National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 935
Dec 17th 1819
Most honored Sir,
My cousin William WATTS of Dilton Marsh Westbury Wilts with his wife and four children under fourteen years of age have this day declined going to the Cape of Good Hope with Captain JAMES in consequence of which Mr. JAMES is one family of six persons short of his number to go to that colony. Mr. JAMES is willing to take me my wife and family which is six in number in the place of my cousin WATTS and family to keep the number right on the books if it should be agreeable to your Lordship. One of my children is past fourteen years and I would pay the difference of charge on that child if required. Please answer this as soon as possible, directed to me
Army Baker and Purveyor of Oats
Warminster, Wilts
PS I have knowledge in the dairy farming business having rented an estate of Dr. BETHEL in the Parish of Bradford, also rented Brook Cottage Estate in the Parish of Westbury Wilts some years past. My age is 42 years, I have served in office and have no objection to be made constable to keep the peace on my arrival at the Cape.
Mr. JAMES is gone forward this day with the party for Portsmouth
[Transcriber's note: Samuel JAMES's letter from Portsmouth (see under J at CO48/44) begins “In Apply to John HOPKINS letter dated 22nd instant from Mr. GOULBURN acceptances of him and his wife and family in the substituted of William WATTS and family By my Recomention I therefore strongly recommend him as a usefull an fit man for this Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope.” John HOPKINS did not, however, appear on the muster roll for the party on board the Weymouth. His cousin William WATTS was in all probability a relation of Rebecca WATTS, who married James RANDALL in Westbury on 31 Dec 1809 and sailed on the Weymouth]
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