WHITE, Thomas Mansell
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 397
9 Mt Pleasant
25 August 1819
My Dear Sir
According to your desire I enclose the Memorial which if not correct you will have the goodness to inform me of.
In an Infant Colony there are I believe various appointments to which from my Education I might be deemed competent & to some one of which I should hope through your kind influence to be appointed. You my dear Sir must be aware how painful it must be to my feelings to leave my native Country, and that nothing could induce me to do so did any thing however small offer at home. I beg you will accept my sincere thanks for your assurance that you will aid my Memorial with your support, and although I have no doubt of the result yet should be anxious to hear from you.
I am my dear Sir
Very sincerely yours
Thomas Mansell WHITE
[Note from GOULBURN]
Acquaint him that Sir B. [BLOMFIELD] has submitted to Lord B a memorial on his behalf on the subject of emigration. That Lord B has directed me in reply to forward to him a copy of the conditions under which alone encouragement is given & that any proposition which he may make in consequence will receive due consideration. With respect to any appointment Lord B cannot hold out any hopes of a compliance with his request.
[Enclosed Memorial]
To the Right Honorable and Honorable The Earl of Bathurst, His Majesties Minister for the Colonial Department
The Humble Memorial of Thomas Mansell WHITE
That your Memorialist was brought up in a state of affluence and with great expectations, but owing to an informality in his Fathers Will was deprived of a very large landed property in the county of Tipperary in Ireland.
That Memorialist received a liberal Education and regularly graduated in Trinity College, Dublin but owing to the fatality before stated was obliged to abandon all thoughts of entering into any of the learned Professions and to accept a situation as a Clerk in the Bank of Ireland.
That Memorialist is of the age of 39 and of Active habits and a good constitution and possesses a competent knowledge of Agriculture - that he has a Wife and Six Children, all Boys, the eldest nine years of Age.
That Memorialist is desirous of availing himself of the encouragement held out by his Majesties Government to Persons disposed to emigrate to the intended new Colony at the Cape of Good Hope and humbly conceives himself qualified to render efficient services towards the formation and completion of that Infant Settlement.
That Memorialist can produce the most satisfactory Testimonials of his Integrity & qualifications & to the truth of all the foregoing Statement.
Memorialist therefore humbly [presumes] to submit his Case to the consideration of his Majesties Government as a person duly qualified for the objects proposed and to seek permission to Emigrate with his Family to the Cape, with such [obscured] of encouragement and aid towards effecting his wish as to his Majesties Government shall appear fit.
And Memorialist will pray
Thomas Mansell WHITE
Dublin, 25th August 1819
No 9 Mount Pleasant
[Notation by Sir B. B.]
Have the goodness to let Mr GOULBURN open the enclosed. The Case is one in which I take great Interest & will feel personally thankful for his support with Lord BATHURST.
B. B.
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