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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1887 04 April

Tuesday 5 April 1887

A telegram reports the following: At Stephanus SCHUTTE’s farm beyond Middelburg, during the temporary absence of the husband, his wife and child were murdered by dish cutting their necks. Kafir women are suspected. [see report of 14 April]

We gather from the G.F. Times that a prospector named DEVOTT, working for a Barberton Syndicate on the Honey Bird Reef, was taken with fever last week, and under the influence of delirium cleared out of the tent in the middle of the night, and was not heard of for some days, until at length a search resulted in the discovery of his dead body in a kloof near by.

Mr. G. SHEFFIELD, junior partner in the firm of T. and G. SHEFFIELD of this city, has gone to Johannesburg (Witwatersrand) in which rising town he intends opening a bookselling and stationery business. We wish success to our late fellow-townsman.

At St. George’s Cathedral yesterday afternoon Mr. C.H. HOPKINSON, late of the Grahamstown Port Alfred Railway Company, was married to Miss Kate E. BELL, second daughter of Mr. Herman C. BELL of this city. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F.H. FISHER, the bride being given away by her father, and she was attended by her sister as bridesmaid, her brother Mr. Robert BELL acting as best man. The bride was tastefully dressed in cream coloured satin, with a wreath and veil. The happy couple left the same evening by mail train for Capetown on their way to England, sailing by the R.M.S. Mexican on Wednesday next. We wish them every happiness.

Thursday 7 April 1887

MARRIED in the Wesleyan Church, Russel Road, Port Elizabeth, on April 5th, by the Rev. T.A.Chalker, the Rev. T. SPARGO to Annie JAMES, eldest daughter of Mr. E. JAMES, 18 River-street, Truro, Cornwall, England.

We regret to hear that a terrible wagon accident has occurred at Penhoek. It seems that while Mr. BARNES’ wagon was making its way up the steep hill, by some accident or other it capsized, and before Mr. Thomas NEVILLE and Mr. Edward LEWIS, who were inside, could get out, it rolled over the giddy precipice at the side. The two unfortunate occupants of the wagon were killed at once by the fall.

Tuesday 12 April 1887

We are sorry to learn, from a private letter just handed to us, that Mr. C.H. DINGLE, who for some years past has carried on business as a draper in Du Toit’s Pan Road, Kimberley, committed suicide on the 8th inst by cutting his throat with a razor. The habit of the deceased had not of late been temperate.

Thursday 14 April 1887

MARRIED at Shrewsbury Church by the Rev. B.J. SHAW, Ambrose George Campbell SHAW to Mary Ellen LOCKE, second daughter of Mr. George LOCKE, of Maitlands, District of Peddie.

At 4 o’clock on Saturday, says the D.F. Advertiser, an accident occurred in the open workings of the Kimberley Mine, whereby a white man named VILJOEN lost his life. Whilst engaged in the open workings a subsidence of roof took place, carrying the unfortunate man in its descent and completely covering him from view. As the subsidence was very sudden there was little or no chance of escape. Deceased was about middle age, and leaves a widow and family to mourn his loss. The body has not yet been recovered.

At the George Circuit Court Cornelius TERBLANS, charged with murdering Jacobus JANTJES, of Uniondale, was sentenced to death.

Last Wednesday we learnt from Mr. H. BARRETT that a brutal murder had been committed last Friday on the other side of Middelburg. It appears that Mr. Stephanus SCHUTTE, who lives on the first farm the other side of Middelburg, where the Barberton coach changes horses, had ridden over to his father’s place, not far from his own. He had left his wife and child at home with four Kafir women on the farm. On his return he found one of the Kafir women at the house and asked her where her mistress was. The woman said she did not know. Mr. SCHUTTE then went into the garden to look for his wife. He first came across the “kappie” of his child, and on searching further he also found that of his wife. On searching further still he found the body of his child in the mud with its neck broken. Truly a terrible discovery for a father; but something more harrowing was yet in store for him. He soon found his wife insensible in a mud-hole, her neck also wrung, but not so effectually as that of her child. The woman had evidently been put in the mud to smother her; but as the vital spark had not been completely extinguished, the unfortunate woman had, in her death struggles, turned her head on to a grass knoll, and thus her horrified husband found her, still breathing but insensible. We wired to our correspondent at Middelburg for particulars, and received from him last night the following reply:
“Stephanus SCHUTTE’s wife has had her neck wrung by Kafirs; but is still alive. All hopes for her recovery. Her child has, however, been murdered. All particulars by post.”
While Mr. SCHUTTE was looking for his wife and child, the Kafir woman disappeared. The other three had made themselves scarce before his return. There is a suspicion that the horrible deed was committed by these four Kafir women, and we hear that the one found at the house by Mr. SCHUTTE has been arrested. The mystery of this awful tragedy stands a chance therefore to be cleared up, particularly if Mrs. SCHUTTE should recover, and the guilty fiends may yet receive the punishment they so richly deserve.

Saturday 16 April 1887

BARBER-HUGHES. On the 14th inst at Du Toit’s Pan Diamond Fields, Capt. Charles W. BARBER to [Jane], widow of William HUGHES Esq, late of Grahamstown.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 15th inst, Mrs. POWELL, the relict of Mr. J.E. POWELL, aged 66 years.

DIED at Grahamstown on April 9th 1887, William MEATS, in the 64th year of his age, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian resignation.

We regret having to announce the death which occurred yesterday in Grahamstown after a long illness of Mrs. Jane POWELL, widow of the late Mr. James POWELL, who was a son of a former town treasurer of that name. The deceased lady was a sister of Mr. Geo. WOOD Jun, and of the late Mr. J.C. HOOLE. We tender our sympathy to her bereaved family. The funeral is announced to take place at 4 o’clock today.

Mrs. ROBERTS of Oak Terrace attains her 91st year today, and, we are glad to learn, is in fair health. Mrs. ROBERTS, according to the rules laid down by the Jubilee Committee in 1870, is the only surviving Settler in Grahamstown. Mrs PEEL, the only other survivor, we believe, is resident in Clumber. Today is also the birthday of the Hon. S. CAWOOD, who attains his 77th birthday. We wish him still many years of health and vigour.

[Transcriber’s Note: The Mrs. ROBERTS mentioned here is Maria ROBERTS, nee WOOLCOT(T)The Mrs. PEEL mentioned is  Mary PEEL nee MIDGLEY]

A somewhat sudden death, says the Kokstad Advertiser, occurred at Fort Donald Camp on Tuesday. Pte. F. CONINGSBY had been ill for some time from a complication of internal disorders, and on Monday Mr. STILES’ trap was sent out to Fort Donald to bring him in for treatment at the hospital, but he was found too ill to be moved, and before the trap returned to Kokstad he was dead. A good deal of feeling is expressed by members of the C.M.R. that Dr. McCREA did not go out to Fort Donald to see the patient, but there can be no doubt that Dr. McCREA supposed the deceased could be better cared for at the hospital here and ordered him to be brought in, not knowing he was so near his end. The dying man was attended by an Acting Hospital Sergeant who has only been studying medicine for some 12 months past.

Tuesday 19 April 1887

DIED in London on the 17th March, Thomas Stringer WILLIAMSON, eldest son of the late Dr. WILLIAMSON, of Grahamstown, aged 22.

The G.F. Times reports: Some short time since Antoni VIEGAS, who once kept the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Delagoa Bay, and afterwards opened business in Barberton, was struck by a man named KELLY and had his jaw broke. Since then he failed rapidly in health, and was found on Tuesday dead, in the room he occupied at the back of his old premises.

Thursday 21 April 1887

BIRTH on the 19th April at Grahamstown, the wife of H.F. BLAINE, Barrister-at-Law, of a daughter.

MARRIED at Winburg, O.F.S. on the 12th inst by the Rev.[Harrison][obscured], the Rev. W.H. ASPLIN, Wesleyan Minister, to Lydia, second daughter of F.P. [SCHNEHAGE] of Winburg. No cards.
[1?]th April 1887

In memory of the late Father BECKZ, general of the Jesuit Order, a funeral service was held at St.Aidan’s College on Tuesday evening, and a requiem mass was sung on the following morning.

The Wynberg Times announces that the wedding of the amiable daughter of H.E. the Governor, Sir Hercules ROBINSON, with Capt. DAWKINS, will take place on Tuesday 26th inst in St.George’s Cathedral, when the Right Rev the Metropolitan will officiate. The ladies of Capetown and Suburbs are going to present Miss ROBINSON with a very handsome souvenir.

Saturday 23 April 1887

DIED at Grahamstown, April 22nd 1887, Amelia, beloved wife of Charles DUBBER, aged 31 years and 11 months.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence, Cross-street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Tuesday 26 April 1887

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 24th April, the wife of Mr. W. WENTWORTH, of Collingham, of a son.

MARRIED at Nanaga Church on the 20th April 1887, by the Rev. J. Patterson, Charles A. BRERETON, of Kingwilliamstown, to Frances Louisa, youngest daughter of the late Robert NEWCOMBE Jr, of Nanaga, District of Alexandria.

A contemporary says that the preliminary examination in the case of the attempted murder of Mrs. SCHUTTE was proceeded with by the Landdrost at Middelburg on Monday last, but up to this time but little light has been thrown on the occurrence. We are glad to say that Mrs. SCHUTTE is gradually recovering, but she is still unable to give evidence in the case.

Thursday 28 April 1887

BIRTH at Oatlands on the 27th, the wife of Colonel MINTO of a daughter.

DIED suddenly at Doorn Hoek, Cradock District, on the 16th April, Joshua TROLLIP, son of the late Stephen TROLLIP, aged 65 years.

DIED at Grahamstown on Monday the 25th April 1887, Bertha, second daughter of Matthew and Martha Wedderburn HAWKEN, aged 16 years and 10 months.

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