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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1887 01 January

Thursday 6 January 1887

The death of Mr. John J. IRVINE, which must have occurred at sea, on Sunday last, will be universally regretted throughout South Africa. His decease is stated to have been cancer in the stomach, and was from its nature incurable. Mr. IRVINE stood high amongst our merchant princes and public men, and had attained his great wealth and position by his own exertions. He was among the few really patriotic colonists, who having made money in this country of their adoption have remained here to aid in the development of the resources of South Africa, instead of retiring to the Mother Country. He took a benevolent interest in native affairs, and one of his last acts before starting for England was to write a Border paper urging that consideration should be shown to the Pondos.

Among those who have been summoned by death during the past year are, in so far as regards this Colony, Dr. CLOETE, of Worcester, the Rev. R. TEMPLETON, of Grahamstown, Mr. Francis PORTER, Archdeacon BUTTON, Dr. EBDEN, Mr. R. VAUSE, Sir John MOLTENO, Rev. E. SOLOMON, Mr. R.W.B. GIDDY, Rev. T.W. SFIFT, Captain BAYNTON, Consul-General MYBURGH, and Judge EBDEN. The latter was 77 years old, and died last Wednesday at Claremont. He was M.A, Fellow of Trinity Hall, and for many years (says the Telegraph) the devoted friend of Sir Bartle FRERE.

Saturday 8 January 1887

Estate of the late Mrs. Sarah KINGSLEY, widow of the late Thomas KINGSLEY Esq.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors of this Estate are requested to file their Claims with the Undersigned within six weeks from this date; and all indebted thereto to pay their respective Debts to the Undersigned within the same period.
Executrix Testamentary
Grahamstown, 6th January 1887.

Tuesday 11 January 1887

Mrs. ELSE, a lady of Fort Beaufort, while engaged in some ordinary domestic occupation, wounded one of her hands with a rusty nail. Four days after she was taken to see the doctor, who pronounced her case hopeless, and in less than seven days she died from blood poisoning.

A. WILMOT Esq, late of Port Elizabeth, has taken the house on Settler’s Hill belonging to Mr. COCKCROFT, and intends to make Grahamstown his place of residence. The town will gain thereby a citizen of unusual intelligence and public spirit.

Thursday 13 January 1887

We sincerely sympathise with our fellow townsman, Mr. W. SCHARDT, on the heavy loss sustained by him in the death of his wife, which occurred on Tuesday afternoon after a long and painful illness.

Among the obituary notices in the European Mail the following appears: “Died, on the 6th December, at St. Ann’s Cottage, Great Malvern, the residence of her brother-in-law, Elizabeth, widow of the late Henry Ball RUTHERFOORD, of Green Park, Bath, formerly of the Cape of Good Hope, aged 85.” Henry Ball RUTHERFOORD was, we believe, a partner in the firm of H.B. RUTHERFOORD & Bro, merchants of Grahamstown.

The will and two codicils of Mr. Henry BLAINE, formerly of Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth, has been proved by Mr. Delabere PRITCHETT-BLAINE, his brother, and Colonel George CARDEN, two of the executors, the value of the personal estate amounting to over £115.000. The testator gives £2000 per annum, and his furniture and effects, to his wife, Mrs. Margaret Annie BLAINE; annuities to two married daughters, and legacies to his executors. The residue of such part of his real and personal estate as he has power to dispose of, he leaves upon trust for all his children, except his sons Henry William Lockinge and Robert Stickney, to whom he gives annuities.

The Budget records a case of very sudden death, which occurred at Port Alfred on Saturday evening last. It appears that between seven and eight o’clock Mr. CONNOR, who lives in a small cottage of the East side, left his house in charge of his wife, and was away some ten minutes or quarter of an hour. On his return he found that Mrs. CONNOR was absent, and on going round to the back of his house he was horrified to find her lying on her face in a hole of water, some two feet deep, situated at the corner of the building. He immediately got her out, and Dr. PEARSON and Dr. HALL were in attendance. About an hour was spent in endeavouring to restore animation, but it was of no avail, and it was too evident that death had taken place. As Mrs. CONNOR was subject to fits, and more especially of late, it is supposed that the deceased fell into the hole of water, and suffocation ensued.

Saturday 15 January 1887

DIED at Grahamstown on Tuesday January 11th 1887. at her residence, Thompson-street, Barbara, the beloved wife of W. SCHARDT, aged 66 years, after a long and painful illness. May her ashes rest in peace.

Saturday 22 January 1887

MARRIED on 18th January in Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. R. Matterson, Charles Henry, youngest son of the late J.E. THACKWRAY, of Cradock, to Hannah Margaret, youngest daughter of the late Geo. GOWER, of Cradock. [sic - marriage certificate gives the date as 17th January]

DIED at Doornberg, District of Middelburg, on 5th January 1887, after a long and very painful illness, aged 39 years, Jemima, wife of D.R. TROLLIP and daughter of the late Thomas KING, of Grahamstown, leaving her husband and nine children to mourn her loss. Her end was peace.
The bereaved husband desires to thank those neighbours and friends who rendered such willing and constant assistance during the illness of the deceased.

Thursday 27 January 1887

BIRTH at “Hercules”, District of Peddie, on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr. Thos. WARREN of a son.

FELL ASLEEP on Thursday the 20th inst, at “Hercules”, District of Peddie, the residence of her sister, Mrs. W. Henry STIRK, Mary, the wife of Mr. Thos. WARREN, of “Warrendale”, East London District, aged 46years 8 months. “He giveth His beloved sleep”.

MARRIED at Christ Church, Grahamstown, on January 25th 1887, by the Rev. R.J. Mullins, George Henry FORD, of Oakwell, to Emma Ethel, youngest daughter of the late Colonel C.H. BELL, of Grahamstown.

On Thursday last died William MANDY at his farm in Lushington Valley in 67th year of his age, having been born on board the Nautilus when on her voyage to Algoa Bay, with a party of the British Settlers of 1820. Mr. MANDY had seen active service in several Kafir wars, and had held the position of Commandant of [line obscured]… Robert CURRIE, on his organising the Frontier Armed and Mounted Police, Mr. MANDY was among the first chosen by him to take command of a troop, a post which after some hesitation he eventually accepted. Though for many years past Mr. MANDY has lived a retired life on his farm, there are few people in Lower Albany by whom he was not known and respected.

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