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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1887 02 February

Tuesday 1 February 1887

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday Jan 30 1887, Mary, the beloved wife of John SHAW, of Goldswain-street, in her 73rd year.

DIED in Adelaide, district of Fort Beaufort, on Monday the 24th Jan, Joachim Petrus BROLE, of Leuwe Fontein, district of Bedford, aged 63 years.
Adelaide, 29th January 1887
[NAAIRS has surname as BROLER]

Mrs. Mary SHAW, wife of Mr.John SHAW, died on Sunday last in the Albany Hospital of congestion of the lungs. Mrs. SHAW, who was very much respected by those who knew her, was in her 73rd year. She had been for many years engaged as nurse, until her health failed. She had been an attached and consistent member of the Methodist Church for about 25 years. We offer our sincere condolence to Mr. SHAW on this severe bereavement.

A white man whose name we (D.F. Advertiser) learned to be Wm. ROBERTSON, fell down in North Circular Road, a little past 12 o’clock yesterday afternoon. A crowd soon gathered round the apparently dying man, and Dr. PALMER was sent for. The Doctor was not long in being on the spot, but only to find life extinct. Death is attributed to hear[t] disease.

One of the largest funerals (says the D.F. Advertiser) ever known to have taken place at the West End of Kimberley was to be seen on Thursday afternoon, when over 120 miners and mining employers, friends and acquaintances of the late William ROBERTSON, who died suddenly on Wednesday, were present. The large party of mourners assembled at the late residence of deceased in Barkley Road, where a short but very impressive service was engaged in, the Rev. G.A. THEOBOLD, Minister of the Wesley Church, West End, officiating. The interment took place in the New Cemetery.

De Express reports a fatal accident which occurred last week at Collins’ Farm, near Bloemfontein. A young man named MEYER was amusing himself with snapping a revolver, the muzzle of which was pointed at his knee. He knew that one chamber was loaded, but made a miscalculation as to which one it was, and when he came to it the pistol went off, the bullet glancing off the knee-joint into the fleshy part of the calf of the leg. Dr. KRAUSS did not think it advisable to extract the bullet. The seventh day after the accident, lockjaw set in, and the poor young fellow died two days afterwards in great suffering. No number of fatal examples will deter people from playing with fire-arms.

Thursday 3 February 1887

It is with much regret that we have to record the awfully sudden death of Mr. Samuel B. WARD, which occurred yesterday morning in Grahamstown. The deceased had come into town the evening before, from his farm at Round Hill on the Kowie line; and was staying at the house of Mr. BROOKSHAW, his father-in-law. Yesterday he attended the morning market, and afterwards the Stock Fair. Towards midday not feeling well he went to consult Dr. GREATHEAD; and on his way through High Street spoke to several people on business. On arrival at the surgery he was bleeding furiously at the nose and mouth, and before any remedies could be applied he swooned off and died. The deceased leaves a wife and family, to whom we tender our sincere sympathy in their sudden bereavement.

Saturday 5 February 1887

The Watchman reports a sad occurrence which took place at the Barkly Hotel yesterday morning. A visitor named John CONACHER, a trader at Cwencweui, near Clarkebury, burst a blood-vessel and died in half an hour afterwards. The deceased had only come to town the previous day, and intended leaving for home yesterday. He was a native of Perthshire, Scotland.

On the 20th inst (says the Register) a young Dutch boy, aged [13], named Johannes Frederik VENTER, son of Mr. J.A.C. VENTER, of [Lieuwdans], district of [Ma…burg] met with his death in an awfully sudden manner. It seems that he was riding along the road with another and started racing. Just as they dashed through a sluit the horse of the first-named commenced bucking and threw him off, causing him such injuries that he died shortly after.

A determined case of suicide (says the D.F. Advertiser) occurred at Hebron last week. A man named JACOBS, the son of a Dutch digger residing at that Camp, took a walk to the riverside, and there unperceived, attached a stone to his neck, and after entangling himself in a most peculiar fashion with a stirrup-leather, drowned himself. His body was discovered the same day the occurrence took place. The deceased was mentally deranged.

Tuesday 8 February 1887

DIED at Somerset East on Sunday evening, Feb 8th, Samuel Joseph ROBINSON, aged 71 years. The many friends of the deceased will accept of this notice.
He passed away having “a good hope through grace”.

Saturday 12 February 1887

BIRTH at “Brook Villa”, Dobson-street, Uitenhage, on the 8th Feb 1887, the wife of David GREEN of a daughter.

At the High Court, Kimberley, Wednesday Feb 9th, a white man named KING was found guilty of murdering another white man named MURRAY, and was sentenced to death in the usual manner.

The body of a white woman named Selina BULL was found, says the Argus, on Sunday morning alongside a water-course at the wash-place near Mr. FORD’s property. The woman left her home on Saturday evening to chop wood and wash clothes, and was not again seen until she was found. There was a mark of violence on her body, but it is thought that this was caused by a fall. Dr. EATON, of the Somerset Hospital, certified that death was due to apoplexy. The magistrate held an inquest and returned a verdict of death from natural causes.

Tuesday 15 February 1887

A cablegram announces the death of Mrs. Henry WOOD, so well known as the editress of the Argosy, and the gifted authoress of “East Lynne”, “The Channings” and many other popular novels and novelettes.

Saturday 19 February 1887

DIED at his residence, Greathead’s Party, Division of Bathurst, on the 7th Feb 1887, Frederick SPARROW, aged 50 years and 3 months, leaving a large family and numerous friends to mourn their loss. His end was peace. The family beg to thank the friends who assisted them in their sad affliction.

We (P.A. Budget) very much regret to hear of the death, by fever, at Beaconsfield, on the 12th inst, of Mr. Leigh BLUNDELL, fourth son of Mr. H. BLUNDELL, of Bathurst, formerly of this town. Young BLUNDELL appears to have succumbed very speedily to the fever, as his family had a letter from him only a few days ago, when he was as well as usual.

Thursday 24 February 1887

FALLEN ASLEEP, at Zeerust, Marico, Z.A.R. on Sunday 13th Feb 1887, John Edward HUTTON, aged 60 years 4 months and 2 days. The bereaved Widow and Children thank all friends for their kindness and sympathy.

The many friends in Grahamstown of this esteemed Wesleyan Minister will hear with much regret of his decease, which occurred at Lincoln, England, on the 20th January last, after a long and painful illness. Mr. SAWTELL was formerly stationed in Grahamstown, where he was much beloved; but left this Colony for England in 1873, on account of family illness. He was a son-in-law of the late Rev. W.S. DAVIS. We offer our sincere condolence to his friends and connections in this country.

The G.R. Advertiser reports that a shocking death by lightning happened recently at Victoria West. A Mrs. VAN DER VYVER was attending to the kitchen fire when the lightning struck the chimney and killed her on the spot. She left a large family of children.

Saturday 26 February 1887

From a telegram handed to us by Mr. John WEBB, we learn that Mr. George PEACH, the last main survivor of the British Settlers, died last night in the Port Elizabeth Hospital. The deceased, who was in his eighty-seventh year, arrived in the Colony with Lieut. WHITE’s Party in the ship Stentor in 1820. He had followed the occupation of gardening till old age compelled him to give it up, when a comfortable home was provided for him in the house of the late Mrs. UPPLEBY of Port Elizabeth. Shortly before the death of that regretted lady, his increasing infirmity decided him on going to the Port Elizabeth Hospital, where he has remained ever since. We believe we are correct in stating that this is the very last of the long list of names appearing in the roll of the British Settlers of 1820.

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