DWYER, Thomas
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 586
July 20 1819
Honoured Sir,
Thos. DWYER, wife & 2 children, one of 14 years old and the other 2 years is desirous of immigrating to His Majestyes Colonies in the Cape of good hope. He is 28 years of age and his wife about the same and a bricklayer and plasterer by trade but serving his time in the country he is well acquainted with the Farming being continually at it when trade ran short, i would willingly leave this contry for any of his Majestyes settlements owing to the great Stagnation of Trade that i find it totely impossible to soport my little family and keep out of Debt. i am a healthy strong Man and Willing for any kind of labour. If you Honor should require a reference i can gett a very good one as to a honest hard working man i am ready to wait on your Honour for inspection when called for. I now reside at 15 Giles Court Oxford Road.
Thomas DWYER
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