MAJOR, Patrick
(see also correspondence of Isaac SAUL in CO48/45)
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 504
July 23rd 1819
I beg leave to state that I am an out Pensioner of the Royal Hospital of Kilmainham from his Majesty's 81st Regt. of Foot, who hearing that your Lordship has granted land with passage out and rations &c to Protestant subjects at the Cape of Good Hope near Cape Town, I would willingly become a settler with my family.
Would also lodge £50 if required in any office your Lordship would be pleased to mention till my arrival. Should my request meet your Lordship's aprobation I would be happy to know what time would answer best for a settler to leave Europe and where to apply for passage.
Rt Hon Sir I am your very obed't serv't
Patrick MAJOR
PS an answer will be thankfully acknowledged addressed to Patrick MAJOR Pens'r, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 614
August 22nd 1819
I acknowledge rec't of yours of the 29th ult referring me to the printed circular letter concerning the Cape of G Hope which states the encouragement given by His Majesty's Government for settlers in that colony.
I beg leave to state that I have a wife and six children and that I will advance money as requested in proportion to my s'd family but that I am not able to take out 10 able bodied families.
Therefore should my request met your Lordship's aprobation to grant me leave to become a settler with my family by me lodging in a sum in proportion to my family I shall do it with the greatest thanks.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your obd't humble serv't
Patrick MAJOR
PS I would be happy to know where I should apply for my passage
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 680
Rathdrum, Sept 12th 1819
My Lord,
I beg leave to state that my family consisting of a wife and six children with two young men friend of my own who wish to accompany me and become settlers in His Majesty's settlement Cape of Good Hope. We shall deposit at the time of our embarkation at least eighty pounds to be repaid as pointed out in the circular should it meet your Lordships aprobation to give us the grant of land with a passage out &c.
We shall immediately prepare at the rec't of your Lordships answer an be in readiness to embark on the first of December next.
We are all of the Established Church haveing served his Majesty in the late War. I and one of the young men are Pensioners. We can procure the best Characters if required.
I have the honor to be my Lord
Your Lordships obd't humble serv't
Patrick MAJOR
PS The two young men's names who wishes to become settlers with me is George WORTH and Isaac SAUL. Please to order an answer addressed to Isaac SAUL, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow.
NB We should be glad the encouragement given when in the colony would be stated by return. Also where we should apply for passage. We should also be glad to know if any ten families joining themselves together and advancing as requested in the circular, whether each family or private individual would be allowed his 100 acres to himself. As there are a great many here who would apply only they are in dread the person applying and receiving the grant would hold all and they who would accompany him and even advance their money become slaves to the said person applying.
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 760
Rathdrum, 21st October 1819
My Lord,
I propose to take out to the Cape of Good Hope, complying every way to the proposals in the circular and depositing said sum. Also conforming every way to any regulations which his Majesty's Government may wish to apply.
Patrick MAJOR
Name and Description of the Person taking out the Settlers:
Patrick MAJOR, Farmer, Rathdrum, County Wicklow, Ireland
Names of Settlers |
Age |
Profession or Trade |
Names of Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
32 |
Farmer |
32 |
1st |
9 |
1st |
13 |
32 |
Shoemaker |
Mrs. SAUL |
24 |
2nd |
7 |
2nd |
11 |
I'c SAUL Jun |
26 |
L. Surveyor |
22 |
3rd |
6 |
3rd |
6 |
I's SAUL |
20 |
Farmer |
24 |
4th |
1 |
4th |
14 |
Jno. SAUL |
22 |
Do. |
- SAUL |
22 |
5th |
5 |
Wm. SAUL |
20 |
Labourer |
6th |
4 |
24 |
Blacksmith |
32 |
Farmer |
28 |
Do. |
28 |
Labourer |
10 |
5 |
4 |
6 |
- Hits: 6834