National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 122
No.10 Queen Street
Sep 27th 1819
My Lord,
Being informed that His Majesty's Government have it in contemplation to encourage some of the Half Pay Officers to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope in some situations connected with His Majesty's Government, I beg leave to offer my services in any manner I may be useful having been twenty three years in the service and my character I hope will bear the strictest investigation, with a wife and two children a boy and a girl would I hope ensure me your Lordship's patronage and should I be so fortunate as to be appointed to any situation in your Lordship's gift I shall by the strictest and faithful attention to its duties endeavour to merit the favour and your Lordship's answer will be most gratefully acknowledged by
Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
Lt. Half Pay 63rd Regiment
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