LOCH, James
(see correspondence for Captain GRANT filed under G at CO48/43)
[Transcriber's note: James LOCH was the Sutherland Estate Commissioner, largely responsible for carrying out the Highland Clearances]
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 357
Dunrobin Castle
22 August 1819
My Lord
Captain GRANT an officer of the 78th having received Lord GOWER's permission to communicate with those persons who are to be placed on the coast in the course of the ensuing year, in order to learn from them whether they would be inclined to accompany him to the Cape of Good Hope on terms of the regulations held out by His Majesty's Government. I have taken the liberty of addressing your Lordship to learn whether, in the event of a sufficient number agreeing to accompany him & being approved of, a transport or transports would be sent off this coast to carry them to the place of their destination.
May I beg that your Lordship will direct your answer to be sent to me at Blair Adam as I am about to return to Staffordshire.
I am your Lordship's obedient servant
James LOCH
[note from Henry GOULBURN , under Secretary of State, written across the bottom]
Acquaint Mr.LOCH that if the offer of any considerable number of persons from that part of Scotland should be accepted then there will be no objection to a transport taking them on board at the nearest port compatible with the safety of the vessel.
Near Montrose
30th August 1819
My Lord,
Captain GRANT whom I took the liberty of mentioning to your Lordship as a gentleman who was anxious to be accompanied to the Cape by some of the Sutherland Highlanders wishes to know whether if he were to be accompanied by any of the discharged men of the 93rd receiving pensions from his Majesty's government and of whom there are many on the estate of Sutherland, their pensions would be discontinued. Most of the men have been at the Cape with the 93rd and there services therefore would be of much importance in the formation of an establishment at that place.
I have again to beg your Lordship's pardon for this intrusion and beg that your Lordship's answer may be directed to Trentham
I am your Lordship's most obediently
James LOCH
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 412
106 Great Russell St
1st Oct 1819
I have this morning come to town from Trentham for the purpose of waiting on you along with Captain GRANT to explain how far Lord and Lady STAFFORD are interested in his proposed establishment at the Cape of Good Hope of Sutherland Highlanders. I will call at the Colonial Office at two o'clock.
I am yr obdt sevt
James LOCH
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