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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1887 03 March

Thursday 3 March 1887

DIED this morning, the 3rd inst, Frederick Earle COGAN, infant son of R.J. and M.I. COGAN, aged 9 months.

Tuesday 8 March 1887

At the Baptist Church yesterday morning took place the weddings of Mr. R.H. SHERRY, of Grahamstown, and Mr. Frank WALLACE of Collingham, each to a Miss LESTER. The service was performed by the Rev. G.W. CROSS, the brides being given away by their father, Mr. Oliver LESTER. Mr. Ernest SHERRY, brother of one of the bridegrooms, attended as best man, the only bridesmaid being Miss Ada LESTER, a younger sister of the brides. At the end of the ceremony the wedding party drove to the house of the brides’ father, where the wedding breakfast was given, at which many good wishes were expressed for the future of the happy couples, who soon after left town for their honeymoons, the one couple to the Kowie and the other to Beggars Bush.

A case of suicide, as the result of religious melancholy, says the Watchman, is reported from Prince Albert. The victim was a Miss Gesina LE GRANGE, twenty years of age, the daughter of a farmer living near Waterval, about eighteen miles from Prince Albert. The act was committed on a Sunday morning whilst the family were at prayers, Miss LE GRANGE suspending herself from an orange tree in the garden. About eighteen months previously a married daughter of the same family shot herself whilst under the influence of a similar monomania.

We (G.R. Advertiser) are informed that some days ago a shocking accident happened at Jakbalskuilen, the farm of Mrs. F. BAILEY, near Richmond. It seems that her son, about 15 years of age, had spanned in the cart, and mounted the seat, when drawing in the reins one rein was found to be loose at the headstall. As he pulled the other rein to bring the horses to a standstill, the horses began to turn in a circle, and the cart capsized with the result that the poor boy’s thighs were broken high up near the joint. The doctor was sent for but, we are told, could hold out no hope of saving his life. Mrs. BAILEY lost her husband a couple of years ago by lightning.

Through the courtesy of a gentleman in town we (Times of Natal) are enabled to publish the first particulars of a distressing circumstance which occurred at Greytown on Monday. Mr. Frank LAYMAN, the Government supervisor at Greytown, was away on duty at the location, and his wife (formerly Miss HAYDEN) was living in the house alone. On Monday morning a lady called to see her and found her lying by the side of a bath, in a fit. From attendant circumstances it was evident that she had been in that state from an early hour in the morning. The unfortunate lady never recovered consciousness, and died at nine o’clock the same evening, before her husband’s return. There is great suspicion that Mrs. LAYMAN was the subject of maltreatment at the hands of her Kafir servant, who had disappeared, and for whom search is being made.

Thursday 10 March 1887

The Wynberg Times says: There was a very sudden death at Mowbray on Wednesday night last. A man named Edward THOMPSON retired to rest as usual, apparently in his customary health, but as he did not appear at the customary time, someone went to arouse him, when it was discovered that his earthly cares had ended. He died with his pipe in his mouth.

Saturday 12 March 1887

BIRTH at Hodge’s-street, Grahamstown, on the 7th March 1887, the wife of H. LUSTED, De Aar, of a son.

Tuesday 15 March 1887

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 12th inst, the wife of Mr. T.B. VAN DER [RIET] of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday March 13th 1887, William Oliver WEBB, eldest son of William and Susan WEBB, aged 39 years and 4 months.
“A loving father, a dutiful son, a faithful friend.”

It is with regret that we have to chronicle the death of Mr. William Oliver WEBB, eldest son of Mr. William WEBB of this city. The late Mr. WEBB made no pretensions to public life, though for ten years he held the important post of field-cornet, and in which position he rendered very efficient service to the farmers during several epidemics among cattle, and gave universal satisfaction to all with whom his duties brought him in contact. His social life was spotless and blameless, a fact that was testified to by the large concourse of his fellow-townsmen who, this morning, followed his mortal remains to the last resting-place. Upwards of two hundred citizens were present, including the Mayor, and the deceased’s late chief in the service, C.H. HUNTLY Esq, ex-Civil Commissioner for Albany. The pall-bearers were Jos. G. WOOD M.L.A., Henry WOOD J.P., W.A. FLETCHER, D. SAMPSON J.P., J. WEDDERBURN and C.R. GOWIE Esqrs. The cause of death was typhoid fever, accelerated by recent bereavement, caused by the loss of his wife seven months ago; and he leaves four children and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn the loss of a son, whose filial affection was exemplified by a lifetime of self-sacrificing devotion; a father whose chief care was his children’s welfare, and a man who was never known to have an enemy. We tender our sympathies to the bereaved.

Tuesday 22 March 1887

DIED on the 21st inst at Francis-street, Oatlands, Grahamstown, Jessie Ann, infant daughter of William and Jessie YOUNG, aged 4 months and 1 day.
“Not lost but gone before.”

Thursday 24 March 1887

MARRIED at Johannesburg, S.A, Republic, on the 12th February 1887, Thomas P.O. MATHEW to Catherine, second daughter of Joseph CROSS of Suxfold Park, District of Fort Beaufort, South Africa.

A telegram says: Thomas Jefferson McCLELLAND, formerly of Barret’s, lately of the Graskop Gold and Stores Company, shot the Manager, Celdon Xenophon HOBBS, in a quarrel at Lydenburg on the 16th instant. The preliminary examination discloses the fact that there was a tussle and four shots were fired. McCLELLAND is in gaol.

Saturday 26 March 1887

DIED at Grahamstown, March 25th 1887, Ann, widow of the late Mr. John AMM, of Quagga Flats, aged 70 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence, Oatlands, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at half past 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

The Mercury has the following: It is with feelings of deep regret, and sympathy with the parents, that we record the death of the youthful son of the Rev. E. LONES, Wesleyan Minister of this town. From what we can learn the sad particulars are as follows: Yesterday afternoon the little fellow and two companions went fishing in the river below the Imperial mill, and started for home about tea-time. Whilst proceeding home he said he had forgotten his fishing line, and retraced his steps to the bank of the river. Mr. LONES was absent on clerical duty and [arrived] home at about nine o’clock, and found his son absent. Enquiries were made and search instituted, but no tidings of the lost one could be gained, and information was given to the police. The river was dragged, and search renewed, and at length the father picked up his son’s cap on the river bank. Search was kept up, and at about four o’clock this morning the body was brought to the surface. It is supposed that he got on to [obscured] near the river and fell in. The unfortunate little fellow was a bright and promising boy, and we tender our sincere condolence to the parents, who have suffered such sudden loss.

Tuesday 29 March 1887

DIED March 28th 1887, at Wolf’s Craig, Lower Albany, Ellen, the beloved wife of Charles PENNY, aged 65 years [8] months and 10 days, after a long and painful illness borne with Christian fortitude.
“Not dead, but risen to life eternal.”

Thursday 31 March 1887

MARRIED on March 23rd 1887, at Kingston, the residence of the bride’s parents, by the Rev. R.H. Brotherton, assisted by the Rev. E. Gedye, George, third son of Mr. G. KNOTT, of Botha’s Post, District of Fort Beaufort, to Dorothy Louisa Harriet, eldest daughter of Mr. W. COCKCROFT, of Victoria East. No cards.

We (Telegraph) regret to mention that another highly esteemed family here has been plunged into the deepest grief by the death of Mr. Sidney L. GEARD, son of Mr. John GEARD, of Walmer Heights. The deceased, who was only 23 years of age, was a young man of much promise, and his early demise is very generally lamented. We most heartily sympathise with the family in their painful bereavement.

The E.P. Herald contains particulars of the death of Mr. E.L. BROWN, lately connected with the Guardian Assurance and Trust Company. It seems that the deceased escaped from the house during a period of mental obviation, and walked or fell over the precipice of the Fort into the Barken’s Valley below, a fall of about 200 feet in height. The deceased was quite dead when found. He was suffering at the time from an aneurism of the heart, which naturally tended to a fatal termination. We tender our sympathy to the bereaved family and many friends of the deceased.

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