MAYNARD, Levi - Extra Data
(member of SEPHTON's Party)
Death Notice (Cape Archives) says he was born ca 1775 in Kempston, near Bedford
Pallot's Marriage Index
Levi MAYNARD of St.Neots, Hunts married Sarah MORTIMER in Stevington, Bedfordshire in 1797
National Archives, Kew, London
James Mortimer, the son of Levi and Sarah MAYNARD, was born 8 April 1800 in the parish of Eaton Ford in the County of Bedford, baptised and registered this 30th day of June 1818 in City Road Wesleyan Chapel, St.Luke's, London
Death Notice (Cape Archives) for son Joseph suggests he was born ca 1802
No record for daughter Leah found
Death Notice (Cape Archives) for daughter Mary Ann Elizabeth suggests she was born in London ca Christmas Day 1808
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