DIXON, John Henry, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 720
8 Mutton Lane
Mile End Road
Aug. 27, 1819
My Lord,
I beg leave to present the undermentioned names in conjunction with my own being desirous of obtaining the grant as specified in the circular agreeable to the terms & conditions as appointed by Government for emigration to the Cape of Good Hope Colony whose testimonials as to character I can vouch for. Should we meet with your approbation it will greatly oblige.
Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
John Henry DIXON
Names, Age, Family, Occupation
John Henry DIXON 32 Six Joiner & cabinet maker
Margaret DIXON 35
Mary DIXON 9
Emma DIXON 6
Eliza DIXON 4
Sarah DIXON 2
Thomas HOBBS 45 Six Smith & [lost in binding]
Mary HOBBS 39
Mary Eliza HOBBS 14
Ann Bath HOBBS 12
Elizabeth Summers HOBBS 4
Henry HOBBS 19 Smith & [lost in binding]
Thomas LAWRENCE 39 Nine Bricklayer
Elizabeth LAWRENCE 39
Elizabeth LAWRENCE 13
Mary Ann LAWRENCE 12
Thomas LAWRENCE 10
Matilda Jane LAWRENCE 8 months
James LAWRENCE 19 Bricklayer
Robert HENMAN 34 Four Carpenter
Mary Ann HENMAN 36
Mary Ann HENMAN 7
Elizabeth HENMAN 2
Henry LATIMER 24 Three Leather [second word lost in binding; could be “dryer”]
Ann LATIMER 2 months
John CLARKE 26 No family Farmer
Seaman KINDRED 25 No family Carpenter
John PATTEN 21 No family Gardner
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 758
8 Mutton Lane
Mile End Road
Sept. 7 1819
My Lord,
The annexed is a correct list of persons with their families whom I wish to take under my direction assuring your Lordship I am ready to comply to all the conditions as contained in the circular not doubting you will convey your early information should we be approved of in order that we may have time to dispose of our property &c. and to provide such things as may be necessary, resting assured that Government will afford that accommodation to the females becoming their situation. The annexed are all stout able bodied men of general good character who with myself will lend every assistance for the good of this Government as well as for ourselves.
I remain your Lordship's most obedient servant
John Henry DIXON
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