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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

AARON, Alexander

National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 107

Sept 11th 1819

My Lord,

Pardon the liberty of again troubling your Lordship. Sometime since having an inclination of going to New South Wales I wrote to your Lordship when your Lordship was kind enough to answer my letter by stating that Government have declined giving grants or passages, since when I find a settlement is about to be formed at Algoa Bay under your Lordship's direction to which place I should wish to proceed. I stated in my last letter that I am inured to the climate of South Africa as having been in this place 6 years and have the perfect knowledge of the Dutch language which is spoken in and the diferent settlements adjoined to the Cape of Good Hope. Under these circumstances should there be any vacancy at present in that Department I beg to offer myself for any situation which your Lordship may think most proper and have no doubt but could make myself useful in any of those situations to your Lordship's satisfaction having been several years in a respectabil way of business but the sudden transition of trade has caused a change in my affairs wich has caused me to apply to your Lordship. As to character can refer your Lordship to those several Persons of distinction, viz: Visc't TORRINGTON, Rear Admiral of the Royal Navy and the Hon'ble JENKINS, Captain of the R.N, Edmund PALMER Esq, Wm. BAKER Esq, Captains of the Royal Navy and several who commanded in the above capacity as having transacted business as Navy agent and from whom I have documents as to conduct in my possession and I am convinced would also give your Lordship a perfect recommendation. Should there be no vacancy as above alluded to I should be glad to know if your Lordship would allow me to proceed to Algoa Bay with my fammily by dispensing with the ten men as is the present arrangement as its not at present in my power to provide for so many persons as I have above stated that by knowing the nature of the community and climate, the manner and disposition of the Africans and the language used by the natives must be an aquisition to any person either holding a situation or becoming a settler. Should your Lordship please to take this into consideration I would ever be greatful and am My Lord

Your Lordship's most obedient and humble servant at command

Alex'r AARON

At P.RUSSELL Brothers

Opposite the obelisk

Black Friars Road




National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 131

7th October 1819

My Lord,

Having received a circular dated the 18th of September last in answer to my letter of the 11th in which circular I find where the arrangements begin concerning of engaging the ten men. There are lines run between them and as I wrote to your Lordship to allow me to proceed individually I did not comprehend whether these were intended to dispense with the arrangement concerning taking ten man on to allow the object of my application or should that not be the case perhaps your lordship will be kind enough to inform me whether a grant would be allowed me to proceed by taking ten men with me agreeable to the Present Regulation as I have ten men of different trades who are willing to proceed under me. Amongst them there are a young man who is an agricultar machine manufacturer. I have taken the liberty of writing as seeing by the circular that the transport will sail next month in order that I may have timely notice I have no occasion again to state to your lordship that I have been some time in Africa as I mentioned the particulars in my last and to whom I would refer your Lordship as to character should your lordship allow me to proceed immediately on my answer I will furnish your lordship with their names whom I intend of taking out.

I am my lord your obedient and humble servant at command.


At W RUSSELL Brothers opposite obelisk Blackfriars Road

[NB the obelisk is along the River Thames – not far from the Houses of Parliament]

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