National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 438
12th Nov 1819
My dear Sir,
When I had the pleasure of calling upon you some time since at Pitchworth I intimated to you that I had a person in view who was desirous of availing himself of the present opportunity offered by Government of emigrating to the Cape.
That person is a Mr. PRESTON, who is the bearer of this. Understanding that the lists are not yet full he & his friends have requested me to give him an introduction to you. In doing so I beg to mention to you that a fund of about £400 has been raised to enable him to provide the proper outfit & that if talents will at all recommend him he can have ample testimonials of possessing them in no ordinary degree.
If you can indulge him with a few minutes conversation he will briefly explain to you his views & if his case should prove one in which you can render him any service consistently with your official situation you will confer a personal favour on me by doing so. Trusting you will pardon the liberty I have taken in trespassing on your time & attention
I remain very respectfully, my dear Sir
Your obed't & hbl Serv't
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