BUCKLE, John and Alexander ARCHIBALD
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 648
9 High Street
October 1819
Having a desire to Emigrate and hearing that the number is complete proposed by Government we humbly submit the following Plan to your consideration. That if we at our own expence get conveyed to Southern Africa whether government will give us the grand of Land as allowed to the emigrants and order to the Landrost for the same, if this plan is accepted if you could oblige us by returning an answer as soon as possible that we might make ourselves easy. Or if it should be found acceptable to government we might make preparations for the same. Our Trade is Carpentors and not being so much work as we would wish induces us to Emigrate.
From your most obedient and humble servants
J. BUCKLE married 24
Alexander ARCHIBALD single 34
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