FOWLER, Thomas - Extra Data
(member of BUTLER's Party)
Will (Cape Archives) MOOC 7-1-120 Ref 63 (dated 1833) states that his full name was Thomas Alcock FOWLER and that he was a native of Dunlavin, County Wicklow, Ireland. He sailed on the Fanny as a single man, but he was previously married to 'Jean' MADDERS [appears in other records as Jane]. He left his eldest son Richard FOWLER the Dunlavin farms Brewers Hill and Boggy Meadows, and the rest of his property in Dunlavin was to be divided among his sons Richard, William and Thomas and his daughters Hanna and Abigael [sic].
It is presumed that the children from his first marriage remained in Ireland. All his property in South Africa was left to his family by his second wife, Gertrude LAMPBRECHT. The will was registered in the Orphan Chamber on 5th July 1833.
Church of Ireland Baptisms for Dunlavin, County Wicklow
Richard son of Thomas FOWLER and Jane baptised 19 August 1814
William Matthew son of Thomas FOWLER and Jane baptised 14 June 1818 (born 3 June)
Thomas son of Thomas FOWLER and Jane baptised 23 April 1820 (born 7 April)
[note that Thomas was actually born two months after the Fanny sailed from Cork on 12 February 1820]
National Archives, Dublin
'Mrs. FOWLER' appears in the Tithe Applotment Books for Boherboy Townland, Dunlavin in 1825 and 1833 and 'Jane FOWLER' for Freynestown Townland in 1836
Thomas married Geertruyda Elizabeth LAMPRECHT in George, South Africa in 1827. Either his wife Jane died before 1827 and is not the "Mrs. FOWLER" still running the farm in Dunlavin, or Thomas married bigamously.
Information from Peter Woolley in Australia:
National Archives of Ireland
Crossle's genealogical abstracts collection. The Crossle genealogical abstracts were created by Dr Francis Crossle and his son Philip Crossle in the late 19th century. They are a rich genealogical resource for Irish family historians. Notably, they created copies of prerogative court wills from 1620 to 1804, which were destroyed in the fire at the Public Record Office in Dublin in 1922.
Deed 430-255-279344
Marriage settlement dated 13 November 1790 between Richard FOWLER of Prospect Co. Wicklow, gent, of the 1st part, Thomas ALCOCK of the town of Dunlavin Co. Wicklow, gent, and Abigail FOWLER alias ALCOCK, wife of said Richard FOWLER of the 2nd part, John FISHER, eldest son of Edward FISHER of Morganstown Co. Wicklow, Esq, and John HOBSON Junior of Tubber Co. Dublin, Esq, of the 3rd part. Whereby said R.F. [...] therein mentioned released to said J.F. and J.H. that part of the lands of Boherboy commonly called the Boggy Meadow together with Head's and Cathcart's holding of Brewer's Hill, formerly in tenure of Tobias TOOLE, Timothy KELLY and others and containing 43 a(cres) 12 8p as per lease of said lands made by Sir James Stratford TYNTE of Tubber Co. Dublin, Bart., to said R.F. dated 7th April 1782. To hold to said J.F. and J.H. Junior for lives of said John FISHER, of Margaret FISHER his sister, and of said Richard FOWLER, for 61 years at £18 rent, said lands situate in parish of Dunlavin Co. Wicklow. To hold in trust to suffer said Abigail FOWLER to receive thereout an annuity of £18 for life in case she survive said R.F., and after death of said Abigail to revert to the children of said marriage. Witnesses to the marriage settlement and this memorial: Mr. James RYAN of Dublin and Mary ALCOCK, wife of said Thomas ALCOCK. Registered 11 January 1791 by Richard FOWLER.
Deed 671-158-460777
Marriage settlement dated the 20th May 1813 between Thomas FOWLER of Prospect Co. Wicklow, Gent, of 1st part, James DIXON of Rathsallagh Co.Wicklow, gent, and Abigail DIXON alias FOWLER his wife, which Abigail is mother of said Thomas FOWLER and surviving executrix of Richard FOWLER, late of Dunlavin Co.Wicklow of 2nd part, Jane MATHERS spinster, eldest daughter of Wm. MATHERS, late of Milltown Co. Dublin, Gent, deceased of 3rd part; and William COOKE of Griffinstown Co. Wicklow, Esq, and Francis DUNN of Castle-street Dublin, merchant, of 4th part. Reciting a marriage to be between the said Thomas FOWLER and Jane MATHERS....
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