COOPER, Robert Bransby, MP for Gloucester, re Samuel BRADSHAW's Party, 1820 Settlers
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 221
Matson Hose
Aug 18th 1819
Having received applications from different quarters respecting the assistance to be granted by His Majesty's Government to settlers in the proposed Colony near the Cape of Good Hope, I have to request you would have the goodness at your leisure to furnish me with such information on the subject as your official knowledge will enable you to communicate, both for my own satisfaction & those who have made enquiries of me.
I have seen statements in the papers but do not know how far I may relay upon them. I wish particularly to be informed whether any appointments will be made His Majesty's Ministers of Chaplains, Surgeons, Surveyors &c. The foundation of a new Colony in another quarter of the Globe seems at least to be a favourite theme of speculation at the present day.
I have likewise to state & to request you to lay before my Lord BATHURST, an application I have received from one of my constituents, resident in St.Anne's Jamaica, of the name of Thomas ASHMEAD to use my interest to get him appointed one of the Collectors of the Customs in the island, there being now [obscured] by recent deaths, one in Montego Bay & the other at Falmouth in Trelawney..
I am sorry to have occasion to trouble you at a time when you must be seeking relaxation from the pressure of business but I hope the object I have in view will plead my excuse and I beg leave to subscribe myself
Your faithful obedient servant
R. Bransby COOPER
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 247
Matson House
Near Gloucester
August 26th 1819
Dear Sir,
I have to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter of the 23rd inst & your intended information relative to the Colony at the Cape, but owing to some mistake the printed letter or copies of those letters were not enclosed in your envelope.
I am much obliged to you for transferring my request relative to the appointment in Jamaica to the Treasury & have the honour to remain dear Sir
Your faithful obedient servant
R. Bransby COOPER
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 444
Matson House
Near Gloucester
Oct 19th 1819
Dear Sir,
Will you allow me to state the case of some poor Families in my neighbourhood who are desirous of going out as settlers to the Cape of Good Hope, and a permission for whose passage in the ensuing months I am very desirous to obtain.
They belong to the Parish of Cam in this County & are either Weavers or Labourers. They wish to avail themselves under the Regulations prescribed by Government of the assistance of the Parish Officer in addition to the sums which each Head of a family has been able to raise out of his own savings.
They have agreed to go out under the care of one Samuel BRADSHAW of the same Parish & will be ten families including the superintendents and a few supernumerary children. They are ready to comply with all the forms prescribed in the printed paper of directions & have applied for leave by letter to the Secretary of State some time ago.
They had been given to understand that there was no doubt of their success in the application and most of them have sold all their goods and chattels & one man in particular has had his Pension transferred to the Cape on assurance of a speedy voyage.
They were therefore most dismayed & disappointed at receiving a letter from your office lately announcing that no more persons would be allowed to go out this season. They will be thrown truly on the Parish for support, being destitute of everything but the sums which they had scraped together to advance for their intended conveyance to the Cape.
I can give you the names of the Heads of the Families with the respective ages of themselves & their children and I do hope from the hardship of the circumstances in case of refusal that they will be allowed to proceed, if possible in November next.
Will you have the goodness to favour me with a speedy answer which I trust will be consonant to my wishes if at all compatible with the views of Government & believe me to be dear Sir
Your obedient and faithful humble servant
R. Bransby COOPER
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 463
Matson House
Oct 27th 1819
Mr. COOPER returns compliments to Mr. GOULBURN and has enclosed the Returns of the Persons proposing to go out to the Cape from Cam & the neighbouring Parishes in the County of Gloucester which he has made out himself from communication with the Person selected by the Parish of Cam to take charge of the Party. He is prepared with the money necessary to be deposited.
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 499
Matson House
Nov 10th 1819
Dear Sir,
I have to inform you on the part of the superintendent and families in this neighbourhood for whom I applied to procure a passage for them as settlers to the Cape of Good Hope that upon application to the officers of one of the Parishes which had engaged to send out part of its redundant population with Samuel BRADSHAW they refused to advance the money required to be deposited & therefore those Parties will be precluded from going.
This circumstance & others noticed below will make the following alteration in the Lists which I sent up to you on the 27th ult.
To be struck out:
Richard BRADSHAW wife & 6 ch'n, 2 above & 2 under 14
Samuel MALPASS wife & 4 ch'n under 14 – Has engaged in the Veteran Battalion
Thomas COOK aged 23 disabled
James WALL wife & 3 ch'n under 14
Samuel WALL aged 20
William WALL aged 18
Joseph WATTS wife & 3 ch'n under 14
Joseph WATTS aged 19
George WATTS wife & 4 ch'n, 1 above 14
Isaac SMITH Dead – wife & 3 ch'n remain at home
If I have calculated right this deficiency will make a deduction of 145£ out of 315£ leaving a Balance of 170£ but BRADSHAW wishes to take out with him in addition
Wm NEWTH Labourer age 40 wife Sarah age 30 Ch'n Wm 13, Benj. 3, Thos. 1
Deposit Money 15£
Richard CARTER Labourer 36 Elizabeth 36 Thomas 13 John 11
Deposit Money 10£
The money required for these families and persons appears to be
which has already been deposited in a Banker's Hands to be transferred to the acc't of Wm HILL Esq.
But as such an alteration & the delay it has occasioned must make a corresponding change in the provision for the voyage. It is my duty to communicate the circumstances to you though with an earnest desire that the [par]ty who have finally fixed to go & have made their deposit accordingly may be furnished with a passage in the first ships.
I remain dear Sir your most obliged and faithful humble servant
R. Bransby COOPER
PS I observe in the calculation sent down from your Department that every single extra child under 14 must be reckoned at 5£ instead of £2:10 as I had imagined they were to be by the printed regulations.
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