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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1886 11 November

Tuesday 2 November 1886

MARRIED at Grahamstown, November 2nd 1886, by the Rev.R. Matterson, John SCOTT, eldest son of Jas. SCOTT, Tailor and Draper, Haverthwaite, Lancashire, England, to Miss Mary Ann LONG, youngest daughter of Philip LONG, Grahamstown.

It is with great regret that we have to record the sudden death of Mr. John EDKINS, which occurred on Sunday morning. The deceased had not felt well for several days, but believed it to be merely some trifling indisposition. On the morning in question he had breakfasted in his bedroom, after which his wife left him for a few minutes to fetch some warm water, and on her return found him lying dead in his bed, the cause being spasm of the heart. Mr. EDKINS arrived in this Colony with the British Settlers in 1820 and for many years he carried on business in Queenstown, from which he retired in 1861 to settle in this city, which has since been his place of residence. He was twice married, and leaves eight sons and three daughters, several of whom are married. Mr. EDKINS will be remembered as one who led a blameless life, and whose benevolence and kind-heartedness have been known to many in their day of need, as it always gave him pleasure to help the poor or those who were in temporary difficulty. His hospitality was known to a wide circle of friends, and only a few days previous to his death the Rev. Henry VARLEY was his guest during his stay in Grahamstown.
The funeral took place this morning starting from the ate residence of deceased at 9 o’clock to the Baptist cemetery. We tender our sympathy to the widow and family.

Saturday 6 November 1886

The Register writes: We regret to report the death of a shunter, named Alexander HEATH, at the station this morning, through an accident. It appears that he was engaged in shunting and whilst the trucks were in motion, stepped between them, and as he did so his foot caught between the rails. He fell on his back and before the driver of the engine (Robert DRUCE) could stop, two trucks ran over the unfortunate man, severing both his legs and injuring him otherwise mortally. A coroner’s inquest was held by Mr. AYLIFF at the station this morning and the evidence taken, from which it appears that it was purely an accident. We regret to learn that the deceased, who was a sober, capable man, leaves a wife and children totally unprovided for. Surely there ought to be some provision made by Parliament for the families of men killed on duty like this?

Tuesday 9 November 1886

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, on Monday Nov 8th 1886, by the Rev. Burney, Chas. T. PARSONS, second son of the late Wm. PARSONS, to Alice Emma, second surviving daughter of Mr. J. LEVINGS.

DIED March 25th 1886 at 22 Rathmine’s Road, Co. Dublin, Mrs. Catherine AUCHINLECK, of St.Peter’s, Drogheda, widow of the Rev. John AUCHINLECK of Dunboyne Glebe, Co. Meath and Tullycoldrick, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland; aged 83.

A very handsome monumental tomb has just been erected to the memory of the Hon. Robert GODLONTON, in the Wesleyan cemetery, by his widow and family. The design, which was chosen by Mr Durban GODLONTON on his return to England, was wrought in Aberdeen. The monument itself is of polished Aberdeen granite. Next to the base comes a massive die, which bears the inscription:-
Born in London Sept 24th 1794
Died in Grahamstown 30th May 1884
A British Settler of 1820. The recognised Father of the Press of the Eastern Province of the Colony, and for many years a valued member of the Legislative Council of the Cape of Good Hope.
“Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace”
Psalm xxxvii v.37
The four corners of the die are splayed and in each splay is carved in bas relief a flaming torch inverted: this being left unpolished has a cameo-like appearance as of a different variety of stone. Above this is a small die from which the four-square tapering shaft rises, surmounted by a capital, the top of which is thirteen feet from the ground. On this stands a three-quarter size female figure representing “Hope”, beautifully sculptured in white marble. The face is slightly turned upward, and the locks of hair which wave backward from the forehead are surmounted by a small star. The draping of the figure is very graceful, and of the arms, which are partly uncovered, the left one is folded across the breast, while the right one rests on an anchor at her side. Though the height above the ground is rather great, the beauty of the delicately chiselled features may be well seen when the sunlight is not too strong upon the figure.
Though this is a worthy tribute of respect to a father from his children, it might have been expected that the public would also have raised a fitting monument to Robert GODLONTON, whose name is so closely identified with the early history of the Province, and who was the father of its press, and the defender of its interests. That this has not already been done is no doubt owing to the fact that he outlived his own generation, and only in his ninth decade retired from public life to the seclusion of his house.

Thursday 11 November 1886

We regret having to record the death, which occurred yesterday morning, of Mr. peter Frazer GATONBY, whose health had been for some time failing. Mr. GATONBY, who was born in Yorkshire, arrived in Grahamstown 30 years ago, where he has since lived, reaching the good old age of 75. We sincerely sympathise with his family in their loss.

Tuesday 16 November 1886

MATTERSON, November 14th, at the Wesleyan Mission House, Grahamstown, the wife of the Rev. Robert MATTERSON of a son.

Thursday 18 November 1886

MARRIED in Commemoration Church on the 17th November 1886, by the Rev. R. Matterson, Chas. Edward GARDNER, of Kimberley, youngest son of the late Mr. J.S. GARDNER, to Florence E., eldest daughter of Mr. Geo. BAKER, of Grahamstown.

A goodly concourse of spectators assembled yesterday afternoon in Commemoration Church to witness the marriage of Miss Florence Eliza BAKER, daughter of our townsman, Mr. Geo. BAKER, to Mr. Charles Edward GARDNER, son of the late Mr. Jas. GARDNER of Kimberley. The usually impressive service, which was conducted by the Rev R. MATTERSON, was rendered still more beautiful by the assistance of the whole choir, who attended to do honour to Miss BAKER, who has long been a prominent member of that body. The bride, who was tastefully arrayed in orthodox fashion, was supported by five bridesmaids: Miss Gertie BAKER, Miss Amy HARPUR, Miss Laura CHAPMAN, Miss Maude BAKER and Miss Ida ESTMENT; whilst the bridegroom was attended by Mr. Albert KING. As the bridal party proceeded down the aisle after signing the register, the well-known Wedding March was rendered by Mr. B.B. ATTWELL, who, as usual, presided at the organ. The dresses of bride and bridesmaids, which we understand were from the establishment of Mr. J.W. BAYES, cannot be sufficiently admired, and the whole service was one of the most beautiful of that description which has been celebrated here for some time. Later on the happy pair proceeded by the evening train to Capetown, where they propose spending their honeymoon. We wish them all happiness and prosperity. The wedding presents were, we are informed, of an unusually choice description.

The death is announced of the Rev. James WEIR, which occurred at the residence of his son at Kingwilliamstown on Thursday. He had attained the age of eighty-five, and died full of honours as of years. Though remarkably strong and hearty he was not free from the feebleness of body which follows on a lifetime of energetic work, and the end, though sudden, was not altogether unexpected. There was only a brief illness of a quarter of an hour, when the reward he had lived for was placed within his grasp by death’s kindly hand. Who can regret such a quiet close to a useful life? Mr. WEIR has laboured in connection with Lovedale for very many years, and his name will ever be associated with that institution.

A correspondent of the Republican at Mappoch’s Ground wrote on the 9th ult: “On the evening of the 7th, about 8 o’clock, there was a shocking occurrence here. The lightning struck the dwelling of Andries VAN STADE; the house was soon in flames and burned to the ground. The worst of it was a boy, 14 years of age, perished in the flames, his body having been almost wholly consumed.

Saturday 20 November 1886

BIRTH at Francis Street, Oatlands on Nov 20 1886, the wife of Mr. W. [YOUNG] of a daughter.

Tuesday 23 November 1886

I regret to have to remark, says the Lantern, that the behaviour of some of the spectators of the marriage of the Revd. Mr. DEACON to Miss EATON at St.George’s Cathedral on Wednesday morning was even worse than is usual on such occasions. The Bishop of Capetown, who performed the ceremony, had to stop more than once and raise his hand to prevent the people from standing on the pew-seats. A lot of giggling was done by some of the younger ladies present.

It will be remembered that a gentleman under the name of LESLIE visited Queenstown some years ago, says the Free Press. During his visit he paid his addresses to Miss MORLEY, and the result was they were married under the above name. There was some rumour shortly after that LESLIE was an assumed name and that the owner of it was travelling [incog] and was actually a Baronet of the United Kingdom. Such now we believe turns out to be true and Mrs. LESLIE, but in reality Lady HAY, leaves Queenstown on Wednesday next with her two children to join her husband in England. The family have taken passage in the Hawarden Castle.

Thursday 25 November 1886

Yesterday morning there was a large assemblage in the cathedral to witness the wedding of Miss Hester NORTON and Mr. Dennis CLARKE. The Bishop officiated, assisted by the Rev. Canon ESPIN and the Rev. E.M. BURNEY. The service was choral, the organ being played by Mr. WINNY. The hymns sung were “The voice that breathes o’er Eden” and “How welcome was the call”. The bride was given away by her father, Mr. John Ogilvie NORTON, of Middleton, her bridesmaids being Miss Jessie OGILVIE and Miss Minnie NORTON, a younger sister of the bride, Mr. John SPEAR, of Grasslands, acting as best man. The bride was dressed in white satin, with a veil and wreath of orange blossom. Miss OGILVIE wore a coral stripe veiling gown with white straw hat and pink [obscured]. Miss NORTON wore a cream veiling gown and pink sash. The wedding breakfast was given at the Cross, the residence of Mrs. Alfred OGILVIE, from which the happy couple started for Mr. SPEAR’s, Grasslands, to spend the honeymoon.

Saturday 27 November 1886

DIED at Seymour on the 16th inst, John William INGLETHORPE, born at Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, England, aged 54 years 1 month and 24 days. Friends please accept this notice. Home papers please copy.

It is with great regret we have to record the decease of one of our townsmen – Mr. John INGLETHORPE – which took place at his late residence here on Tuesday evening the 16th inst. The illness was very brief and the strike sudden. Deceased was in his usual health and attended divine service on Sunday 14th inst, both morning and evening. On the Monday morning after getting up he complained of indisposition, and was unable to take breakfast. Later in the morning, however, he felt better and went to the store, after which he returned to the house and lay down again. At a quarter past three o’clock on the Monday afternoon a severe attack of haemorrhage occurred, and Dr. LUNEN was immediately called in. Another attack occurred in the evening, leaving the deceased in a very critical condition.
At the mutual wish of Dr. LUNEN and the friends, Dr. LAWRENCE was promptly in attendance. A consultation was held, and everything that the combined skill of these gentlemen could design to ward off the attack was done. On Tuesday morning, however, there was a recurrence of the haemorrhage, and again at noon, after which little hope of recovery was entertained, and after two or three hours of acute pain the deceased passed away at 6:15pm, in the 55th year of his age. It must be a consolation to his friends that members of the family who had been absent were visiting their home for a week or two at this time, and that of a numerous family only one was absent. The deceased retained clear consciousness almost to the last, and whilst fully appreciating the danger was, by the mercy of God, quite ready. That the deceased had passed through unusually severe conflicts with the powers of evil, and that from these conflicts he had not always come out unscathed, must be admitted. That in spite of these conflicts and especially of late, he had earnestly striven to lead a life of devotion to Christ, those who knew him best will be most ready to admit. Throughout the illness there was no fear of death, but calm confidence in the mercy of God. The only regret was concerning the widow and children; and even these were calmly resigned into the Divine keeping. The deceased was one of the oldest inhabitants of Seymour, having settled here in 1862. He took a lively interest in all matters affecting the town, and was a member of the Municipal Council. He had long been connected with the Wesleyan Church, had had various offices therein, and took a deep and lively interest in everything affecting its welfare. The extent to which deceased had become known and respected by all classes was evidenced by the number who, in spite of the short notice, assembled for the funeral on Thursday morning, the 18th inst. The Wesleyan Church and Vestry were crowded, and many had to remain outside. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. T. SPARGO, assisted by the Rev. J. REED Jun, who read the lesson in the church, and by Mr. W. CADWALLADER, who offered prayer at the grave. The pall-bearers were Messrs. John LAING MLC, N.H. SMIT, W.H. BATES, W. CADWALLADER, W.T.L. EWATT, Capt. RORKE, W. GRAHAM and W.H. BERRINGTON. After the numerous relatives followed members of the Municipal Council, members of the Wesleyan Church, the P.U. day-school including children of the Wesleyan Sunday School, and then numerous friends from Seymour, Readsdale, Balfour, Hertzog, Lushington, Chumie and the whole of the surrounding neighbourhood, who had come to pay this last token of respect to one so widely known and esteemed. Our sincerest sympathy is hereby afforded to the bereaved, who will most sadly miss him as an affectionate husband and a loving father.

Tuesday 30 November 1886

Many here who remember this estimable official during his residence amongst us will learn with much regret of his disease [sic - decease?] which occurred a few weeks ago. The Admiral was father-in-law of Captain GIBBS, who was lately a Registrar of the ED. Court.

Excitement, says the Watchman, was caused in the town this morning about six o’clock when it became known that Mr. M. KEEVY (of the firm of KEEVY & Co, Market-square) had shot himself. The particulars of the sad affair show that nothing unusual had been noticed in his behaviour. He rose about five o’clock and went out to the stables and spoke to his native servant who was sleeping there. The native went to the house to fetch some keys; and when he returned he saw his master standing looking at the cart in the shed. A few minutes afterwards the servant on again entering the cart-shed found his master lying on his side. He spoke to him, but receiving no answer thought something was wrong, and informed the household. Soon several people gathered at the place, when it was seen that KEEVY had shot himself through the mouth. He still grasped the revolver by which the deed had been committed in his right hand. On examination it was found that the bullet had lodged in the back of the head, and could be felt with the fingers.

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