ADDISON, Richard re Timothy WILSON, 1830
National Archives, Kew, CO48/137, 192
Verulam Buildings
Gray's Inn
13 Feb'y 1830
I trust you will excuse the liberty I take in thus addressing you for information as to a family some time back settled at the Cape of Good Hope, it being required to clear up a Title to some Estates in the North of England.
A Mr. Timothy WILSON, formerly of Truro in Cornwall, left the country many years ago & settled at the Cape of Good Hope where he married a Dutch Lady of the name of DE WITT who had four children by a former marriage, but it is believed that there was no issue of the marriage with Mr. WILSON; & Timothy WILSON it is understood died about 6 or 7 years ago.
The information desired is whether Timothy WILSON is dead and whether he had any children by Mrs. DE WITT & if any whether they or any of them are now living & resident at the Cape.
If you can oblige the parties interested by any information on these points they will be very thankful.
I have the honor to be, Sir, your most obed't humble sev't
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