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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

GREATHEAD, James Henry, 1820

National Archives, Kew, CO48/52, 356

Kennersley Castle

Jan'y 9 1820


In consequence of only having received a part of my baggage and being obliged to go to [sea] without the remainder of my own and the whole of John HARTELLs I trust you will be pleased to forward the remainder by the next vessel to the Cape and I also trust you will consider the enormous expence that I shall be obliged to pay which could not be provided on my part. As I only received the order to proceed to Bristol Dec 19th therefore my baggage could not be forwarded till the 31st Dec by the River Cevern [Severn] at which period the whole of the canals as well as the River Cevern were all frozen over so that I was obliged to send them the whole of the way by land carriage which has made a difference of £10 with expence of my baggage and John HARTELLs the same proportions which he also begs you will be pleased to allow him.

You will be pleased to make the annexed alterations in the returns

I have the honor to be Sir

Your ob't serv't


William FIELD is dead

Robert PEPLOW is left behind

[Note from GOULBURN] No objection if he states where his baggage is to be found and what it consists of.


  • Hits: 7183