BAKER, John Martin
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 381
August 13 1819
I hope you will plese to excuse my troubling you with this letter. I have got six young men beside my self that can pay the som required by Government and a little to spare to stock hour selfs with wat whe shall require and understanding that you was so kind has to send such men have come hunder your nolege that wanted to goe hout on those termes to those people that are not not quite made hup theyr number if any industries young men shold cum and rite to you Sir i hold take it has a great feavour if you please to take the troble to send them to me. Another faver I have to aske if you hold please to be so kind has to inform me wether it is teen [ten] with the representative or teen beside that his permitted to go hout to the Cape in granting my request you will much oblige your greatfull and most obeadient humble servant
John Martin BAKER
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