National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 677/679
49 Cheyne Walk
9th September 1819
Honoured Sir,
Being desirous of going to the Cape of Good Hope and prepared in every respect to conform to the regulations contained in your circular I hope you will have the goodness to take my application into your consideration. I beg leave further to add that I can procure from Persons of the first Distinction the best of Recommendations.
I am Honored Sir
Your most obedient and very humble servant
[letter accompanied by printed flyer for his business]
York House
Straw, Chip, Imperial and Leghorn
Hat Manufacturers and Ladies Boot & Shoe Makers
To Her Royal Highness the Duchess of York,
No. 49, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, near the Church
Impressed with a due sense of obligation and profound respect to the above illustrious Personage for the honour conferred, and to those Ladies who have honoured them with their patronage and support, beg their acceptance of their grateful acknowledgements for the same; and they embrace this opportunity to inform them and the public in general, they have added the LINEN DRAPERY, HABERDASHERY, & HOSIERY BUSINESS to the above, on the same Terms as at FLINT's; at the same time assuring who may be pleased to honour them with their commands they shall be attended to with the strictest punctuality and their orders executed with accuracy and dispatch.
M. and Co. pledge themselves to have the most fashionable shapes; such they trust will not fail to ensure the general approbation of their customers. Under these circumstances M. and Co. trust the Ladies will encourage the Manufactory, if ever so trifling, as they will find that fine Hats and Bonnets will be sold at two shillings profit, commonly charged by other shops seven shillings, and the inferior at one shilling profit, usually charged three.
Also Ladies' Fancy Boots and Shoes of every Description,
Of the best workmanship and materials, equal to bespoke, at two shillings in a pair of boots, and one shilling in a pair of shoes cheaper than any house in London.
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 692
21st September 1819
Hon Sir,
Herewith I have transmitted a list of the Persons names their ages and professions I intend to take out as Settlers to the Cape of Good Hope should it meet your Approbation and am ready to conform to all the Regulations thereunto relating and am Hon Sir
Your most obed't and very humble serv't
Name and Description of the Person taking out the Settlers:
Daniel MULLETT, Straw Hat & Shoe Maker, aged 42
Hannah his wife aged 34
Hannah their daughter 13 years
Ann 11 years
Names of the Settlers |
Profession or Trade |
Age |
Names of the Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Farmer |
35 |
John |
13 |
Jas. GUN |
Farmer |
27 |
Elizabeth |
25 |
Elizabeth |
3 |
Thos. YARROB |
Tailor |
42 |
Harriet |
32 |
John |
7 |
Harriet |
9 |
Tailor |
39 |
Catherine |
35 |
John |
13 |
Catherine |
2 |
Gardener |
20 |
Carpenter |
25 |
Elizabeth |
22 |
Mary |
3 |
Francis WARING |
Farmer |
22 |
Farmer |
38 |
Sarah |
40 |
Sarah/Mary |
13/10 |
Gardener |
40 |
Ann |
38 |
John |
4 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 700
Cheyne Walk, Chelsea
23rd September 1819
My Lord,
Not having received the enclosed recommendation in time to forward to your Lordship with my letter of the 21st instant I have taken the liberty of transmitting the same herewith for your Lordship's perusal.
I am my Lord
Your Lordship's most obedient most devoted and very humble servant
To All Whom It May Concern
We the undersigned beg leave to certify that the bearer of this, Daniel MULLETT, a shopkeeper in Chelsea, wishing to emigrate to the new settlement at the Cape of Good Hope, is a worthy well behaved character and deserving of being employed in any situation of trust, in consequence of which we beg to give him our recommendation as such
Major KELLY Commanding at Tillbury Fort, Gravesend
Captain GORDON
Captain REILLY
- Hits: 7045