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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1886 12 December

Tuesday 7 December 1886

STARLING-HOWSE Nov 5th, at Onslow Chapel, Kensington, London, by the Rev. J.M. Bagin, Edwin Alfred STARLING M.B. M.Ch. of Tunbridge Wells to Helena Sarah, eldest daughter of the late Nathaniel HOWSE of Witney, Oxon. And Grahamstown, South Africa.

The E.L. Dispatch announces that the remains of a German named WELKE have been discovered in a clump of bush some distance from Potsdam. The body had been partly devoured by animals, and presented a shocking appearance. Deceased started from his home on the 30th of last month with the intention of looking for some lost stock; and having no one to take an interest in him, his protracted absence caused no surprise. WELKE was about 45 years old, and had served in the Franco-Prussian war.

Thursday 9 December 1886

MARRIED on the 6th inst at Beaufort West, from Orange Grove, by the Rev. Thomas D. Rogers, John Robert, second son of R. DICKSON of Rusholm, Manchester to Rebecca Mary ABBOTT LAKER, only daughter of the late William ABBOTT LAKER, of Clunie House, Lewisham, London.

Mr. J.B. EDKINS of this city gives notice of his intended removal to Kimberley, where he intends carrying on his business as Commission Agent.

Tuesday 14 December 1886

BIRTH at West Hill, Grahamstown, December 14th 1886, the wife of A.F.S. MAASDORP, Solicitor General, of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on December 11th 1886, Mrs HIND, born PARKINS, aged 35.

The Funeral of the late Mr. Henry Carter GALPIN will leave his late residence, Bathurst-street, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 8 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

A well-known and public spirited citizen has passed away from among us. Mr. GALPIN, who was in his 67th year, had for some time past been in failing health; but his decease which occurred on Monday morning was somewhat sudden. The immediate cause, we believe, was paralysis. We should offer our sympathy to the bereaved family.

We (Watchman) regret to hear of a fatal accident which occurred at Stal Klip, in the district of St. Mark’s, on Saturday last. It appears that while Corporal PIERS, of the detachment of Cape Police stationed at Cathcart, was attempting to jump a hedge fence, the horse he was riding became unmanageable and threw him. He fell on his head, and was picked up insensible. He died about eight hours afterward. The unfortunate young man was well liked by all his comrades in the force and great sorrow is expressed at his untimely death.

Thursday 16 December 1886

DIED at Grahamstown on the 13th December 1886, Henry Carter GALPIN, aged 66½ years.

Tuesday 28 December 1886

DIED at the Oaks, on the 25th December 1886, Charles HUNTLY, late Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate for the division of Hopetown.

It has been with the feelings of deepest sorrow that the inhabitants of Kingwilliamstown, as well as of Grahamstown, have heard that on Christmas Day of 1886 Mr. Charles HUNTLY passed from this life. Mr. HUNTLY spent the Christmas of 1885 and the New Year of 1886 with us, as he had spent many similar days with us for years previously; and little did we think then that when Christmas of 1886, and New Year of 1887, came round our favourite Charlie HUNTLY – a fine, strong, healthy and attractive young man – would be no more. And although it is our duty to bow submissively to the will of Him who holds our lives in His hands, and to say “Thy will be done”, yet it is hard to think that the future useful career of a dear friend and a model public servant has been cut short by the ruthless hand of death.
Mr. HUNTLY spent many years in this town as Chief Clerk to the Civil Commissioner and as Assistant Resident Magistrate. When at the beginning of the year he received his well-earned promotion as Resident Magistrate of Tulbagh, and was shortly afterwards appointed as the Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of the large and important Division of Hopetown, we all bitterly felt the parting with one who had won the highest esteem and warmest affection of every person in the Town and Division; but while we felt parting with him we rejoiced at his merit and worth being rewarded by the Government he was serving, and we bade him adieu with our best wishes for his future advancement in the service; and we looked forward to the time when, by the exercise and display of the same excellent character and good qualities which he had shown here, he would steadily ascend the ladder of promotion, and ultimately return to us at some future date as our Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate.
Besides his important position as Chief Clerk here, Mr. HUNTLY, as an officer in the service who bore an excellent character and gained the confidence of the Government, was several times appointed by the Government to act as Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of this very important Division, and not only for a few days now and then, but for moths at a time; and the manner in which he discharged the very arduous, responsible and important duties of these appointments not only reflected the highest credit upon himself, but also gave the utmost satisfaction to the Government and to the public. The Government has lost a good and most valuable young officer, and the public a loyal and faithful servant. The many officers he had served under, and all his brother officers, will greatly lament his loss, for no man stood higher in the respect and esteem of the public service than Mr. Charles HUNTLY.
As a public servant Mr. HUNTLY was “a working man”. He was no drone. He never adhered to what young men call nowadays “office hours”. While there was work to be done, with him that work must be done, no matter what the hour was, early or late. His motto was “Duty first and pleasure afterwards”. He was the most industrious, correct and painstaking of clerks. Nothing would tempt him away from his duties; and many a one will remember passing his office even after twelve o’clock at night, and seeing a light in it, on looking in would find him hard at work – while next morning he would be found at his desk before anyone else.
By his gentlemanly demeanour, courteous and kind manner, most gentle disposition, and thorough good temper, he won the respect and esteem of everyone, both white and black. In the discharge of his duties he attended to the requirements of the most ragged, filthy and disreputable old Hottentot prisoner in as kind, gentlemanly and courteous a manner as he would attend to the wants of the richest and most influential merchant who came to his office on business. And the write of this notice, who knew him best and most intimately, never knew Mr. HUNTLY ever to lose his temper, or be impatient, or say an unkind word towards any man, white or coloured, who came to his office on business.
In the social circle Mr. HUNTLY has been greatly missed ever since he left Kingwilliamstown. No other young man has yet been found to take his place, and in that large social circle, where, by his kind, gentle and obliging disposition, and gentlemanly manners, he was always a prominent figure, many a tear will be shed at the thought that we shall see him no more. To him no trouble was too great in devising and making preparations for the innocent amusement and pleasure of others, whether in the ballroom, the tennis court, or picnic parties, and so long as his numerous friends enjoyed themselves he was amply rewarded; he neither wanted nor expected any praise or flattery, as nothing was more repulsive to his gentle and delicate feelings.
Mr. HUNTLY was a good young man in the truest sense of the word. He always had the highest respect for religion; and he was most regular in his attendances at the Divine services of the Church of which he was a member.
Whether as a public servant or as a private individual, Mr. HUNTLY always stood prominently forward, before all others, as a model of what a true gentleman should be. He bore a most irreproachable character; he was strictly steady in his habits; he was the pink of honesty, truthfulness and straightforwardness; he had a most gentle, kind and affectionate disposition, and even temper; in a word, in office and out of office, he was, in the truest sense of the word, a perfect gentleman.
To his sorrowing parents and relatives the inhabitants of the town and division of Kingwilliamstown offer their sincerest and most heartfelt sympathy, and we hope they will find some consolation in the knowledge that their son was held in the highest estimation by everyone, on account of the many excellent qualities which have only been inadequately stated in the foregoing: and we would only say:-
“If thou shouldst call me to resign
What most I prize, it ne’er was mine,
I only yield Thee what is Thine:
Thy will be done.”
To the young men of our country, and more especially to the young men in the Civil Service, we would say “Adopt and follow as your model the pure and unsullied life and character; the kind and gentle disposition; the strict and steady devotion to duty, and the thorough gentlemanly behaviour of good Charlie HUNTLY.

Thursday 30 December 1886

DIED at Annshaw, Middle Drift, on Friday December 24th, Susanna, wife of the Rev. F.J. BARRETT, having given birth to a seventh son. Will friends at a distance please accept this notice.

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