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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Additonal Information

This is pre 1820 information mainly taken from actual images of UK parish registers and other primary sources which I have personally researched. Further information about the settlers and their families once they reached the Cape can be found at

Sue Mackay

HARTELL, John - Extra Data


(member of GREATHEAD's Party)


See also correspondence of Thomas WARD and William CHESHIRE


The correspondence of William CHESHIRE of the Birmingham Workhouse(CO48/42 p404) re Edward GARDNER's Party suggested that John HARTELL should lead a party in his own right. The remarks at the foot of John HARTELL's list in this correspondence say: "The father of this family & head of the whole party is also a very experienced varnish maker & thinks his selection of gums suitable for that purpose may be advantageously availed of by exporters to the Mother Country."


Birmingham Library


John HARTELL of this parish married Nancy JARVIS of the parish of Wolverhampton by Licence on 29 November 1777 in St.Martin, Birmingham

Both signed

Witnesses: William JORDAN and Wm. FRISBY 


Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Archive Service


West, son of John and Nancy HARTELL, baptised 8 March 1779 in St.Peter, Wolverhampton


Birmingham Library


John HARTELL widower married Elizabeth DOWELL widow by licence on 22 July 1780 in St.Martin, Birmingham

Both signed

Witnesses: Samuel MOULD and Mary MOULD


Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Archive Service


Marriage Licence
At Birmingham on the 22nd July 1780 before the Rev'd Will'm JABET, Clerk Surrogate
On which day appeared personally John HARTELL of the Parish of St.Martin in Birmingham in the County of Warwick and Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, Japanner, and being sworn on the holy Evangelists made oath as follows (to wit) that he is of the age of twenty one years and upwards, and a Widower, and intends to marry Elizabeth DOWELL of the Parish of St.Martin in Birmingham in the County of Warwick and Diocese aforesaid, Widow, aged twenty one years and upwards: not knowing or believing any lawful let or impediment by reason of any precontract, consanguinity, affinity, or any other lawful cause whatsoever, to hinder the said intended marriage: wherefore he prayed a licence to be granted to him to solemnise the said marriage in the parish church of St.Martin in Birmingham aforesaid, in which said parish of St.Martin he the said John HARTELL also made oath that she the said Elizabeth DOWELL hath had her usual abode for the space of four weeks last past.
John HARTELL (signed)
[Second page has a similar agreement signed between John HARTELL, Japanner, and Samuel MOULD, Button Maker, concerning the marriage of John HARTELL and Elizabeth DOWELL, Widow. Samuel MOULD was probably Elizabeth's father]

Elizabeth HARTELL buried 16 August 1812 in St.Martin, Birmingham


John HARTELL was living at Priestfields near Bilston by 1789 (see reference to insurance for John HARTELL, boxmaker and japanner, here)


Google Books: Staffordshire General and Commercial Directory 1818


HARTELL, John, Japanner and Varnish Maker, Priestfields


Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Archive Service


Joseph son of John and Mary HARTILL, Priestfields, Bilston, Japanner baptised February 21st 1819 in St.Leonard's, Bilston

George son of John and Mary HARTILL, Priestfields, Bilston, Japanner baptised February 21st 1819 in St.Leonard's, Bilston

[In the Settler Return George appears aged aged 2 and Joseph as 9 months]


Marriage of John HARTELL to Mary and the baptism of the two older children not found in Bilston. I am indebted to Dorothea Rowse for the information that John and Emma may have been the children of Mary OWEN


Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Archive Service


OWEN, John, illegitimate son of Mary baptised 25 May 1806 in St.Leonard's, Bilston

Emma, daughter of Thomas and Mary OWEN, Collier, Bilston, baptised 7 February 1813 in St.Leonard's, Bilston


London Metropolitan Archives


Banns of Marriage between John HARTILL, widower, and Mary OWEN, widow, both of this parish, were published on 10, 17 and 24 October 1819 in St.Luke's, Islington



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