HART, William, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 544
July 19th 1819
No. 4 Granby Buildings, New Cut
Lambeth Marsh
My Lord
As it appears that encouragement is given by Government to persons to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope, may I be permitted to enquire of your Lordship, whether as a Half-pay officer, I could obtain a grant of land in, and passage to, that settlement. After its capture in 1795 I served there as a Cornet in the 28th Light Dragoons, mostly in the Interior, during a period of more than two years; and knowing the country well, I would wish to return there.
I beg to observe to your Lordship, that I also served as an officer from the commencement of the war to its close, when, holding the rank of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel I sold out, and afterwards losing a very considerable property by the failure of a person to whom I had entrusted my affairs in my absence from England, I was afterwards reduced to the necessity of accepting the inferior appointment of Cornet - I merely mention this to your Lordship, trusting that from my long services, and my knowledge of the country, I may be made useful there to Government, as also on the passage out.
I have thought it advisable to send the accompanying documents, to shew to your Lordship that General PORTER , whose Regiment I commanded, would recommend me if necessary; Indeed I could have the strongest recommendations from many others of the first Rank and distinction. May I trouble your Lordship to return the documents.
I have the honor to be My Lord most respectfully
Your Lordships very obedient servant
Cornet 1/2 pay Royal Waggon Train
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 580
No. 4 Granby Buildings, New Cut,
Lambeth Marsh
July 26 1819
I had the honor of receiving from you an answer to an application I made to Earl BATHURST for a grant of land at the Cape of Good Hope, a printed letter stating on what terms the grants are to be made - but, as you did not inform me, whether I could have the grant, I should feel much obliged by your having the goodness to speak to his Lordship on the subject - as in case I could , the sooner I could know it the better, in order to make the necessary arrangements to be in readiness by November.
I have the honor to be Sir you very obedient servant
late Br.Lt. Col
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