GODFREY, Edward Smith, 1820
National Archives, Kew, CO48/52, 364
19 January 1820
In my letter to you of the 6th Ult. I had the honor to inform you that it was very probable that several of the persons who had originally proposed to go out as Settlers to the Cape of Good Hope from this County under the Superintendance of Mr Thos. CALTON would from a variety of circumstances change their minds & I therefore inquired whether it would be permitted to substitute others in their stead, & in answer to said letter you did me the honor to reply by yours of the 8th Ult. ‘that Earl BATHURST would have no difficulty in admitting substitutions of other persons so that there was no excess of the original numbers'. In consequence of this permission I have given directions from time to time to supply the vacancies of such persons as declined to proceed to the Cape & many changes have taken place accordingly – the party commenced their march to Liverpool in the
beginning of last [week?] & many of them have already arrived but by a letter I have received from Mr. CALTON dated the 16th inst. he informs me that he had that morning taken about 30 persons on board the vessel destined to receive them when some of them were returned in consequence of their names not [being] included in the original List. It has been quite impossible as yet to transmit to your office a complete List of all the present proposed Settlers, inasmuch as I find every hour has produced some variation. I hope in the course of a few days to be able to inform you that all the party have set out from Nottingham & then I can furnish you with a complete List. In the mean time I hope I am not asking any thing unreasonable in requesting that directions may be given to the Captain of the vessel or the Government Agent at Liverpool to receive all such persons on board from Nottingham as Mr CALTON may produce, untill the List can be made out; because I fear the expense of maintaining these people on shore will be considered a very great hardship by the subscribers who have already expended an enormous sum of money in the outfit of this party and their conveyance from Nottingham to Liverpool.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient humble servant
Edwd. Smith GODFREY
- Hits: 6391