SAUL, Isaac
(see also correspondence of Patrick MAJOR in CO48/44)
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 961
September 24th 1819
My Lord,
Agreeable to your Lordship's of 16th inst are enclosed a detailed statement of the No, Names & Ages of all the Persons &c Patrick MAJOR & I propose to take to His Majesty's Settlement Cape of Good Hope.
Conforming ourselves every way to the terms specified in the Circular Letter upon which HM Government have offered to grant lands in the colony.
We shall lodge £130 at the time of our embarkation to be repaid as mentioned in the said circular or even more if req'd. The Settlers are all of the Established Church, the men all served H Majesty either in Regular Regts or in Yeomanry Corps, all thoroughly understanding the farming business, also bearing the best characters &c
Therefore if approved of would be glad to know by return where to apply for the passage out &c. I would be extreamly obliged if your Lordship would have the goodness to order an answer in as much [speed] as possibly can be done, as I have a multiplicity of business to arrange after the receipt of the answer.
I have the honour to subscribe my Lord
Your Lordship's most obliged & very humble srv't
Isaac SAUL
PS Please to address as before to Isaac SAUL
Co. Wicklow
Name and Description of Person taking out the Settlers
Patrick MAJOR and Isaac SAUL as mentioned &c *
Names of The Settlers |
Profession or Trade |
Age |
Names of the Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Patrick MAJOR * |
Gardener |
30 |
Elizabeth MAJOR |
30 |
Yrs |
Yrs |
Isaac SAUL |
Land Surveyor |
27 |
having three |
having three |
Blacksmith |
30 |
24 |
1st |
9 |
1st |
12 |
Geo. WORTH |
Shoemaker |
30 |
2nd |
3 |
2nd |
11 |
John SAUL |
Weaver |
24 |
Eliza SAUL |
22 |
3rd |
8mo |
3rd |
4 |
Wm. SAUL |
Do. |
20 |
SAUL's one |
14 |
WEBSTER's one |
14 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 1060
Oct 31st 1819
I propose to take out under my protection to the Cape of Good Hope the Ten following able bodied individuals, all of strong and healthy constitutions, and each able to work and all of them understanding the farming business &c &c complying every way to the arrangements pointed out in the circular which I read this day from His Royal Highness the Duke of York and depositing the sum demanded in any office which your Lordship shall be pleased to mention.
Also conforming to such regulations as may be proposed by His Majesty's Government subsequent to our departure or such arrangements as may be made at any given period &c &c
I have the honour to subscribe my name, Rt Hon Sir
Your most obed't & very humble serv't
Isaac SAUL
PS Please order a reply addressed to Isaac SAUL, Rathdrum, Ireland
Person taking out the Settlers:
Isaac SAUL
Land Surveyor
Rathdrum, Ireland
Names of the Settlers |
Age |
Profession or Trade |
Names of the Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Jno. SAUL Sen |
40 |
Farmer |
First |
15 |
First |
14 |
Jno. SAUL Jun |
22 |
Labourer |
Mrs. SAUL |
22 |
Second |
14 |
Second |
14 |
Wm. SAUL |
20 |
Do. |
32 |
Third |
9 |
Third |
17 |
Jas. SAUL |
20 |
Do. |
22 |
Fourth |
4 |
Fourth |
13 |
26 |
Blacksmith |
Mrs. SAUL |
18 |
Fifth |
1 |
Fifth |
12 |
32 |
Labourer |
Mrs. SMITH |
Sixth |
3 |
Sixth |
11 |
24 |
Do. |
Seventh |
1 |
Seventh |
10? |
24 |
Do. |
8th |
4 |
Eighth |
9 |
35 |
Do. |
Ninth |
8 |
29 |
Eleventh |
7 |
12th |
5 |
13th |
1 |
10 |
5 |
8 |
12 |
The above number have all consented to go out under my protection and complying every way to the regulations. I am desirous to know by return whether I would be allowed to carry with me a Plough of the Scotch Plan as I have an elegant one.
I would be very desirous to know what office I shall apply to for the passage out
First family is a man & three children to deposit £20
Second family a man wife & child £15
Third a man £10
Fourth a man £10
Fifth a man wife 3 children £20
Sixth a man wife 6 children £20
7th a man £10
8th a man £10
9th a man wife 2 children £15
10th a man wife 6 children under 14 £10
NB There shall be a great sum more deposited
[Note from GOULBURN in corner] Too late
- Hits: 6676