Letter from Thomas HARTLEY, Henry HOLLAND and Samuel JACKSON
Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/6/44
[Letter regarding distress caused by the delays]
Decr 31st 1819
To Edward Smith GODFREY Esqr
Sir, We the undersigned do think it our duty to let you know the circumstances which most of us as Colonists to the Cape of good Hope do now labour under in consequence of the unaccounted for delays the prevailing distress is now becoming general,
occasioned by haveing Sold up thire little property and liveing upon it being out out of employment in consequence of haveing been led to expect every day to be thire last, some have applyed for Parish assistance being quiet destitute but have been peremtorly refused with this promise that if they whould burn thire agreement and give up; they whould then assist them, and unless you can give them farther encouragment as to the time of our departure, they have express’d thire determination to give up the thoughts of going, this Sir, we have briefly stated facts as the are and we wish for an answer as soon as possible, we remain
Sir, yours &c
P.S. Be pleased to direct for
Thos HARTLEY Whitesmith
Leeming Lane
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