National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 437
[Received 9th August 1819]
Honner Sir,
I have maid Bould to make this Applycation Haveing you are ingageing Men and thare Famaleys for the Cape of good hope Tradesmen or Labour. I have been implyd in the cotton Line but have no objecttion to any imployment To porvide for my Famaley the as A tradesman on yousefull in any Branch as To most yousefull in that country. Your petitioner John QUIN, Aged 33 my Wife Jane aged 36 three children one Ten one Eight the other 3. My Wife is Wery near her lyin in. Should this meet with your honner Apprabation A line addrest to No.15 John Fourman Coopers Court Pratton Row Old Street Will be Duly Attend to
To your Honner most Devoted Humble Servant
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