LYNCH, Edward
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 398
40 Charles Street
17 Sept 1819
My Lord,
Having understood that a number of persons are daily making application to your Lordship for passages to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope & presuming that a Surgeon will be required on board the vessel intended to carry them to their place of destination, I take the liberty of offering myself to your Lordship as a candidate for the appointment.
Your Lordship will perceive by the papers which I take the liberty of enclosing that I passed my examination for Principal Surgeon in Sept'r 1812 and I trust that having served nearly three years in his majesty's service will entitle me to a preference. The length of time I have been out of Employment having no half pay to depend on or Relations living capable of affording me the least assistance. I am unavoidably reduced to the greatest distress & under such circumstances it would be an act of humanity in your Lordship to obtain for me any appointment which your Lordship may deem proper.
I have the honor to be your Lordship's most obed't humble servant
Edward LYNCH
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