ELLIOTT, Richard William
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 47
Honey-Gate Farm
W. Sunderland
12 August 1819
My Lord
From the copy of a circular which lately appeared in the newspapers it appears to be the intention of the British Government to send out settlers to the Cape of Good Hope on condition that the person so sent out and wishing to have a grant of land shall take out ten settlers and deposit ten pounds for each in the hands of the Secretary. I have two brothers who are desirous as well as myself to emigrate and should above all prefer settling in a country under the British Government providing we can have any prospect of a reasonable return for the capital we would employ - we would each take out the number of settlers if the information which we trust your Lordship will be pleased to give of the subject is at all satisfactory. We are desirous to know whether the British Government will pay the freight for agricultural implements or household furniture, and if the person taking out settlers will be allowed to choose the district in which he would like to have his allotment as it does not appear from the accounts which have lately been received from the Colony that property can be at all secure in the remote districts bordering on the Caffer Country from the frequent inroads of the native hordes, moreover from the accounts travellers give of the country there is not above one third part of the land that will ever repay the expense of cultivating which renders it only prudent before removing to so distant a part of the world to enquire of the government and give a promise that the land granted to the settler will be of such quality as by the common mode of culture practiced at the Cape afford a fair remuneration for the labour and expense of cultivating, as it appears unless the allotment is brought into a state of cultivation in a given time it will be forfeited.
It may not be improper to inform you Lordship that I have been all my life employed in agriculture, and if character is required I flatter myself as being able to refer [page torn] who will perfectly satisfy in that he [gap] a reply and information which I trust [gap] Lordship will be pleased to favour [gap] with on the subject.
I am my lord your Lordship's most humble servant
Richard William ELLIOTT
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 87
Honey-Gate Farm
14 September 1819
My Lord,
I take the liberty of addressing your Lordship and respectfully solicit your Lordship's answers to the following questions.
I am my lord
Your Lordship's obedient servant
Question 1
Does government intend sending out any more settlers to the Cape of Good Hope after Nov. next when I suppose the transports now fitting out will sail?
Question 2
Will you be allowed a grant of land and to make choice of the district provided I take out settlers at my own cost and in what part of the Colony the land is situated which is to be so disposed of?
Should any settlers be sent out next spring my brother and self will engage to take out the number and fulfill all other conditions required.
[In clerk's hand]
Left by Mr John SMITH
Falcon Wharf
who will forward this to Mr ELLIOTT
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 95
Honey-Gate Farm
W. Sunderland
25 Nov. 1819
From a circular I received from Downing Street dated October 14th in reply to a letter addressed to Earl Bathurst it appears that the whole number of settlers whom it is possible for the British Government to send out to the Cape of Good [sic] during the present year has been completed.
I shall feel greatly obliged if you will be pleased to signify to Earl Bathurst that I am desirous to emigrate to the Colony and take out settlers at my own expense, and shall have no objection to leave a deposit in the hands of Earl Bathurst if required to secure the fulfilment of my engagement providing I am allowed a grant of land at the rate of one hundred acres for each person so taken out, the number of settlers not to exceed fifteen and can have information in what part of the Colony I may have my allotment.
I shall take it as a great favour if you will send me an answer as soon as convenient as I shall have agricultural implements to provide and other business which I cannot arrange in less than three months - if my offer is accepted.
I am your most obedient servant
Richard William ELLIOTT
PS if recommendation is required I have no doubt of procuring the most satisfactory
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