McRAE, John
Filed under S
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 946
Glenshiel Manse
20th Sept 1819
Duncan MACDONEL one of the poor men from this quarter who wishes to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope sits now at my right elbow and assures me that he together with others have agreed to emigrate on the terms in your circular letter. The names follow:
Duncan MACDONEL aged 30 years, his wife Mary McLEOD aged 26, his eldest daughter Catherine 4 years, his son Duncan 3½ years, his youngest son four months
Farquhar MACDONEL 40 years, his wife Barabara 28 years, his eldest son Alex 6 years, his daughter Isabel 3 years, his youngest son John 1 year
John McKAY 35 years, his wife Rebecca 30 years, his eldest daughter Janet 7 years, Mary 5 years, Alex 2½ years, Kate 6 months
Roderick MATHESON 40 years, Ann his wife, his son John 13 years, Mary hus daughter 6 years, Christopher 2½
Farquhar McRAE 21 years
John McRAE 30 years, his wife Isabel 30 years
John McRAE 28 years, his wife Ann 26, his son Alex 5 years, Isabel 2½ years, Donald 1½ years
Farquhar McRAE 26 years, his wife Christian 21 years, a boy Duncan 9 years
Colin McRAE 22 years
Angus CAMPBELL 28 years
I am requested to ask if a single man may be allowed to bring his mother. There is a young man, a [obscured] Pensioner who would be glad to know if he be allowed to go with his two brothers. They earnestly require to be favoured with an answer. I can as a [obscured] certify that all the persons mentioned on the other side are all good moral characters. I have the honor to be, Sir
Your most obed't serv't
John McRAE
Minister of Glenshiel
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