BUTLER, Thomas, 1820
Cape Archives CO6138 Volume 2 pp 91-92
Cork, 17th January 1820
Terms of agreement made between Capt Thomas BUTLER and the following ten settlers who are to proceed to the New Settlement about to be made at the Cape of Good Hope under his guidance.
Captain BUTLER has already marched hence from his house in the County of Wicklow to this City a distance of more than 140 miles at a very heavy expence perfectly to their satisfaction.
Capt. BUTLER engages to march them at his own expence from the Place of Landing in Africa to the place of Location. To give each Head of family ten acres of Land to build a House on it to crop it & stock it and to support each Family until the crop comes round, each Individual to do whatever they can to assist said Capt. BUTLER and one another during the time said Capt. BUTLER will have to feed them which will be until the crop comes round. Each head of a Family to give said Capt. BUTLER two hundred days work every year for four years from the time of Location, at the end of four years each Family is at full Liberty to quit the service of said Capt. BUTLER on giving him up what he gave them.
This is signed by all the Heads of Familys in the presence of Mr. John INGRAM, one of the Heads of Party on board this ship, Fanny Transport
2nd May 1820
Capt. County Dublin Militia
In addition to above I have been obliged to buy clothing for them & must also clothe them for the four years.
[The return filed with this in the Cape Archives is the same as the second one listed from the National Archives under BUTLER's Party]
National Archives, Kew, CO48/52, 46
On board the Fanny
Feby 4th 1820
I enclose you the embarkation return of my party. I kept as near to the original return as possible, to keep quite to it was impossible as I had no control over the head of the families and a man might promise this week and decline the next. We expect to sail any tide.
I have the honor to be
Most obed'ly yours
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