WHITE, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 318
Mary land
7th Aug 1819
My Lord
Seeing it to be the intention of his Majestys Govern't to establish a colony at the Cape of Good Hope I some days since took the liberty of addressing Mr VANSITTART on the subject. I am this day honoured with his reply referring me to your Lordships Department for information on that business.
I am 48 years of age have a wife & 4 children. I have hitherto been very extensively engaged in [corn] trade & farming both of which have brought an irretrievable [gain]. As the habits of my early life [preclude] the possibility of my resorting to manual labour for support & as I can give references of the most reputable nature I take the liberty of asking your Lordship of any situation no matter how humble could be assigned me in this new Colony.
Though I feel I have not sufficient strength of mind to bear up in my native country against the fallen state a great reverse of fortune has brought to me yet I am confident I possess fortitude sufficient to meet any privations I may be exposed to in a foreign land.
Begging your Lordships excuse for the trespassing on your time.
I have the honour to be with much respect My Lord
Your Lordships most obt hle svt
William WHITE
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