MEALIN, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 432
No.16 Palace Street
Wednesday July 21st 1819
My Lord,
Unwilling to intrude on your very valuable time permit me with the deepest respect briefly to solicit your Lordship will condescend to honor me with an answer to the following question.
After a service in the Army of nearly twenty years and in various parts of the globe, I quitted it to settle as a surgeon at Bruxelles, a short time previous to the Battle of Waterloo, on which occasion however my best exertions were not wanting. My plans not realizing hopes I had nourished, and as misfortunes seldom come singly, I find the struggle to maintain (with that respect which they have always been entitled) my family and I am anxious to know my Lord if the plans for colonizing the Cape would embrace any offer I could make.
If your Lordship will be pleased to direct any particulars on this head to be communicated to me I shall feel the deepest sense of gratitude for the condescension & beg to subscribe myself, my Lord
Your Lordship's very respectful & most obed't serv't
William MEALIN
Army Hospital [Corps]
Note from GOULBURN across foot of page:
Not at present aware that it will be in any degree necessary to avail himself of the many offers made by medical persons to proceed to the Cape in an official capacity. No objection known to his proceeding as a common settler.
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