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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Additonal Information

This is pre 1820 information mainly taken from actual images of UK parish registers and other primary sources which I have personally researched. Further information about the settlers and their families once they reached the Cape can be found at

Sue Mackay

COLLING, Thomas - Extra Data


(member of SEPHTON's Party)


London Metropolitan Archives:


Thomas, son of Robert and Sarah COLLING of Christopher's Alley baptised 3 March 1771 in St.Leonard's, Shoreditch (born 13 February 1771)


Thomas COLLING, bachelor, married Sarah BAILEY, spinster, on 13 February 1791 in St.Luke's, Finsbury

Both signed their names.

Witnesses: Wm HARRIS and E DOBSON.


Second marriage:

Thomas COLLING, widower, married Elizabeth RANDALL, spinster, of St.Catherine's by the Tower, London, by Licence on 25 April 1815 in St.John's, Wapping.

Both signed their names.

Witnesses: James RANDALL and William SMITH


Children of Thomas and Sarah baptised in St.Luke's, Old Street

Mary baptised 8 December 1791 (born 9 November)

Robert baptised 21 August 1793 (born 10 July)

Thomas baptised 13 September 1795 (born 16 August) –died in infancy

John baptised 13 November 1796 (born 15 October)

Sarah baptised 15 July 1798 (born 19 June)

Thomas baptised 23 February 1800 (born 29 January)

James baptised 16 June 1802 (born 17 March)

William baptised 14 December 1803 (born 16 November)

Ann baptised 18 December 1805 (born 20 November)


Children of Thomas and Elizabeth baptised in St.John's, Wapping.

Joseph baptised 20 March 1816 (born 19 February) Father's occupation: Timber Dealer.

Elizabeth baptised 7 May 1817 (born 25 February) Father's occupation: Timber Dealer

Charlotte baptised 24 March 1819 (born 4 January) Father's occupation: Wharfinger


Freedom of the City of London Admission Registers (Held at LMA):

Document dated 7 November 1792 (with note Born 1771)

Thomas COLLING, son of Robert COLLING, Citizen and Leatherseller of London, came before the Chamberlain the day and year aforesaid and desired to be admitted into the Freedom of this City by Patrimony, in the said Compnay of [Leathersellers] because he is legitimate and was born after the Admission of his Father into the said Freedom.


This indenture witnesseth that Robert COLLING, son of Thomas COLLING late of Newcastle upon Tyne, Barber, deceased, doth put himself Apprentice to John DANSON, Citizen and Leatherseller of London, to learn his Art and with him (after the Manner of an Apprentice) to serve from the day of the date hereof unto the full End and Term of seven years from thence next following, to be fully compleat and ended. During which term the said Apprentice his said Master faithfully shall serve, his Secrets keep, his lawful Commands every where gladly do. He shall do no Damage to his said Master, nor see it to be done of others, but that he, to his Power, shall let or forthwith give Warning to his Master of the same. He shall not waste the goods of his said Master, nor lend them unlawfully to any. He shall not commit Fornication, nor contract Matrimony within the said Term. he shall not play at Cards, Dice, Tables or any other unlawful Games, whereby his said master may have any Loss. With his own Goods or others, during the said Term, without Licence from his said Master, he shall neither buy nor sell. He shall not haunt Taverns, nor Play-houses, nor absent himself from his said master's Service Day or Night unlawfully; but in all Things, as a faithful Apprentice, he shall behave himself towards his said Master, and all his, during the said Term. An the said Master the said Apprentice in the same Art and Mystery which he useth, by the best Means that he can, shall teach and instruct, or cause to be taught and instructed, finding unto his said Apprentice Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and all other Necessaries, according to the Custom of London, during the said Term. And for the true Performance of all and every the said Covenants and Agreements, either of the said Parties bindeth himself to the other by these Presents. In witness whereof the Parties above-named to these Indentures interchangeably have put their Hands and Seals, the thirtieth day of November in the thirtieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second of Great Britain France and Ireland, King,  Defender of the Faith, AD 1756.

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