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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Nottinghamshire 1820 Settlers

These documents are housed in Nottinghamshire Archives and were transcribed by Rob Smith while researching for his book Nottinghamshire Settlers and Locations in the Eastern Cape of Good Hope  (Footprint Press, Hermanus, Western Cape). They are reproduced here by kind permission of Rob Smith and Nottinghamshire Archives. Surnames have been printed in block capitals to fit in with the other transcriptions on this site.

Most of the correspondence was addressed to Edward Smith GODFREY, Clerk of the Peace for Nottinghamshire, who was in charge of the selection of the Nottinghamshire settlers on the emigration scheme. He was assisted by the Rev. J.T. BECHER of Southwell.

Applications to emigrate from members of CALTON's Party


Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/52

Nottingham 27 October 1819

We the undersign’d earnestly request to share in the benefit of the present subscription by going to the Cape of Good Hope
John BRADFIELD aged 50 years Frame Work Knitter
Mary      do----------------46 “
John         “ ----------------24 “ Draper out of employ
Edmund  “ ----------------22 “ Wood & Iron Turner
Eleanor   “ ----------------19 “
Joseph     “ ----------------18 “ Frame Work Knitter
Mary        “ ----------------16 “
Richard   “ ----------------12 “
Thomas  “ ------------------9 “
all of St Marys Parish
York Street
our names had been taken down by Mr DENNISON of Nottm the supplement to the lists which we where told did not stand so good a chance as the [first]


Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/2

To His Grace the Duke of Newcastle

Your most humble Petitioner begs leave to state that he has a Wife daily expected to be confined and three children the Eldest about six years and a half and that he has no employment whatever, which causes them to be in a most deplorable situation; and has he has no hopes of any in this County at present he most humbly and respectfully Prays that your Grace would be pleased to take his case under your favourable consideration and procure him with his Family the means to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope where he has a view of a maintenance by industry
Distressed Frame Work Knitter of the Parish of Arnold near Nottingham
Meynal Row
Sept 9th 1819


Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/23

Nottingham October 20 1819

I Thomas DRAPER With my famley wishes to be sent to the Cape of good hope as Settlers.
Thomas DRAPER Aged 33 years gardner
Sarah DRAPERr my Wife Aged 36 years
Thomas DRAPER my Son age 7 years
to be found
Thomas DRAPER Gardner
Grey Friars gate
Gentlemen your Humble Servant at [Comand]


Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/94

[father of settlers William and Mark ELLIOTT]


Having heard that it is the intention of the Noblemen and Gentn under whose auspices the late Emigrants to the Cape of Good Hope were sent out, to send another Party next year, I take the liberty most respectfully to request that my name may be inserted as one most anxious to go
I have a Wife and two daughters who are equally desirous, and I beg to name (hoping that it may be an inducement to give one a Reference) that two of my Sons with their families went with the last Party and that it is an adverse fate to one of most peculiar interest is the first wish of my heart is to spend the remainder of my days with my family – I am forty-six years and a half old, have seen much better days than those I now experiance, the change is not caused by want of care but a reverse in fortune, & should I be so lucky as to obtain the patronage that I now most earnestly solicit I shall look forward to the close of life with comfort and composure –
It will much relieve the anxiety that I now feel if you will have the kindness Sir to cause this letter to be answered saying whether I may expect to be successful or not – Trusting to your liberality for an excuse for thus troubling you. I beg leave to subscribe myself –
Sir Most respectfully
Your Obedt Hble Servt
[Simon] Hill nr Nottingham
12 Feb 1820

Please to direct Wm ELLIOTT – Post Office Nottingham – My daughters are one 16 the other 14 years of age.


Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/92

Nottingham Decr 15th 1819

Respected Sir
On our way to take and to pay our Duty to our Deservedly Beloved Parent By taking our Final Farewell as we Supposed of Him. We had the Honor of Calling on you last Sunday 12th Inst. at Newark, But our Father Signified to us That He is well satisfied and would be very Happy to go with Us to the Cape. We therefore Humbly Beg leave to Inform You That He is near Fifty Years Old of a Robust Constitution and Such Another Bodied Man as either of us. Reared as we are [viz.] to Farming, Agriculture, and Cultivation, also our Brother Mark aged Eighteen, and our Sister Elizabeth Age twenty Five And our Sister Sarah Aged Fourteen, all Conversant in the Farming Business and all in Rude and Florishing Health.
We should Consider it as a very Particular Favor if you would Be so good as to Honor us with your Sentiments on it as soon as Convenient that we may Communicate it to our Father & his Children as Soon as Possible. This Favor shall be Gratefully Acknowledged By Sir,
With Very Profound Respect
Yours most Faithfully
Thos & George GOLDIN
Our Address
Thos GOLDIN, Roses building
Back Lane


Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/14

Worthy Sirs
In peruseing the public, Newspaper, we are therein directed, to apply to you for information and Asistance, to one who, we have no doubt, is booth able, and willing, to give the information required; this sheweth that your Petitioners hath an inclination to quit thire Native Country, for a foreign Land, we being disposed to proceed as Colonists to the Cape of Good Hope, haveing nothing in view but the Cape of Despair in this our Native Land, we therefore humbly request that you Sir, would inform us what part of Africa we hope to go too, and what we are to do, and what will be most likely to take for Usefulness; when we get thire, we are Chiefly, Masons, & Builders, by trade of young and healthy Constitutions such as will stick up for the Honour of old England knowing that England exspects every man to do his Duty, but A more particular Description we’ll give, if you will be so Good as to write to us, an incourageing letter
We remain Sir your humble obedient servants
Newstead Abbey
Signed in behalf of the Rest
October 18th 1819
P.S. If you think proper to Write please to Direct for Henry HOLLAND, Stone Mason Newstead Abbey, Notts

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/81

To Edward Smith GODFREY Esqr

We the undersigned, being desirous to proceed as Colonists to the Cape of Good Hope, humbly beg that we may bear A part of your consideration; we being the more encouraged in applying to you, Sir, thus late, from personal knowledge, that some have drawn back and others will give way when the time comes that they must bid adieu to friends and home – and being perswaded that the more Aged may be refused; we therefore humbly hope to bear a part of your Consideration; as follows-
Henry HOLLAND, Aged 22, Stone Mason of the parish of Mansfield
Edward SHIPLEY Aged 33 Stone Mason, Margaret SHIPLEY his wife Aged 32 with five Children two Boys & three girls under the age of 14
John MATTHEWS Aged 28 Stone Mason of the parish of Worksop
William PRESTON Aged 38 Stone Mason, Edwin PRESTON Aged 15, his son S PRESTON, his mother Aged 40 of Mansfield Parish,
John TOMLINSON Aged 26 Labourer of the Parish of Newstead
Signed on behalf of the Rst,

PS, this is the second time of my applying to you but wither you ever received the fist I know not as I have not received an Answer, if you think proper to send any Information please to direct to Henry HOLLAND Stn Mason Newstead Abbey Notts,
I remain Sir
your humble obedient Servant
Newstead Abbey
Novr 1st 1819


Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/102

[Transcriber’s Note: The first of two applications. The following words were accompanied by a list of persons from Mansfield (not given here) including the names of forty adult males and their families. Included are the HARTLEYs that would become a prominent family of settlers. JACKSON seems to use the opportunity to advance his own case for being selected for the emigration plan.]

Sir hair with you will reseave the Mansfield names of those Wishing to Imeagrate to the Cape of good hope I have sent them in to his grace who I apliyd to and he was pleased to Refer me to Doctor WHITE and he is pleased to say he thinks me a very fit pirson to go and said I had better take the Names down at Mansfield which I have done with some trubel as Correct as I cold[?] you will See the difference of boys and Girls by their names their is some more that hav not made up their minds theirfore If you will be pleased Sir to send me it note to informe me Weather I shall take haney more names down and weather you Wish for haney more Informeation respecting those names you Will mach oblige your Most obeadeant and humble servant
NB I have been yoused to navigateing And the African Climeat
Chesterfield Lane
Mansfield Notts

Sir I hame a little rent bad and I beleave I have maney goods as will pay it if you will be So good as to let me know as soon as you can weather I ham excepted or no that I may have time to make the best of them and by so doing you will much oblige your ever humble Servant

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/6?

[Transcriber’s Note: Samuel JACKSON’s second application, this time with others – as before he used the opportunity to promote his personal cause]

I hope your Grace will not think me trubelsom And I also beg your Grace will forgive my boldness and excuse my ignorance in adressing your Grace but haveing Reseaved no answer from wen wrote 3 weakes to day I was Afraid I shall miss the opertunety. I therefore send the names of those wishing to go and Descriptions

  years wife under 14 under 18 about 18
Samuel JACKSON 30 w 3 0 0
William TRANTHAM 19 these two I ham uncle to      
George CUTTS 16 and youse to farming      
Samuel HOLLIS 23        
George SCOTT 23 w      
James SCOTT 29 w 3 0 0
Robert CORP 43 w 6 2 0
James JACKSON 48 no wife      
[Cleal] TURTON 24 w 2 0 0
[illegble] ** w 4 1 0
George HODKINSON 20        
Edward SLACK 41 w 0 2 0
Frances ALLESON 40 w 5 0 0
Benjamin THORP 26  w (and sister) 1 0 0
John **** 23        
John WINTERBOTHAM 58 w 0 1 1

George CUTTS and Wm TRANTHAM are going to work with Me as I think that them being very yung they will Be very greate servis both to me and the cuntery. I have been hover Again to Doctor WHITE and He is pleased to say he thinks me A very fit man to go as being yung and hable and used to the Climet I ham not unaquanted with the Cape
I shall take it as A very great favour if your Grace will let me know as soon as you can whether I ham Excepted or no for I think of geting Another boy or two if I can & I Remain your Graces most humble and most obedeant servant
Chesterfield lane


Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/55

Nottingham October 27 1819

Mr Edward Smith GODFREY

You will excuse the liberty I have taken in addressing you on the subject of proceeding has a Colonist to the Cape of Good Hope providing theres a prospect of obtaining a comfortable maintenance by our hard labour should prefer going out has Overlooker or to act in any other capacity the Gentn of the Committee should think *** honor me with and be assured it should **** constant (study?) to give satisfaction to my employers and be of credit to myself. Have been brought up to the Silk Hosiery & Lace Trade, thro the very severe losses myself and family have sustained in America which has very much reduced my circumstances and Trade here being in such a depressed state, I am under the necessity of applying to you for a situation as above with respect to my family Connections & I can give you the most respectable report if required. *** your answer to the above, in a post or two with particulars will greatly oblige.
your most Obt Hble Servant
Single Man Aged 27 years

NB Please to direct for me at Mrs BARCLAY’s – Rosemary Lane, Greyfriars Gate, Nottingham.


Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/90

Thomas NELSON 28 years
Mary his wife 23 do
William 3 do                     } Children
Matilda Ann 10 Months }
Richard ULYATT 24 years
John PERCIVAL 18 do
Belongs to Normanton upon Trent

23 Nov. 1819


Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/29

Keyworth Novr 9th 1819

Having a pauper in our parish who is anxious to go to the Cape on the plan of Colonization, our paroshioners being ignorant of the nature of this business are desirous of some information. And having applied to the Gentlemen Magistrates on this side, who regretted they could give no satisfactory account the idea of writing to you Sir was suggested.
The man says his name was entered as a pauper in the first List, as follows, William PIKE age 40, Wife’s age 41. Thomas his son aged 19, Sarah his daughter aged 17, William 15 – Elijah 6, and Rose, his youngest daughter, aged 4. He was enered in the List, he says, at Number 24 & 25 –
He demands of the Parish 30£s to purchase necessaries for the Voyage. What we wish to know is 1st, Whether he has even been entered in such List? – 2nd Whether you know the time when the vessel, or vessels are to set sail; and from whence? – 3rd Whether the expence is to be defrayed by the Government & the liberal Subscription of the Noblemen & gentlemen lately advertised in the Nottingham Journal; or, that a parish is to pay a Pauper for going? –
But what we particularly wish to know is whether there be no securer method of paying whatever sum the Parish may agree to give, than by paying the money to the pauper himself; as we have cogent reasons for wishing to be cautious in this particular.
Your answer to the foregoing interrogations with any other instructions, your judgment & knowledge of this business may be pleased to add, will greatly oblige the parishioners of Keyworth, & particularly
Your most obedient humble Servant
William COOK
PS. It is almost unnecessary to add, that a speedy answer is earnestly requested address:
William COOK
Overseer of Keyworth
near Nottingham
To be left at Plumtree


Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/4/32


According to information it requires the signature of the Parish officers to give security to you for Persons desirous to emigrate to Cape the sum required is five Pounds, the person who belongs our Parish, is Henry SHEPHERDS his Wife and three Children, he is very Healthy Industrious man if this direction should be incorrect will thank you for information upon it. Please to say when and where the Money shall be Paid and it shall be honestly Performed by us
Wm TAFT Guardian
Francis BERNESLEY? } Church Wardens
Charles SHAW           }
Wm BARTON                        }Overseers
NB Henry’s age 29
Wife’s age 26
one Child ----4
one do ----3
one do ----1 month

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