NEWCASTLE, The Duke of, re CALTON's Party
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 917
Nov. 6, 1819
My Lord
By this post your Lordship will receive a letter which I have written as Chairman to the Subscribers to the fund for promoting Colonizations.
I think it right, in addition, to call your Lordship's attention to the circumstances, that our subscriptions was entered into for the purpose of rendering material benefit and not for any private advantage, which is the case, I believe, with all the other applications that have been made to you.
This, I conceive, entitles one application to every consideration and performance and I should hope that such will be given by your Lordship. We are pledged to the people to promote their going out to the Cape and not only would it be very mortifying to show ourselves obliged to [their] faith with them, but I am convinced that in doing so would in many ways be attended with any bad effect.
I have the honour to remain
Your Lordship's
Very humble & obdt.
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 919
Nov. 6, 1819
My Lord
As Chairman of a meeting of the Subscribers to the relief by colonization in this county, held at Mansfield this day, and by their desire I beg to state to your Lordship, that they as well as I, are greatly surprised to find that Mr GOULBURN in his letter to Mr GODFREY of the 2nd inst, had omitted to give any answer to the inquiries submitted to him by Mr GODFREY's letter of the 25 ulto., inasmuch as those inquiries relate to the general objects of the Subscribers and apply to the list transmitted to Mr GOULBURN by Mr GODFREY in his letter of the 20th Ulto., and as we understood by the terms of Mr GOULBURN's letter of the 28th that the number contained in the list was intended by your Lordship to be permitted to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope with other settlers going out this year, I must request the favor of your Lordship to transmit to me as early as possible a specific answer to the inquiries referred to, a copy of which I enclose, in order that the measures adopted for the sending out the number of persons to [be] accepted may be immediately carried into effect.
I have the honor to remain my Lord,
Your Lordship's very obdt. Svt
P.S. I have particularly to request an immediate answer from your Lordship which I may lay before the Subscribers with the least possible delay.
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 921
Nov. 12, 1819
My Lord,
We have had a final meeting today of the Subscribers for emigration and we find it necessary to enquire:
1. Whether a sufficiency of corn for bread & for seed will certainly be found at the Cape of Good Hope and at a reasonable price.
2. What port is fixed upon for the Nott's emigrants to embark from
3. To be allowed permission for 50 families to go out on our account – that is 50 men, most of them with wives and families.
A complete list shall be sent as soon as possible, but at present from [unf...] in some and unwillingness in others, continual alteration is taking place in the list, in a very few days their difficulties will be overcome and we hope to be able to act with more certainty.
I have particularly to request your Lordship to accede to my last proposal and if you will trust to me I will take care that nothing improper shall take place – I am exceedingly anxious for the success of our enterprise.
I have the honor to remain
My Lord
Your Lordship's
Very obdt. St
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 917
Nov. 6, 1819
My Lord
By this post your Lordship will receive a letter which I have written as Chairman to the Subscribers to the fund for promoting Colonizations.
I think it right, in addition, to call your Lordship's attention to the circumstances, that our subscriptions was entered into for the purpose of rendering material benefit and not for any private advantage, which is the case, I believe, with all the other applications that have been made to you.
This, I conceive, entitles one application to every consideration and performance and I should hope that such will be given by your Lordship. We are pledged to the people to promote their going out to the Cape and not only would it be very mortifying to show ourselves obliged to [their] faith with them, but I am convinced that in doing so would in many ways be attended with any bad effect.
I have the honour to remain
Your Lordship's
Very humble & obdt.
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 919
Nov. 6, 1819
My Lord
As Chairman of a meeting of the Subscribers to the relief by colonization in this county, held at Mansfield this day, and by their desire I beg to state to your Lordship, that they as well as I, are greatly surprised to find that Mr GOULBURN in his letter to Mr GODFREY of the 2nd inst, had omitted to give any answer to the inquiries submitted to him by Mr GODFREY's letter of the 25 ulto., inasmuch as those inquiries relate to the general objects of the Subscribers and apply to the list transmitted to Mr GOULBURN by Mr GODFREY in his letter of the 20th Ulto., and as we understood by the terms of Mr GOULBURN's letter of the 28th that the number contained in the list was intended by your Lordship to be permitted to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope with other settlers going out this year, I must request the favor of your Lordship to transmit to me as early as possible a specific answer to the inquiries referred to, a copy of which I enclose, in order that the measures adopted for the sending out the number of persons to [be] accepted may be immediately carried into effect.
I have the honor to remain my Lord,
Your Lordship's very obdt. Svt
P.S. I have particularly to request an immediate answer from your Lordship which I may lay before the Subscribers with the least possible delay.
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 921
Nov. 12, 1819
My Lord,
We have had a final meeting today of the Subscribers for emigration and we find it necessary to enquire:
1. Whether a sufficiency of corn for bread & for seed will certainly be found at the Cape of Good Hope and at a reasonable price.
2. What port is fixed upon for the Nott's emigrants to embark from
3. To be allowed permission for 50 families to go out on our account – that is 50 men, most of them with wives and families.
A complete list shall be sent as soon as possible, but at present from [unf….] in some and unwillingness in others, continual alteration is taking place in the list, in a very few days their difficulties will be overcome and we hope to be able to act with more certainty.
I have particularly to request your Lordship to accede to my last proposal and if you will trust to me I will take care that nothing improper shall take place – I am exceedingly anxious for the success of our enterprise.
I have the honor to remain
My Lord
Your Lordship's
Very obdt. St
Statement of Persons desirous of emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope – Nottingham 18th October 1819
Names of Men |
Age |
Town |
Parish |
Trade or Profession |
Names of Women |
Age |
Names of Children |
Y |
M |
1 |
36 |
Nott'm |
St.Mary |
Framework knitter |
Hannah |
29 |
Anne |
6 |
6 |
George |
4 |
10 |
Henry |
1 |
10 |
Charlotte |
1 |
2 |
George PALMER |
36 |
Nott'm |
St.Mary |
Framework knitter |
Millicent |
31 |
George [sic] |
14 |
1 |
Benjamin |
12 |
2 |
George |
8 |
1 |
3 |
Thomas PALMER |
23 |
Nott'm |
St.Mary |
Framework knitter |
Elizabeth |
22 |
4 |
Christ'r LANGEN |
46 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
5 |
23 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
6 |
27 |
Do |
Do |
Bricklayer |
Mary |
26 |
Sarah |
6 |
7 |
John BILBY |
40 |
Do |
Do |
Framework knitter |
Ann |
21 |
George |
16 |
3 |
John |
10 |
3 |
Eliza |
1 |
8 |
40 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
Elizabeth |
30 |
Benjamin |
15 |
Caroline |
12 |
2 |
Sarah LACEY |
14 |
3 |
9 |
20 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
10 |
Jos'h SMITH |
36 |
Do |
Do |
Blacksmith |
Mary |
32 |
11 |
James WRIGHT |
31 |
Do |
Do |
Framework knitter |
James |
8 |
1 |
John |
0 |
3 |
12 |
Rich'd FISHER |
31 |
Do |
Do |
Framework knitter |
Ab'l |
32 |
13 |
James STURT |
40 |
Do |
St.Nicholas |
Labourer |
Charles |
8 |
1 |
14 |
46 |
Do |
St.Mary |
Framework knitter |
15 |
William HOOLEY |
22 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
Mary |
22 |
16 |
William WATSON |
21 |
Do |
Do |
Labourer |
17 |
Henry STORER |
21 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
18 |
William FIDO |
27 |
Do |
Do |
Framework knitter |
19 |
William ELLIOTT |
47 |
New |
Radford |
Framework knitter |
20 |
William ELLIOTT |
25 |
New |
Radford |
Do |
Elizabeth |
22 |
Nathaniel |
3 |
William |
8 |
21 |
21 |
New |
Radford |
Do |
22 |
William PIKE |
40 |
Keyworth |
Do |
Sarah [sic] |
Sarah |
17 |
William |
15 |
Elija |
6 |
5 |
Rose |
4 |
3 |
23 |
Thomas PIKE |
19 |
Keyworth |
Do |
24 |
28 |
Nott'm |
St.Mary |
Do |
25 |
John WHITE |
20 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
26 |
Chris'r TATHAM |
22 |
Do |
Do |
Brass founder |
27 |
John DAFT |
22 |
Do |
Do |
Labourer |
28 |
40 |
Do |
St.Nicholas |
Do |
29 |
Benj'n BUGG |
37 |
New |
Radford |
Framework knitter |
Mary |
33 |
Matilda |
13 |
1 |
Benjamin |
6 |
4 |
Dinia |
2 |
4 |
Joseph |
4 |
30 |
John WARD |
19 |
Nott'm |
St.Mary |
Framework knitter |
31 |
Coniah WOOD |
24 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
32 |
William TAYLOR |
24 |
Do |
Do |
Labourer |
Eliza |
24 |
William |
4 |
1 |
33 |
William FOWLES |
27 |
Basford |
Framework knitter |
Ann |
20 |
John |
8 |
34 |
William CROSS |
29 |
Bunny |
Cordwainer |
35 |
20 |
Nott'm |
St.Mary |
Framework knitter |
36 |
Joseph WRIGHT |
21 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
37 |
William HARRISON |
21 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
38 |
21 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
Diana |
23 |
Elizabeth |
1 |
3 |
39 |
James HARRIS |
18 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
40 |
Thomas WOOD |
21 |
Do |
Do |
Do |
41 |
George TWELLS |
23 |
Do |
Do |
Rope maker |
Hannah |
20 |
George DENNISON: Serjeant Pensioner 35th Regt at 9d per diem
Jos'h SMITH: Serjeant Pensioner 69th Regt. At 1s per diem
James WRIGHT: Pensioner 59th Regt. At 9d per diem
John WHITE: Pensioner 1st Regt. At 6d per diem
Benjamin BUGG: Pensioner 88th Regt. At 9d per diem
Men 41
Women 16
Children above 14 years 6
Children under 14 years 25
Total No. of persons 88
[Transcriber's note: The Settler Handbook lists George PALMER's eldest son as Gervase, aged 14
William PIKE's wife was Mary]
- Hits: 7931