National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 618
27 July 1819
Being desirous of emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope I beg leave most respectfully o state my family consists of viz:
Myself, aged 24 years, Mrs.Lucy DURIEN aged 20 years and an infant Emma Mary DURIEN aged 5 months, Mr. John TAYLOR aged 45 years, Mrs. Mary TAYLOR aged 40, Thomas TAYLOR aged 28 years, in addition to which the following individuals are extremely anxious to join us:
Mr. John OVERTON aged 34 years, Mrs. Mary OVERTON aged 38 years and Elizabeth OVERTON aged 14 years.
I beg leave also to state (should the Gentlemen appointed to conduct this Department accept us) that an early means of departure will be a most essential favor as having no employment in London the means now in our possession will imperceptibly dwindle away should any length of time elapse prior to embarkation.
I am Sir your most obdt hble sevt
c/o Mr. J. SCHMIDT
Ball Court
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