BROWN re Samuel JAMES, 1820 Settler
(re Samuel JAMES)
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 671
Westbury Leigh
Oct 30 1819
I beg leave to state to you in reply to your letter to Samuel JAMES of Westbury Wilts of the 28th inst that the party he is desirous of taking to the Cape of Good Hope is already accepted of but that Sam'l WATSON who first undertook the care thereof & who applied for that purpose has declined going & JAMES wishes to succeed him, therefore his application was merely to take the command of a Party already accepted instead of WATSON & to make good any other Deficiency to complete the number.
Your early answer whether his request can be complied with will oblige
Sir your most obt svt
?. BROWN, Clerk to the Mayor
- Hits: 6489