GLOVER, John re George GATEHOUSE, 1821
National Archives, Kew, CO48/56, 115
23 Feb 1821
My Lady,
Lady CAMPBELL having sent Lord BATHURSTs answer to your letter about GATEHOUSE, I beg to acquaint your Ladyship that I have made every enquiry about him and find that GATEHOUSE was originally intended to go out in the Weymouth with Captain Duncan CAMPBELL as one of his Party, but as he had more than his complement he went out in the same ship as one of the Party of Mr. COX in the place of Charles INGRAM, who was going out but who could not pay the sum stipulated by Government. Mrs GATEHOUSE has received letters from her husband whi is well, is doing well, who is very anxious for her to join him.
Your Ladyships most humble servant
[Note on back] Mr. GLOVER who writes this letter was secretary to Sir George CAMPBELL & is now with Sir James [WHISHEDTREE?]
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