FELL, Joseph (re Mrs. ERITH), 1829
National Archives, Kew, CO48/133, 118
No.7 Great St.Helen's
16th December 1829
Hon'ble Sir,
With the utmost respect permit me to apply to your office for the sum of fifty pounds due to me on my arrival in London on the 20th Oct last for Mrs. J. ERITH's passage from the Cape of Good Hope. I should not have troubled you but I have been referred by that Lady to your Office and as I am to sail for New Orleans in a few days I sincerely trust you will take it into consideration as early as possible as I have much need for the amount. I take the liberty of inclosing to you her first bill of exchange and an early answer will much oblidge, most honor'd Sir
Your humble servant
Joseph FELL
Comm'dr Ship Hero
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