FLINN, Daniel, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 247
Oct 29th 1819
Honourable Sir,
I have made application this morning to a Mr. SMITH of Manchester who is now engaging some able bodied men and their families in this town to go as imigrants to the Cape of Good Hope. And amongst the number I have a daughter and her husband that has engaged and paid their passage. On my application to Mr. SMITH he could wish me to join the number of those that was preparing to go as I have been in the country for two years and eight months and was at the building of the first Battery that was built in Alligo bay; am now in the forty third year of my age and my wife in the forty second. And am an out pentioner of Chelsea at nine pence per day. And I do assure your honour that hard labour and industry are no stranger to me altho am deficient of a leg for I was brought up to it from my childhood. And it was by hard labour that I got a liveing for both myself and my family since I was discharged from the service. And if this would meet with your honour's approbation there is nothing would give me greater consolation than to have all my family together. And Mr. SMITH and as many of the men as I have yet seen which is the greatest part of the number that is going seemed very happy that I should join them as being in the country befor and both myself and family is in perfect health. And William RENSHAW one of Mr. SMITH's company has met with a misfortune of a kick of a horse in the stomach which caused him to decline going. And the greatest part of them wishing me to go as the know my abilities. And in make myself as useful in the line of aggriculture as most men and will depossit my passage money as soon as I receive your honour's favourable answer.
Direct for Daniel FLINN
No. 28 John St.
Ancoats lane
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 248
I do hereby certify that Daniel FLINN is a stout healthful able bodied man.
Lawrence FIGAN
Flour Dealer
No.4 Swan St, New Cross
As witness my hand Dr. WILSON
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