WARNER, Henry - Extra Data
(member of George SMITH's Party)
National Archives, Kew, London
Register of Births at Broad Mead Baptist Chapel in the Parish of Bristol, Somerset RG4 / Piece 3766 / Folio 35
We whose names are hereunto subscribed were present at the birth of Henry WARNER, son of Henry WARNER by Esther his Wife, who was born at their Dwelling House at Mary Port Street in the Parish of St.Peter in the City of Bristol on the 15 March 1782
Jno BRIMBLE, Sarah PARSONS, Midwife
We whose names are hereunto subscribed were present at the birth of Ebenezer, the second son of Henry WARNER by Esther his Wife, who was born at their Dwelling House at Mary Port Street in the Parish of St.Peter in the City of Bristol on the 11 February 1783
Jno BRIMBLE, Mary BAKER, Mary CHAPMAN (X), Sarah PARSONS, Midwife
Register of Burials of the Baptist Burial Ground at Red Cross Street in the Parish of Bristol, Somerset RG4 / Piece 1827 / Folio 79
Henry WARNER of the Parish of St.Paul's, aged 57 years, was interred in the Baptist Burying Ground, Red Cross Street by authority of a Permit dated 29 May 1814.
Somerset Archives and Local Studies
Samuel BLACKER married Elizabeth BROOKMAN by Licence on 7 June 1783 in Midsomer Norton, Somerset.
Both signed
Witnesses: James SELWAY and George TAYLOR
Betty daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth BLACKER baptised 1st May 1784 in Midsomer Norton, Somerset
Bristol Archives
Henry WARNER married Elizabeth BLACKER by banns on 4 February 1804 in Holy Trinity, Westbury on Trym
Both signed
Witnesses: Henry WARNER Sen. and Ebenezer WARNER
National Archives, Kew, London
Register of Births at the Broad Mead Baptist Chapel of Bristol, Somerset RG4 / Piece 2697 / Folio 53
Mary Toye WARNER, the daughter of Henry WARNER and Eliza his Wife (who was the Daughter of Samuel and Eliza BLACKER of Clandown in the Parish of Midsummer Norton) was born in their house at Mary Port Street on the 9 February 1805
Present at the Birth: Mrs. WOODHOUSE, Mrs. JEFFRIES, Mrs. MEALING, Mrs. BROOKMAN, Mr. MAURICE
Bristol Archives
Joseph Cox, son of Henry and Elizabeth WARNER, born 18 October 1806, was baptised 4 January 1807 in St.Mary le Port, Bristol (see also Monumental Inscription)
Joanna Rosina daughter of Henry and Elizabeth WARNER, St.Mary Port Street, Basket Maker, baptised 18 April 1813 in St.Mary le Port, Bristol (born 3 Dec 1812)
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