LUKEY, Joseph
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 324
Near Stratton
Aug 10th 1819
The printed statement relative to the Cape of Good Hope Establishment is not sufficiently explicit to a person living (as I do) 250 miles from Town and who intends going out according to the prescribed rules. The 10 men with or without family, that intend going out with me, want to know whe'r after they get there whe'r they may be considered in a state of dependence upon me or whe'r any advantages will result to them as well as myself, and whe'r I must not possess myself thro the medium of friends of money to commence the operations of farming on so large a scale. If one of your [Lordships] wd be kind enough to ans'r those two queries I should take it is a great favor and am Sir, with respect
Your obedient servant
Joseph LUKEY
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