BAKER, W (1)
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 267
Black Dog
Mile End turnpike
July 28 1819
Seeing several advertisements in the papers respecting persons emigrating to the Cape, and wishing to know what advantages are held out by government I presume to address this letter to you
Requesting you will be so kind as to oblige me with a circular stating the particulars as there are a few young men understanding a perfect knowledge of agriculture desirous of going to that Colony who wish to know whether Government provide passage and provision out and what a single man will have to deposit and what will be required by man and wife. And what part of the Colony settlement will be made and quantity of land will be granted to each man, whether Government will provide the implements necessary for the emigrants at the farm or whether it will be required to take them from England. Your immediate answer to these questions will greatly oblige Sir
Yours respectfully,
- Hits: 5806