JAMES, William (brother of Samuel JAMES), 1822
National Archives, Kew, CO48/59, 336
May 9th 1822
Having a brother by name Samuel JAMES who imagrated to the Cape of Good Hope with your squadron & having just receiv'd a letter from him, wherein he is desirous of having some goods sent him such as broad cloth & chimeres [Transcriber's Note: a type of riding cloak resembling an academic gown], callicos, stockings, threads, cottons, pins, needles &c &c. I will therefore be much oblidge by giving me an information as soon as posible where goods can be sent to him free of duty & by what conveyance & if possible please to say what time a vessel may sail. Your attention will greatly oblidge
Your obed't serv't
National Archives, Kew, CO48/59, 338
Westbury, Wilts
June 8th 1822
Having wrote you some time ago requesting an information how to send to the Cape of Good Hope & not having heard from you I take the liberty of writing again & will take it a favour if you will give me the necessary information. Sir when the parties went to the Cape of Good Hope I had a brother who went with them named Samuel JAMES which has lately sent me a letter stating his satisfaction of the country & requesting me to send him some goods namely broad cloths, [Dowlases?] checks & cutlery goods. I will take it a great favour if you will give me information when there will be a vessel sailing there & from what port it goes from & if possible please to inform me when the goods is exempt of duty to them.
Your answer will be esteemed by, Sir
Your obed't serv't
Your favour of the 7th June is just receiv'd & if possible will thank you to say when you expect a vessel will sail & how goods must be directed there.
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