ADCOCK, R.H. (brother of Christopher ADCOCK), 1825
National Archives, Kew, CO48/74, 7
No.21 Old Compton Street
30th November 1825
Hon'ble Sir,
My brother Christopher ADCOCK went to the Cape of Good Hope in 1819, but his first intention not succeeding he was driven to try his trade of a tallow chandler, and his conduct gaining him the approbation of the officers and authorities of the district in which he was located he was induced to memoralize Lord Charles SOMERSET for his recommendation to Earl BATHURST for His Majesty's Government to provide conveyance for any utensils his friends in England might send him. This his Lordship was kind enough to accede (as you will find by the inclosed document) but at that time we had not the means to [second?] the liberality of his Lordship and I heard nothing further untill this month when my brother informs me he is still in great difficulties for want of utensils; and could supply the colony (in and near Graham's Town) with the necessary article candles if his friends could assist him. They are willing to subscribe for that purpose to purchase articles according to the inclosed list and humbly pray His Majesty's Government to forward such things as originally granted by Earl BATHURST; and it will confer a lasting obligation on them and your humble devoted servant
List of utensils for C. ADCOCK, a settler at the Cape of Good Hope
A melting copper and iron works
Box press and requisites thereto
Mould candle frames with apparatus belonging to them
Dipping Mould, Rods, Blocks
Beams, Weights &c
Cotton for Candles
Sundry small utensils necessary to fit up the manufactory
[To Mr. ADCOCK No.71 Wardour Street, Soho]
Navy Office
15 December 1820
In consequence of a letter from Earl BATHURST of the 13th instant directing that conveyance may be provided to the Cape of Good Hope for certain articles which Mr. ADCOCK, a settler in that colony, has petitioned His Majesty's Government to forward to him in order to enable him to carry on his trade, I am commanded by the Commissioners of the Navy to desire to be furnished with an account of these articles and their tonnage.
I am Sir your humble servant
Downing Street
13th December 1820
Mr. GOULBURN is directed by Earl BATHURST to acquaint Mr. ADCOCK that the Commissioners of the Navy have been directed to convey to the Cape of Good Hope certain articles necessary to enable Mr. ADCOCK's brother to carry on his trade in that colony.
National Archives, Kew, CO48/74, 14
21 Old Compton Street
8th December 1825
Hon'ble Sir,
After some inquiry as to the bulk and weight of the articles which the friends of my brother propose sending to him to Graham's Town, I find they will not exceed five tons tonnage or about one ton actual weight. Should this meet the approbation of Earl BATHURST it will confer a great obligation on them and I have most sincerely to thank you for your kind attention.
Remaining your obliged humble servant
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