERS DD 7 May

[A later listing in the muster roll, dated 8 May 1820, lists those who came aboard from the Stentor in Table Bay for passage to Algoa Bay]

Male Settlers
George SMITH
Jerem'h LONG
Daniel FLINN
Rich'd HULLY
Female Settlers
Eliz'th WARNER
Catherine FLINN
Settlers' Children
Jas. and Jerem'h LONG
Joseph, Rosina and Caroline WARNER
Ann and Maria BEARDMAN
Eliz'th and Martha WEDDERBURN
Mary, Anna, Marg't and Martha KIRKMAN
John and Hannah DUXBERRY
Hannah, John, Edward, Anne and Jane BUCKLEY
Eliz'th WALKER
Jas. and John RICHARDSON
Martha, Eliz'th and Emma RICHARDSON
Rich'd, Fra's and Sarah HULLY
Will'm and Eliza DENTON
John, Anne and Eliz'th CLAYTON


Born on Board 18 May  _____ CRONK

[Paul Tanner-Tremaine has used the bearings mentioned in this log to plot the route of the Weymouth. See  here.

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